Reputation: 1832
I would like to rewrite my shell testing code for my Haskell application to use only Haskell and Cabal. (for portability reasons)
Current testing schema looks like this
make -> binary -> ok or fail
make test -> diff $(binary test-in) test-supposed-out ->
I would like to have something like
cabal build -> binary -> ok or fail
cabal test -> ...testing with test-in and test-supposed-out... ->
What is the easiest way to do this please?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 465
Reputation: 120711
Tasty is a simple and versatile framework in which to run various kinds of tests. (I mostly use it for QuickCheck tests, which – if you haven't yet – I highly recommend to check out as well.)
The particular kind of testing you're asking about is called (at least in Tasty) a golden test. So, for instance if the program you want to test was
module ComplicatedProc where
import System.IO
import System.Environment (getArgs)
complicatedProc :: String -> Handle -> IO ()
complicatedProc input outHandle = do
hPutStr outHandle $ drop 37 input ++ take 46 input
main :: IO ()
main = do
[inpFp] <- getArgs
input <- readFile inpFp
complicatedProc input stdout
then you could change this into a Tasty test test/golden.hs
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Golden
import ComplicatedProc (complicatedProc)
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
complicAlgo_input <- readFile "test-in"
let complicAlgo_outFp = "test-supposed-out"
defaultMain $ testGroup "Tests" -- †
[ goldenVsFile "complicatedAlgo (golden)"
"test-supposed-out" complicAlgo_outFp
( withFile complicAlgo_outFp WriteMode
$ complicatedProc complicAlgo_input )
Use a .cabal
file like
cabal-version: >=1.10
name: compli-algo
build-type: Simple
-- ...
exposed-modules: ComplicatedProc
build-depends: base
default-language: Haskell2010
test-suite compli-algo-goldentest
main-is: golden.hs
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
build-depends: base
, compli-algo
, tasty >=1.4 && <1.5
, tasty-golden >=2.3 && <2.4
hs-source-dirs: test
If the program you want to test has outputting to stdout
hard-coded (e.g. in form of print
statements) then you may need to hack around this a bit.
†There's no real need to have a testGroup
at all here, but in practice you'll probably want to have multiple tests in that file. Tasty allows you to create an arbitrary tree of tests, in whatever hierarchical order is useful.
Upvotes: 1