Reputation: 165
I convert string to hex, but when I convert, hex code has 2*length(string) can I do that "string length=hexstring length" is it possible?
I found this code does it work?
fs: TFileStream;
temp: Char;
buffer: string;
pBuffer: PAnsiChar;
text: PAnsiChar;
fs := TFileStream.Create('file way', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone);
fs.Position := 0;
while fs.Position < fs.Size do
fs.Read(temp, 1); //buffer içine her defasında 1 byte gelir.
buffer := buffer + temp;
pBuffer := PAnsiChar(buffer);
BinToHex(pBuffer, text, Length(buffer));
Memo1.Text := text;
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Views: 600
Reputation: 882716
The only way to do this is to map the characters to 4-bit values somehow and convert that to hex. That will mean only sixteen values are possible so, no, you can't do this in a general way if there are more than sixteen possibilities.
Eight-bit values (or any length from five to eight bits) requires two hex digits per value.
Upvotes: 3