Reputation: 45
Recently I've been working on a hex board game project that I found in Python. However due to my rusty coding skills I'm having real trouble figuring out a function that takes in the board contents (which are stored inside a N * N array) and prints them in a proper format. The output is supposed to look like this:
Size varies from 4 to 21, but this I can handle alright. However, considering that eventually there have to be board contents inside the hexagons (W for a white piece and B for a black), I needed a way to dynamically print the board contents. For this, I used a list (board_print), initialized in the beginning of the game that contains a string for each row and dynamically alters its contents based on the move played (A3,B2 etc):
# Function to change and print board after a move is played
def play(move, whose_turn):
global turn
color_string = 'W' if whose_turn == 0 else 'B'
column = " ".join(re.findall("[a-zA-Z]+", move))
row = int(re.findall(r'\d+', move)[0])
# Check if there is a piece already placed there and move is in bounds
if 0 <= row <= board_size and 0 <= col_index[column] <= board_size:
if board[row - 1][col_index[column]] != 0:
print('Error! There is a piece already placed there')
return False
board[row - 1][col_index[column]] = 1 if color_string == 'W' else 2
moves.append((row, col_index[column]))
# Modify board_print contents
# 4-3 4-7 4-11 4-15...
# 6-5 6-9 6-13 ...
# A is 0 etc, board index to print index mapping is 1->4 2->6 3->8..,,
for index, row_string in enumerate(board_print):
if index == 2 * row + 2:
# Handle A differently because index starts from 0
if column == 'A':
new_string = row_string[:index] + color_string + row_string[index + 1:]
# Because col_index starts from 0 , add 1 . then multiply the result by col index to match the
# print format
new_string = row_string[
:index + (col_index[column] + 1) * col_index[
column] + 2] + color_string + row_string[
index + (
column] + 1) *
column] + 3:]
board_print[index] = new_string
# Print board
for row in board_print:
print('Move played: ', move)
return True
print('Error!Move is out of bounds')
return False # Don't change turn if move was illegal
which worked fine:
But then I realized that I needed to implement an undo() and load() function (moves and moves_print lists contain all the moves made with their respective board_print strings), meaning that this silly approach can no longer work. I need a way to properly map the board contents to the hex grid that is printed to the console. For reference, the board is represented as a length N list of lists, with each sublist representing a row (board[i][j] = 0(no piece) or 1(white) or 2(black)). Currently I initialize the output and the board_print list like this:
column_names = ' A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T'
def start_board(n, load_game):
# Append each row to the board print array
rows_index = 0 # to index rows
number_index = 0 # For printing out the row numbers in the board
if not load_game: print(' ' * (n + 3) + 'W H I T E')
board_print.append(' ' * (n + 3) + 'W H I T E')
# Format the top rows properly with spaces
if not load_game: print(column_names[:(4 + (3 * n + 4))])
board_print.append(column_names[:(4 + (3 * n + 4))])
if not load_game: print(' ' + '- ' * n)
board_print.append(' ' + '- ' * n)
if not load_game: print(' ' + '/ \\_' * (n - 1) + '/ \\')
board_print.append(' ' + '/ \\_' * (n - 1) + '/ \\')
# Loop enough times to print entire board. That is, 2 * n times
for i in range(2 * n):
if i == 0 or i % 2 == 0:
# Even pattern
if not load_game: print(
' ' * number_index + (str(rows_index + 1) + ' ' + '| ' * n + '| ' + str(rows_index + 1)))
' ' * number_index + (str(rows_index + 1) + ' ' + '| ' * n + '| ' + str(rows_index + 1)))
rows_index += 1
# Odd pattern
# Check if it's final row for proper formatting
if i == (2 * n) - 1:
if not load_game: print(' ' * (number_index + 2) + '\\_/ ' * n)
' ' * (number_index + 2) + '\\_/ ' * n)
if not load_game: print(' ' * (number_index + 2) + '\\_/ ' * n + '\\')
' ' * (number_index + 2) + '\\_/ ' * n + '\\')
number_index += 1
# Print final row (column names and BLACK)
if not load_game: print(' ' * 2 * (n - 1) + column_names[:(4 + (3 * n + 4))])
' ' * 2 * (n - 1) + column_names[:(4 + (3 * n + 4))])
Sorry for the bad formatting/indentation, this is a rough draft and I'm having trouble copying the code from PyCharm.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 717
Reputation: 156
Seems like a fun little exercise. Here's what I came up with
def print_board(board):
rows = len(board)
cols = len(board[0])
indent = 0
headings = " "*5+(" "*3).join(column_names[:cols])
tops = " "*5+(" "*3).join("-"*cols)
roof = " "*4+"/ \\"+"_/ \\"*(cols-1)
color_mapping = lambda i : " WB"[i]
for r in range(rows):
row_mid = " "*indent
row_mid += " {} | ".format(r+1)
row_mid += " | ".join(map(color_mapping,board[r]))
row_mid += " | {} ".format(r+1)
row_bottom = " "*indent
row_bottom += " "*3+" \\_/"*cols
if r<rows-1:
row_bottom += " \\"
indent += 2
headings = " "*(indent-2)+headings
This is just for printing the board according to your specifications (0 for empty cells, 1 for white, 2 for black).
Yields the following output
- - - -
/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
1 | | | | | 1
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
2 | | | | W | 2
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
3 | | | | B | 3
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
4 | W | B | | | 4
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \
5 | | B | W | | 5
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
Let me know if anything is unclear
Upvotes: 1