

EF Core 5.0 relational from non-relational db

So here is the problem.

I have an ancient db from an old COBOL software (txt file).

What I Want


DB is MS-SQL. Every imported object has a unique id(Database Generated). The "Foreign Key" that actually combines objects in old COBOL software ("NonUniqueItemProperty") is not unique. (That's why I can't create a relation between tables)

my question is, is this even possible?

Currently I join tables on query as

select item.*,owner.* from Items item
INNER JOIN Ownership ownership on item.NonUniqueItemProperty=ownership.NonUniqueItemProperty
INNER JOIN Owner owner on ownership.OwnerIdNo=owner.OwnerIdNo

This query returns a result set with matches (item-->ownerCount)*(item-->count). Then I use linq to group them by Item.NonUniqueItemProperty and set owners foreach Item.


    public class Item
        pullic int Id {get;set;} // database generated, non-related to original data
        public string NonUniqueItemProperty {get;set;} //sadly this is the identifier
        public virtual ICollection<Ownership> Ownerships { get; set; }
    public class Ownership
        pullic int Id {get;set;} // database generated, non-related to original data
        public virtual Item Item { get; set; }
        public virtual Owner Owner { get; set; }
        public string NonUniqueItemProperty {get;set;}
        public string OwnerIdNo {get;set;}
    public class Owner
        pullic int Id {get;set;} // database generated, non-related to original data
        public virtual ICollection<Ownership> Ownerships { get; set; }
        public string OwnerIdNo {get;set;}

I tried to create a relationship at fluent api as:

    item.HasMany<Ownership>(i => i.Ownerships)
                .WithOne(ow => ow.Item)

As far as, there is no errors but navigation properties are null.


After this, I realize that this expression returns an Item entity with null Ownership navigation. The result set is returned what I am looking for so navigation worked for filtering Items Set!

var resultSet = ctx.Items.Where(
             i => i.Ownerships.Any(
                     ow => ow.Owner.OwnerIdNo=="P12345"));

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Views: 200

Answers (1)



I managed to get navigation properties by Eager Loading in explained Here

by adding Include(i=>i.Ownership).ThenInclude(ow=>ow.Owner) to end of the query.

But as per two field expert suggested this shouldn't work, I am not going to implement this in code, and this could not work at later versions of EF.


This is a true performance killer! By writing the sql-query above, it consumes 120-150 ms for TOP 150 Items, this one is 2.500-4.000 ms (query.Take(100)).

(Item Count : 350K, Ownership Count: 390K)

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