Reputation: 15283
I have two functions, y = f(x)
and y = g(x)
, defined through Array{Float64,2}
-- a sequence of (x, y) points.
I want to find such f'(x) = f(x+dx) + dy
that the distance between the functions on the chart is minimal. For example, here, the distance is already quite small, but it could be even smaller.
In my particular case, the number of points in two arrays is identical, so I tried to minimise the following function (assuming p = [dx, dy]):
loss(p) = sum(abs2, mapslices(x -> x .- p, f .- g, dims=2))
But, apparently, this doesn't work well. Also, it would be nice to be able to work with arrays of different sizes.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 237
Reputation: 130
@leventov, I have thought about this solution using Optim, which minimizes the vector along one curve with the minimum distances to the second. Arbitrary array lengths allowed and there is no need to interpolate/extrapolate.
using Optim, LinearAlgebra, Plots, Printf
function costf(x0)
n, m = length(x1), length(x2)
d = fill(Inf,n,1)
for (ux, uy, i) in zip(x1, y1, 1:n)
for (vx, vy) in zip(x2, y2)
dij = norm([ux - vx - x0[1], uy - vy - x0[2]])
dij < d[i] ? d[i] = dij : nothing
return sum(d .^0.5) # better metric for this problem
# x1, y1 = [-2.; -1; 0; 1; 2; 3], [4.; 1; 0; 1; 4; 9]
# x2, y2 = [0.; 0.5; 1; 2; 1], [0.; -0.75; -1; 0; 3]
x1 = -2:0.1:2; y1 = x1 .^2
z = [exp(im*i/36*2pi) for i in 0:36]
x2, y2 = pi .+ 0.5*real(z), exp(1) .+ 0.5*(1.0 .+ imag(z))
x0 = [-2.0, -1.0]
res = optimize(costf, x0)
x0 = Optim.minimizer(res)
str = "Optim shift: dx= " * @sprintf("%.2f",x0[1]) * ", dy= " * @sprintf("%.2f",x0[2])
plot(x1,y1, color=:cyan, labels= "Input curve-1", legend=:topleft, aspectratio=1)
plot!(x2,y2, color=:blue, labels= "Input curve-2")
plot!(x2 .+ x0[1], y2 .+ x0[2], color=:red, labels= str)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 69879
So the steps you would need to take is:
that will ensure at least 50% overlap of the curvesf
and g
, using interpolate
(without extrapolate
) from Interpolations.jl using the points you havedx
and the range of curves (so that we integrate without extrapolating, call the ends of this range xmin
and xmax
): quadgk(x -> (f(x)-g(x+dy)+dy)^2, xmin, xmax))
; make it a function of dx
and dy
and dy
(with the constraint on dx
)Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 15283
One solution that I came up with (not sure how optimal is it):
using Interpolations, LsqFit
etp = extrapolate(interpolate((fx,), fy, Gridded(Linear())), Line())
model(x, p) = collect(map(i -> etp[i], x.+p[1])).+p[2]
fit = curve_fit(model, gx, gy, [0.0, 0.0])
res = coef(fit) # outputs an array like [dx, dy]
Also, this solution actually does extrapolate outside of the lines. I didn't find a way to change the fitting range depending on the parameters.
Upvotes: 1