Reputation: 165
main() ->
folders(PATH) ->
{_,DD} = file:list_dir(PATH),
A = [{H,filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ H)}|| H <-DD],
% R is a list of all folders inside PATH
R = [PATH++X|| {X,Y} <- A, Y =:= true],
io:fwrite("~p~n", [R]),
case R of
[] -> ok;
% How call again folders function with the first element of the list?
% And save the result in some kind of structure
Sorry for the beginner question, but I'm still new to Erlang. I would like to know how I can call the function again until saves the results in a kind of list, tuple or structure...
{"C:/Users/David/test/log/a", "C:/Users/David/test/log/b"}},
{"C:/Users/David/test/logb/1", "C:/Users/David/test/logb/2","C:/Users/David/test/logb/3"}},
Upvotes: 2
Views: 326
Reputation: 689
Few things:
A = [{H,filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ H)}|| H <-DD],
R = [PATH++X|| {X,Y} <- A, Y =:= true],
A = [H || H <- DD, filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ H) =:= true],
{Folder, [Subfolder1, Subfolder2, ...]}
, where SubfolderX
will have the same definition and structure, recursively.lists:foldl
function.folders(PATH) ->
{_, DD} = file:list_dir(PATH),
A = [H || H <- DD, filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ "/" ++ H) =:= true],
%%io:format("Path: ~p, A: ~p~n", [Path, A]),
case A of
[] -> %%Base case, i.e. folder has no sub-folders -> stop here
{PATH, []};
_ -> %%Recursive case, i.e. folder has sub-folders -> call @folders
{PATH, [folders(PATH ++ "/" ++ H2) || H2 <- A]}
For consistency reason, you need to call the main function without a forward slash at the end, as this will be added in the function itself.
Folders = folders("C:/Users/David/test"). %% <- without forward slash
A helper function pretty_print
below can be used to visualize the output on the Erlang shell
Full code:
main() ->
Folders = folders("C:/Users/David/test"),
pretty_print(Folders, 0),
folders(PATH) ->
{_, DD} = file:list_dir(PATH),
A = [H || H <- DD, filelib:is_dir(PATH ++ "/" ++ H) =:= true], %%please note the "/" is added here
%%io:format("Path: ~p, A: ~p~n", [Path, A]),
case A of
[] -> %%Base case, i.e. folder has no sub-folders -> stop here
{PATH, []};
_ -> %%Recursive case, i.e. folder has sub-folders -> call @folders
{PATH, [folders(PATH ++ "/" ++ H2) || H2 <- A]}
pretty_print(Folders, Depth) ->
{CurrrentFolder, ListSubfolders} = Folders,
SignTemp = lists:duplicate(Depth, "-"),
case Depth of
0 -> Sign = SignTemp;
_ -> Sign = "|" ++ SignTemp
io:format("~s~s~n", [Sign, CurrrentFolder]),
[pretty_print(Subfolder, Depth+1) || Subfolder <- ListSubfolders].
Upvotes: 3