Reputation: 63
I'm trying to implement notch-reject filtering in python for an assignment. I have tried using the notch reject filter formula from Rafael Gonzales book and all I got was a edge detected image. Then I tried ideal notch rejecting and here are the results:
Input image--Output of my program -- Expected output
Here is my code:
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def notch_reject_filter(shape, d0=9, u_k=0, v_k=0):
P, Q = shape
# Initialize filter with zeros
H = np.zeros((P, Q))
# Traverse through filter
for u in range(0, P):
for v in range(0, Q):
# Get euclidean distance from point D(u,v) to the center
D_uv = np.sqrt((u - P / 2 + u_k) ** 2 + (v - Q / 2 + v_k) ** 2)
D_muv = np.sqrt((u - P / 2 - u_k) ** 2 + (v - Q / 2 - v_k) ** 2)
if D_uv <= d0 or D_muv <= d0:
H[u, v] = 0.0
H[u, v] = 1.0
return H
img = cv2.imread('input.png', 0)
img_shape = img.shape
original = np.fft.fft2(img)
center = np.fft.fftshift(original)
NotchRejectCenter = center * notch_reject_filter(img_shape, 32, 50, 50)
NotchReject = np.fft.ifftshift(NotchRejectCenter)
inverse_NotchReject = np.fft.ifft2(NotchReject) # Compute the inverse DFT of the result
plot_image = np.concatenate((img, np.abs(inverse_NotchReject)),axis=1)
plt.imshow(plot_image, "gray"), plt.title("Notch Reject Filter")
Upvotes: 6
Views: 7146
Reputation: 73
Drive by comment, using the for-loop for the notch filter generation is very slow. That operation can be optimized
def notch_reject_filter_vec(shape: tuple[int, int], d0: int, u_k: int, v_k: int):
(M, N) = shape
H_0_u = np.repeat(np.arange(M), N).reshape((M, N))
H_0_v = np.repeat(np.arange(N), M).reshape((N, M)).transpose()
D_uv = np.sqrt((H_0_u - M / 2 + u_k) ** 2 + (H_0_v - N / 2 + v_k) ** 2)
D_muv = np.sqrt((H_0_u - M / 2 - u_k) ** 2 + (H_0_v - N / 2 - v_k) ** 2)
selector_1 = D_uv <= d0
selector_2 = D_muv <= d0
selector = np.logical_or(selector_1, selector_2)
H = np.ones((M, N))
H[selector] = 0
return H
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 3864
The main concept is to filter the undesired Noise in the frequency domain, the noise can be seen as white spots, and your role is to suppress that white spots by multiplying them by black circles in frequency domain(known as filtering).
to improve this result add more notch filters (H5, H6, ...) to suppress the noise.
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def notch_reject_filter(shape, d0=9, u_k=0, v_k=0):
P, Q = shape
# Initialize filter with zeros
H = np.zeros((P, Q))
# Traverse through filter
for u in range(0, P):
for v in range(0, Q):
# Get euclidean distance from point D(u,v) to the center
D_uv = np.sqrt((u - P / 2 + u_k) ** 2 + (v - Q / 2 + v_k) ** 2)
D_muv = np.sqrt((u - P / 2 - u_k) ** 2 + (v - Q / 2 - v_k) ** 2)
if D_uv <= d0 or D_muv <= d0:
H[u, v] = 0.0
H[u, v] = 1.0
return H
img = cv2.imread('input.png', 0)
f = np.fft.fft2(img)
fshift = np.fft.fftshift(f)
phase_spectrumR = np.angle(fshift)
magnitude_spectrum = 20*np.log(np.abs(fshift))
img_shape = img.shape
H1 = notch_reject_filter(img_shape, 4, 38, 30)
H2 = notch_reject_filter(img_shape, 4, -42, 27)
H3 = notch_reject_filter(img_shape, 2, 80, 30)
H4 = notch_reject_filter(img_shape, 2, -82, 28)
NotchFilter = H1*H2*H3*H4
NotchRejectCenter = fshift * NotchFilter
NotchReject = np.fft.ifftshift(NotchRejectCenter)
inverse_NotchReject = np.fft.ifft2(NotchReject) # Compute the inverse DFT of the result
Result = np.abs(inverse_NotchReject)
plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum, cmap='gray')
plt.title('magnitude spectrum')
plt.imshow(magnitude_spectrum*NotchFilter, "gray")
plt.title("Notch Reject Filter")
plt.imshow(Result, "gray")
Upvotes: 9