Reputation: 4402
Here's my type and it's proposed monad instance.
newtype Inf m a = Inf { getInf :: m (a, Inf m a) }
instance (Monad m, Alternative m) => Monad (Inf m) where
return a = Inf (pure (a, Inf empty))
m >>= f = Inf $ do
(st1, inf1) <- getInf m
go (Left st1) inf1
go newStateOrInf inf1 = do
let inf2 = case newStateOrInf of
Left st1 -> f st1
Right inf2 -> inf2
res <- Left <$> getInf inf1 <|> Right <$> getInf inf2
case res of
Left (st1', inf1') -> go (Left st1') inf1'
Right (st2, inf2') -> pure (st2, Inf (go (Right inf2') inf1))
I'm wondering if this is a valid monad instance. I sort of proved the first two laws (if you squint), but I'm having issues with associativity, if anyone wants to give it a shot.
The idea of the Inf
type is something that can occasionally produce a new a
, and a new Inf
continuation. Then, using >>=
, you can construct a new Inf
that depends on the results of the first one. In that case, every time the first Inf
produces a new value (the Left
result), the second Inf
gets regenerated. But when the secon Inf
produces a new value, only it is updated, not the first one.
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Views: 101
Reputation: 33429
QuickCheck it, and a counterexample for the associativity law quickly appears for Inf []
I also tried with Inf Maybe
and the few thousands of tests I tried pass.
The right identity law (u >>= pure) = u
also fails for both Inf []
and Inf Maybe
Pasting the output of QuickCheck with a bit of manual formatting, the law ((u >>= k) >>= h) = (u >>= \x -> k x >>= h)
fails with:
u = Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []})]})]}
k = \case
0 -> Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []})]}
_ -> Inf {getInf = []}
h = \case
0 -> Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []})]}
_ -> Inf {getInf = []}
where the two sides of the equation evaluate to:
(u >>= k) >>= h
Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []}),(0,Inf {getInf = []}),(0,Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []})]})]}
Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []}),(0,Inf {getInf = [(0,Inf {getInf = []})]})]}
u >>= \x -> k x >>= h
Full implementation below. I only had to add a couple lines of code:
and Applicative
instances, required by Monad
and Show
, for QuickCheck (derivable if you explicitly provide the right context)Arbitrary
(have to tweak a little to get examples of reasonable size, also had to reduce the size parameter to a very small value (5) because that's roughly going to be the branching factor of the generated Inf []
trees, so they blow up very easily)Eq
and Show
to find counterexamples, this would need to change with fancier monads){-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, DerivingStrategies, UndecidableInstances #-}
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Test.QuickCheck
newtype Inf m a = Inf { getInf :: m (a, Inf m a) }
deriving Functor
deriving stock instance (Eq a, Eq (Inf m a)) => Eq (m (a, Inf m a))) => Eq (Inf m a)
deriving stock instance (Show a, Show (Inf m a)) => Show (m (a, Inf m a))) => Show (Inf m a)
instance (Monad m, Alternative m) => Applicative (Inf m) where
(<*>) = ap
pure = return
instance (Monad m, Alternative m) => Monad (Inf m) where
return a = Inf (pure (a, Inf empty))
m >>= f = Inf $ do
(st1, inf1) <- getInf m
go (Left st1) inf1
go newStateOrInf inf1 = do
let inf2 = case newStateOrInf of
Left st1 -> f st1
Right inf2 -> inf2
res <- Left <$> getInf inf1 <|> Right <$> getInf inf2
case res of
Left (st1', inf1') -> go (Left st1') inf1'
Right (st2, inf2') -> pure (st2, Inf (go (Right inf2') inf1))
instance (Arbitrary a, Alternative m, Arbitrary (Inf m a)) => Arbitrary (m (a, Inf m a))) => Arbitrary (Inf m a) where
arbitrary = Inf <$> oneof
[ pure empty
, arbitrary
shrink (Inf xs) = Inf <$> shrink xs
assoc :: forall m a b c. (Monad m, Eq (m c), Show (m c)) => m a -> Fun a (m b) -> Fun b (m c) -> Property
assoc u (Fn k) (Fn h) = (u >>= k >>= h) === (u >>= \x -> k x >>= h)
leftId :: forall m a b. (Monad m, Eq (m b), Show (m b)) => a -> Fun a (m b) -> Property
leftId x (Fn k) = (pure x >>= k) === k x
rightId :: forall m a. (Monad m, Eq (m a), Show (m a)) => m a -> Property
rightId u = u === (u >>= pure)
main :: IO ()
main = do
quickCheckWith stdArgs{maxSuccess=100000} (leftId @(Inf Maybe) @Int @Int)
quickCheckWith stdArgs{maxSize=5} (leftId @(Inf []) @Int @Int)
quickCheckWith stdArgs{maxSuccess=100000} (rightId @(Inf Maybe) @Int)
quickCheckWith stdArgs{maxSize=5} (rightId @(Inf []) @Int)
quickCheckWith stdArgs{maxSuccess=100000} (assoc @(Inf Maybe) @Int @Int @Int)
quickCheckWith stdArgs{maxSize=5} (assoc @(Inf []) @Int @Int @Int)
Upvotes: 4