Reputation: 121
There is Following C-Function with void pointer as Argument:
int read(void *buf, size_t num);
int => returns if the read operation was successfully or not.
void *buf => c void unsigned byte buffer pointer as function argument.
size_t num => size of the byte buffer which should be filled up.
Currently I have the following Ada Implementation:
with Ada.Text_IO;
with System;
with Interfaces.C;
use Ada.Text_IO;
use Interfaces.C;
procedure Main is
-- Imported C function
function Read(Buf:System.Address; Num:int) return int;
pragma Import(C, Read, "read");
-- Byte Array Type
type Byte_Type is mod 2**8;
for Byte_Type'Size use 8;
type Byte_Array_Type is array(Positive range <>) of Byte_Type;
-- Initialize
Buffer_Array:Byte_Array_Type(1 .. Buffer_Size):=(others => 0); --initialise array with zero
Buffer_Check:=Read(Buffer_Array'Address, int(Buffer_Size));
if Buffer_Check /= 0 then
Put_Line("Read success");
for K in Buffer_Array'First .. Buffer_Array'Last loop
end loop;
Put_Line("Read Failed");
end if;
end Main;
The Buffer_Array doesn't get filled up as expected. It would be Great if some Ada Enthusiast have some hint or Idea.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 591
Reputation: 3358
Assuming that an Ada private type System.Address
and a C pointer are compatible is extremely non-portable and unnecessary. Declare your types with convention C and your out
parameter as an out
pragma Convention (C, Byte_Type);
pragma Convention (C, Byte_Array_Type);
function Read (Buf : out Byte_Array_Type; Num : in int) return int;
pragma Import (C, Read, "read");
Upvotes: 5