Reputation: 87
In my testbed project I'm trying to mount an EFS to my Fargate container using the AWS Javascript SDK. I've been using this blog post as a reference for what I'm implementing:
I seem to have the same steps as the EFS part of AWS blog post. But I'm running into the following error that is displayed in the ECS task's status:
"ResourceInitializationError: failed to invoke EFS utils commands to set up EFS volumes: stderr: Failed to resolve "" - check that your file system ID is correct. See',"
DNS Resolution and DNS hostnames are both enabled in my VPC.
Here's the most important bits of code:
import * as SDK from 'aws-sdk';
import Config from '../config';
import Networking from '../cluster/networking';
import Logging from '../cluster/logging';
import BuildJobParams from './buildJobParams';
import ExecutionRole from '../executionRole/executionRole';
class BuildJob {
static async run() {
let taskDefinitionArn = await this.registerJob();
let params = {
cluster: Config.default.clusterName,
taskDefinition: taskDefinitionArn,
platformVersion: "1.4.0",
launchType: "FARGATE",
networkConfiguration: {
awsvpcConfiguration: {
subnets: [
await Networking.get()
assignPublicIp: "ENABLED",
securityGroups: [
await Networking.getSecurityGroup()
let ECS = new SDK.ECS();
console.log("Build job starting");
let task = await ECS.runTask(params).promise();
return task;
static async watch(task) {
let ECS = new SDK.ECS();
await ECS.waitFor("tasksRunning", {
cluster: Config.default.clusterName,
tasks: [task]
console.log("Build job is running, watching logs");
await () => {
return (await (new SDK.ECS()).describeTasks({ tasks: [task], cluster: Config.default.clusterName }).promise()).tasks[0].lastStatus;
await ECS.waitFor("tasksStopped", {
cluster: Config.default.clusterName,
tasks: [task]
console.log("Build job has ended");
console.log( await ECS.describeTasks({
cluster: Config.default.clusterName,
tasks: [task]}).promise())
static async registerJob() {
let ECS = new SDK.ECS();
let taskDefinitionResult = await ECS.registerTaskDefinition(await BuildJobParams.get()).promise();
return taskDefinitionResult.taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn;
export default BuildJob
import Config from '../config'
import ElasticFileSystem from '../cluster/fileSystem';
import ExecutionRole from '../executionRole/executionRole';
class BuildJobParams{
static async get(){
return {
containerDefinitions: [
name: "BuildWorker",
command: Config.default.buildJobCommand,
environment: [
{ name: "ws", value: "" }
image: "ubuntu",
logConfiguration: {
logDriver: "awslogs",
options: {
"awslogs-group": Config.default.logGroupName,
"awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs",
"awslogs-region": Config.default.region
mountPoints: [
containerPath: "/efs/",
sourceVolume: 'test'
containerPort: "2049",
protocol: "tcp"
memory: "512",
cpu: "256",
family: "GameCI",
volumes: [
name: "test",
efsVolumeConfiguration: {
fileSystemId: ElasticFileSystem.getFileSystemId(),
transitEncryption: "ENABLED",
authorizationConfig: {
accessPointId: ElasticFileSystem.getAccessPointId(),
requiresCompatibilities: ["FARGATE"],
networkMode: "awsvpc",
taskRoleArn: (await ExecutionRole.getRunArn()),
executionRoleArn : (await ExecutionRole.getLoggingArn())
export default BuildJobParams
import * as SDK from 'aws-sdk';
import Config from '../config';
import Networking from './networking';
class ElasticFileSystem {
static async get() {
let EFS = new SDK.EFS();
let params = {
CreationToken: Config.default.clusterName,
PerformanceMode: "generalPurpose",
Encrypted: true,
Tags: [
Key: "Name",
Value: "MyFileSystem"
let result = await EFS.createFileSystem(params).promise();
while((await EFS.describeFileSystems().promise()).FileSystems.find(element=>element.FileSystemId==result.FileSystemId).LifeCycleState != "available")
await (new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 10000)));
let state = (await EFS.describeFileSystems().promise()).FileSystems.find(element=>element.CreationToken==Config.default.clusterName).LifeCycleState;
if(state != "creating" && state != "available" && state != "updating"){
throw `Failed to create file system (${state})`;
let accessPoint = await EFS.createAccessPoint({
FileSystemId: result.FileSystemId,
ClientToken: Config.default.clusterName
let mt = await EFS.createMountTarget({
FileSystemId: result.FileSystemId,
SubnetId: `${await Networking.get()}`,
SecurityGroups: [
`${await Networking.getSecurityGroup()}`
console.log("File System created");
Object.assign(ElasticFileSystem, {
fileSystemId: result.FileSystemId,
accessPointId: accessPoint.AccessPointId,
mountTargetId: mt.MountTargetId
return result;
static getFileSystemId(){
return this.fileSystemId;
static getAccessPointId(){
return this.accessPointId;
static getMountTargetId(){
return this.mountTargetId;
static async delete() {
let EFS = new SDK.EFS();
let params = {
FileSystemId: this.fileSystemId
//await EFS.deleteFileSystem(params).promise();
let fs = await EFS.describeFileSystems().promise();
for (let index = 0; index < fs.FileSystems.length; index++) {
const element = fs.FileSystems[index];
await EFS.deleteFileSystem({FileSystemId:element.FileSystemId}).promise();
export default ElasticFileSystem
import * as SDK from 'aws-sdk';
import Logging from './logging';
import ElasticFileSystem from './fileSystem';
import Config from '../config';
class ElasticCluster {
static async get() {
console.log("Creating cluster");
await Logging.get(Config.default.logGroupName);
let fileSystem = await ElasticFileSystem.get();
let ECS = new SDK.ECS();
Object.assign(ElasticCluster, {
let data = await this.create();
await ElasticCluster.waitForClusterReady();
console.log("Created cluster");
return data;
static async create() {
let params = {
capacityProviders: [
clusterName: Config.default.clusterName,
defaultCapacityProviderStrategy: [
capacityProvider: 'FARGATE',
base: '0',
weight: '1'
settings: [],
tags: [
return await this.ECS.createCluster(params).promise();
static async exists(){
let params = {
clusters: [
return (await this.ECS.describeClusters(params).promise()).clusters.length > 0;
static async getCluster(){
let params = {
clusters: [
return (await this.ECS.describeClusters(params).promise()).clusters[0];
static async waitForClusterReady() {
let cluster = await this.getCluster();
if (cluster.status == "ACTIVE" || cluster.status == "INACTIVE") {
else {
await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 10000));
await this.waitForClusterReady();
static async delete() {
let ecs = new SDK.ECS();
try {
//await this.ECS.deleteCluster({
// cluster: Config.default.clusterName
let clusters = (await ecs.listClusters().promise()).clusterArns;
for (let index = 0; index < clusters.length; index++) {
const element = clusters[index];
await ecs.deleteCluster({
cluster: element
} catch (err) {
await ElasticFileSystem.delete();
await Logging.delete();
console.log("garbage collected");
export default ElasticCluster
import * as SDK from 'aws-sdk';
import Config from '../config';
class Networking {
static async get() {
return (await this.getAll())[0].SubnetId;
static async getAll() {
let EC2 = new SDK.EC2();
let params = {
Filters: [
Name: "vpc-id",
Values: [
await this.getVpcId()
let value = await EC2.describeSubnets(params).promise();
return value.Subnets;
static async getSecurityGroup() {
let EC2 = new SDK.EC2();
if (this.securityGroup != null){
return this.securityGroup;
console.log("creating security group");
let sg = await EC2.createSecurityGroup({
GroupName: Config.default.clusterName,
Description: "test",
VpcId: await this.getVpcId(),
await EC2.authorizeSecurityGroupIngress({
GroupId: sg.GroupId,
IpPermissions: [{
FromPort: "2049",
ToPort: "2049",
IpProtocol: "tcp",
Object.assign(this, {securityGroup:sg.GroupId});
return sg.GroupId;
static async getVpcId() {
return "vpc-XXXXXXX";
export default Networking
Upvotes: 2
Views: 7585
Reputation: 41
TLDR: Check your DHCP Option Set has AmazonProvidedDNS
I am having the same issue with my CDK stack. My task is running in a private subnet of my VPC, and I have confirmed that EFS is setup correctly as I have a lambda set to run in the same private subnet and it connects to EFS fine.
I tried VPC interface endpoints for EFS, no cigar.
I haven't been able to test yet, but your solve might be based on information I found on, curiously that post says 2 years ago, wasn't support for EFS to Fargate only just added 2020?
My VPC has both DNS hostnames and resolution enabled, but my DHCP Option Set doesn't have AmazonProvidedDNS as a name server, which would explain why we get Failed to resolve ""
Upvotes: 4