Reputation: 3269
I have a NodeJS + Typescript application with the following class:
export default class OrderStreamWriter {
private readonly redis: IORedis;
private readonly orderStream: string;
private readonly logger: LoggerFactory;
constructor(redisHost: string, redisPort: number, redisPass: string, orderStream: string) {
this.orderStream = orderStream;
this.redis = createRedisClient(redisHost, redisPort, redisPass);
this.logger = new LoggerFactory('streams/OrderStreamWriter');
public async write(msg: string): Promise<void> {
await this.redis.xadd(this.orderStream, '*', 'trade', msg).catch((err: Error) => {
`Error Writing message to stream (${this.orderStream}): ${err.message}. Quitting...`,
In another class I use the write
method to write the result in a Redis stream.
I want to test that flow without calling the actual write
function but just to check that that function will be called with certain parameters, here's my test(run using mocha + sinon):
it('process the input and return an order', () => {
const rule = directOrder[0].rule;
const user = directOrder[0].user;
//const writeStub = sinon.stub(OrderStreamWriter.prototype, "write");
const Writer: any = sinon.stub();
sinon.stub(Writer.prototype, "write");
const writer = new Writer();
const order = {}
// console.log(writeStub)
const directTriggerStrategy: TriggerContext = new TriggerContext(user, rule, writer);
sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(writer, order);
With both the current code and the commented line const writeStub = sinon.stub(OrderStreamWriter.prototype, "write");
I receive the same error when running the test:
TypeError: Cannot stub non-existent property write
How can I fix this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 876
Reputation: 11
// someclass.js
class SomeClass {
contructor(param1, param2) {
this.prop1 = param1;
this.prop2 = param2;
async someFunction(givenParam) {
// do something here
return "somedata";
// create a factory . This is what you will use to create an instance rather than using the new word ever time to create a new instance.
const someClassInstanceFactory = (param1, param2) => {
return new SomeClass(param1, param2);
export default { someClassInstanceFactory, SomeClass };
// ********************************************************
// somemodule.js
// this file uses the class we created above as below
import classAndFactory from "./someclass.js";
const moduleFunction = () => {
const instance = classAndFactory.someClassInstanceFactory(param1, param2);
// this line returns an instance of SomeClass . it's like calling new SomeClass(pram1, param2);
const result = instance.someFunction("givenParam");
return result;
// result should be 'somedata'
// so how do we unit test moduleFunction and stub instance.someFunction when testing? ?
export default moduleFunction;
// *******************************************************************
// somemodule.test.js
import classAndFactory from "./../someclass.js";
import moduleFunction from "./somemodule.js";
const { someClassInstanceFactory, SomeClass } = classAndFactory;
// now if you want to stub any thing what you do is
describe("moduleFunction", () => {
const fakeSomeClassInstance = new SomeClass(1, 2);
// arrange
// stub the factory first to return your fake instance created above.
const expectedResut = "stubbed yoo";
.stub(classAndFactory, "someClassInstanceFactory")
someFunctionStub = sinon
.stub(fakeSomeClassInstance, "someFunction")
it("must call someFunction function with required argument", () => {
// act
const result = moduleFunction();
// assert
assert.equals(result, expectedResut);
Upvotes: 1