Sorry in advance for silly question.
I am trying to write simple python script that runs virtual machine using PowerShell commands.
I have got a little problem with converting output from PowerShell command to a variable in Python.
The idea is:
I launch virtual machine, after that I check the state of it and, if the state is Running - start all the activity.
It is not a problem to do it in PowerShell, I wrote all the commands (launch VM, check state, if statement etc), but it is a problem to do it from py file.
My script looks like that:
import subprocess
import time
import os
class Utils(object):
def __init__(self):
self.ps_exec = r"C:\path\PsExec.exe"
self.power_shell = r"C:\path\powershell.exe"
def vm(self, apply_vm_script):
subprocess.Popen([self.power_shell, apply_vm_script])
util = Utils()
def turn_on_vm(vm_name, checkpoint_name):
apply_vm_script = 'Invoke-Command -Computername name -ScriptBlock ' \
'{ Get-VM ''"' + vm_name + '"'' | get-vmsnapshot -Name ' + '"' + checkpoint_name + '" | ' \
'Restore-VMSnapshot -Confirm:$false ; Start-VM -Name ''"' + vm_name + '"''}'
def check_if_vm_on(vm_name):
check_vm_script = 'Invoke-Command -Computername name -ScriptBlock { Get-VM | where {$_.Name -eq ' + vm_name + ' } | where { $_.State -eq "Running" } | select Name,State}'
def test():
turn_on_vm('VM_name', 'checkpoint_name')
Do my activity
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Also, I can perform all if actions in PowerShell, but also can't convert bool output into Python:
if($State -like '*Running*') { Write-Output "True" }
State was defined earlier, no problem with variables.
Any ideas how to solve it?
Thank you in advance!!!
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You need to get the stdout from the powershell script to your python program. This can be done with Popen.communicate().
def vm(self, apply_vm_script):
p = subprocess.Popen([self.power_shell, apply_vm_script], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
result = p.communicate()[0]
return str(result)
Also you need to return this value from check_if_vm_on
def check_if_vm_on(vm_name):
check_vm_script = 'Invoke-Command -Computername name -ScriptBlock { Get-VM | where {$_.Name -eq ' + vm_name + ' } | where { $_.State -eq "Running" } | select Name,State}'
result = util.vm(check_vm_script)
return result
Then you will be able to check it with the if statement:
if(check_if_vm_on('VM_name') == "True"):
Do my activity
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