Reputation: 3
I am getting latencies around 50-100ms for simple queries in spanner (updates or selects by primary key). Connecting to spanner from the same project/region. Is it expected behavior? I have expected much lower latency for those.
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Views: 684
Reputation: 3512
No, the latency for a simple select using the primary key should be a lot lower than that.
I did a quick benchmark based on the information you provided above using the following simple program:
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Printf("Simple Spanner benchmarking...\n")
source := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
rnd := rand.New(source)
client, err := spanner.NewClient(context.Background(), "projects/my-project/instances/my-instance/databases/my-database")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Client creation failed: %v", err)
var times stats.Float64Data
for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
id := rnd.Int63n(1000) + 100000
statement := spanner.NewStatement("SELECT * FROM Singers WHERE SingerId=@id")
statement.Params["id"] = id
start := time.Now()
iter := client.Single().Query(context.Background(), statement)
for {
row, err := iter.Next()
if err == iterator.Done {
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Query failure: %v", err)
var fullName string
row.ColumnByName("FullName", &fullName)
fmt.Printf("Singer name: %s\n", fullName)
elapsed := time.Since(start)
fmt.Printf("Time: %v\n", elapsed)
times = append(times, float64(elapsed.Milliseconds()))
median, _ := stats.Median(times)
avg, _ := stats.Mean(times)
p90, _ := stats.Percentile(times, 90)
fmt.Printf("Median: %v\n", median)
fmt.Printf("P90: %v\n", p90)
fmt.Printf("Avg: %v\n", avg)
The application was executed on the smallest possible Google Cloud Compute Engine VM located in the same region as the Spanner instance. The results were:
Simple Spanner benchmarking...
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100960
Time: 374.627846ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100865
Time: 4.102019ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100488
Time: 3.479059ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100542
Time: 3.986866ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100822
Time: 3.978838ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100235
Time: 4.511711ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100020
Time: 3.476673ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100234
Time: 3.191529ms
Singer name: FirstName LastName 100219
Time: 4.451639ms
Median: 3
P90: 4
Avg: 18.44
So your execution times around 50-100ms sound like a lot. Normal execution time in this (simple) test case is around 3-4ms for a single-row select (except for the first request, as that also initializes the backing session pool).
Could you please provide some additional details on how exactly you are executing the query (preferably with a code sample)?
Upvotes: 2