Reputation: 71
I'm new here so bare a bit with me. And yes i tried to google my question but really wasn't shure about the answers i found either. So here's my problem: I want to build an App where the User can select a Times from clicking different Buttons, and then calculate the Timedifference between. The ButtonClick opens the TimePicker Dialog and the Examplecode i found on Microsoft Docs uses always the actual time. What i want is to use the last valid time from parsing the Buttontext. But i have no idea how to pass the ID of the senderbutton to the TimePicker class.
Here's the Eventhandler from the Button:
void TimeSelectOnClick (object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
// Instantiate a TimePickerFragment (defined below)
TimePickerFragment frag = TimePickerFragment.NewInstance (
// Create and pass in a delegate that updates the Activity time display
// with the passed-in time value:
delegate (DateTime time)
timeSelectButton.Text = time.ToString("HH:mm");
// Launch the TimePicker dialog fragment (defined below):
frag.Show(FragmentManager, TimePickerFragment.TAG);
and here's the TimePicker dialog fragment:
// TimePicker dialog fragment
public class TimePickerFragment : DialogFragment, TimePickerDialog.IOnTimeSetListener
// TAG used for logging
public static readonly string TAG = "MyTimePickerFragment";
// Initialize handler to an empty delegate to prevent null reference exceptions:
Action<DateTime> timeSelectedHandler = delegate { };
// Factory method used to create a new TimePickerFragment:
public static TimePickerFragment NewInstance(Action<DateTime> onTimeSelected)
// Instantiate a new TimePickerFragment:
TimePickerFragment frag = new TimePickerFragment();
// Set its event handler to the passed-in delegate:
frag.timeSelectedHandler = onTimeSelected;
// Return the new TimePickerFragment:
return frag;
// Create and return a TimePickerDemo:
public override Dialog OnCreateDialog (Bundle savedInstanceState)
//Set the TimePicker default time
//Here i Want to parse the time from the button something like DateTime.Parse(buttonID.Text);
//Either with current time or parsed time... how to pass values from the sender button i have no idea
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Parse("06:00");
// force 24-hour time format:
bool is24HourFormat = true;
// Instantiate a new TimePickerDemo, passing in the handler, the current
// time to display, and whether or not to use 24 hour format:
TimePickerDialog dialog = new TimePickerDialog
(Activity, this, currentTime.Hour, currentTime.Minute, is24HourFormat);
// Return the created TimePickerDemo:
return dialog;
// Called when the user sets the time in the TimePicker:
public void OnTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute)
// Get the current time:
DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now;
// Create a DateTime that contains today's date and the time selected by the user:
DateTime selectedTime = new DateTime(currentTime.Year, currentTime.Month, currentTime.Day, hourOfDay, minute, 0);
// Log the date and selected time:
Log.Debug(TAG, selectedTime.ToLongTimeString());
// Invoke the handler to update the Activity's time display to the selected time:
timeSelectedHandler (selectedTime);
thanks in advance to anybody here on Stackoverflow! You guys really do a great Job!
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Views: 111
Reputation: 18861
You could add a property in TimePickerFragment
static string TimeString;
public static TimePickerFragment NewInstance(Action<DateTime> onTimeSelected,string time)
// Instantiate a new TimePickerFragment:
TimePickerFragment frag = new TimePickerFragment();
// Set its event handler to the passed-in delegate:
frag.timeSelectedHandler = onTimeSelected;
TimeString = time;
// Return the new TimePickerFragment:
return frag;
TimePickerFragment frag = TimePickerFragment.NewInstance (
// Create and pass in a delegate that updates the Activity time display
// with the passed-in time value:
delegate (DateTime time)
timeSelectButton.Text = time.ToString("HH:mm");
And you can modify it in any place
TimePickerFragment.TimeString = "xxx";
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