Reputation: 1422
I have a class as follows:
Public Class Courses
Public CoursesOfferedMAIN As New List(Of Category)
Public CoursesList As New List(Of Course)
Public SemsList As New List(Of Sem)
Public SubjectsList As New List(Of Subjects)
Public ExamsTypeList As New List(Of ExamType)
Public Class Category
Private CategoryName As String
Private Deleted As Boolean
Public Courses As New List(Of Course)
End Class
Public Class Course
Private CategoryName As String
Private CourseID As String
Private CourseName As String
Private Deleted As Boolean
Public Sems As New List(Of Sem)
End Class
Public Class Sem
Private CategoryName As String
Private CourseID As String
Private SemID As String
Private SemName As String
Private Deleted As Boolean
Public Subjects As New List(Of Subjects)
End Class
Public Class Subjects
Private CategoryName As String
Private CourseID As String
Private SemID As String
Private SubjectID As String
Private SubjectName As String
Private Deleted As Boolean
Public Exams As New List(Of ExamType)
End Class
Public Class ExamType
Private CategoryName As String
Private CourseID As String
Private SemID As String
Private SubjectID As String
Private ExamTypeID As String
Private ExamName As String
Private ExamMax As String
Private ExamMin As String
Private ExamPass As String
Private Deleted As Boolean
End Class
Public Sub UpdateLists()
For Each Cat As Category In CoursesOfferedMAIN
For Each cour As Course In Cat.Courses
For Each sems As Sem In cour.Sems
For Each subj As Subjects In sems.Subjects
For Each exam As ExamType In subj.Exams
End Sub
End Class
There is no problem with the code how ever, I would like to know, in the process I am following, the number of subjects, couses, examsets etc would all get repeated in the specific type lists like SubjectsList, examstypelist etc.. since they are being copied over it would take more memory.
Hence, my question or doubt would be, is it possible to use the same as references instead of copying them over to lists to save memory, or are there any methods better than this?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 214
Reputation: 700720
You are already using references. Classes are reference types, so when you copy the objects you are actually just copying the references to the objects.
Upvotes: 3