How to make a search filter in svelte

I have two components that are very far away in the component tree and I have doubts about how to communicate between both. I have the search component, listItems and a store.


<script context="module" lang="ts">
 import type {Items} from '../../Models/Items.model';
 import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

 export const dataItems = writable<Items[]>([]);

  const filterInfo = (term:string) => {
     dataItems.update(item => {
           item.filter(x => {
                || x.description.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase());
           return dataItems;

export const dispatcher = {filterInfo};


search component

<script lang="ts">
    import { dispatcher } from './ViewI/store.svelte';

    let value:any;

    const handleChange = () => {

 <input bind:value

listItems component

import type {Items} from '../../Models/Items.model';
import {dataItems,dispatcher} from './store.svelte';

export let items:Items[] =[];
export let value:any;

$:filterItems = items;

$: {
  filterItems = $dataItems.filter((item:any) => {
    return  || item.description


      {#each [...filterItems] as item }


The question is how to communicate both components with the value that you write in the input and make the filter.

Upvotes: 5

Views: 9677

Answers (1)

Geoff Rich
Geoff Rich

Reputation: 5492

You can accomplish this using a derived store. Here is a small example.

Set up three stores: term will hold the term being searched for, items will hold the full list of items, and filtered will be a derived store that contains the items that include the term. It will automatically be updated whenever term or items change.

// stores.js
import { writable, derived } from 'svelte/store';

export const term = writable('');
export const items = writable(['dog', 'cat', 'fish', 'iguana']);
export const filtered = derived(
    [term, items], 
    ([$term, $items]) => $items.filter(x => x.includes($term))

You can then use these stores across your application. Your Search component can set the term being searched for like so.

<!-- Search.svelte -->
    import {term} from './stores.js';
    let val = '';
    $: term.set(val);

<label for="searchInput">Search</label>
<input bind:value={val} type="text" id="searchInput">

When you call term.set(val), the derived store will automatically be updated. You can use this store in any component in your application.

<!-- ListItems.svelte -->
    import { filtered } from './stores.js';

{#each $filtered as item}

You can see a working example in the Svelte REPL.

Upvotes: 13

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