Reputation: 1
Ive been learning C++ and I decided to make a tictactoe project that utilizes a MiniMax algorithm. I have made all the functionality for playing, including 2 player. Why doesn't my minimax algorithm when I choose to play with the AI work ? It always moves to 0 or 8 and I can't figure out why. Any help will be appreciated
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
class TicTacToeGame {
struct move{
int score;
int index;
const int PLAYER1_INDEX = 1;
const int PLAYER2_INDEX = 2;
const int AI_INDEX = 3;
void play(TicTacToeGame);
bool hasWon() const;
bool haveTied() const;
char getMarker(int, int) const;
void setMarker(int, int);
void resetMarker(int);
int getCurrentPlayer() const;
std::vector<int> possibleMoves();
char board[3][3];
std::string player1_name;
std::string player2_name;
int currentPlayer;
bool isMultiplayer;
int moveCount = 0;
void init();
void printBoard();
void setPlayer1Name(std::string);
void setPlayer2Name(std::string);
std::string getPlayer1Name() const;
std::string getPlayer2Name() const;
void switchCurrentPlayer();
std::string winMessage();
int getRow(int) const;
int getColumn(int) const;
bool checkMarker(int, int);
void makeAIMove(TicTacToeGame);
move miniMax(TicTacToeGame, int);
#include "TicTacToeGame.h"
TicTacToeGame::move TicTacToeGame::miniMax(TicTacToeGame board, int player) {
move current, best;
int otherPlayer = (player == 1) ? 3 : 1;
if (board.hasWon()){
if(player == PLAYER1_INDEX){
best.score = 10;
return best;
} else if(player == AI_INDEX){
best.score = -10;
return best;
} else if(board.haveTied()){
best.score = 0;
return best;
if(player == AI_INDEX){
best.score = -9999999;
} else best.score = 9999999;
std::vector<int> possibleMoves = board.possibleMoves();
for (int i = 0; i < possibleMoves.size(); i++) {
board.setMarker(possibleMoves[i], player);
current = miniMax(board, otherPlayer);
current.index = possibleMoves[i];
if(player == AI_INDEX){
if(current.score > best.score) {
best = current;
} else
if(current.score < best.score){
best = current;
std::cout << "best index: " << best.index << " best score: " << best.score << std::endl;
return best;
void TicTacToeGame::makeAIMove(TicTacToeGame board) {
int move = miniMax(board, getCurrentPlayer()).index;
setMarker(move, getCurrentPlayer());
std::cout << "\nThe AI has moved to " << move << std::endl;
std::vector<int> TicTacToeGame::possibleMoves() {
std::vector<int> possibleMoves;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
if(board[i][j] != 'X' && board[i][j] != 'O'){
possibleMoves.push_back(3 * i +j);
return possibleMoves;
TicTacToeGame::TicTacToeGame() {
// Create the board with indexes
void TicTacToeGame::init() {
currentPlayer = 2;
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++, k++) {
board[i][j] = '0' + k;
// Prints the board int he format of a TicTacToe game
void TicTacToeGame::printBoard() {
std::cout << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (i != 0) std::cout << "\n --------------------\n";
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
std::cout << "\t" << board[i][j];
if (j != 2) std::cout << "\t|";
// Handles the playing
void TicTacToeGame::play(TicTacToeGame game) {
std::string welcome = "\t\t*********************************************\n\t\t*\t\tWelcome to the TicTacToe game !\t\t*\n\t\t*********************************************\n\n\n";
int position = -1;
char multiplayer;
char playAgain;
std::cout << welcome;
while (true){
std::cout << "Do you want to play multiplayer ? (y/n): ";
std::cin >> multiplayer;
multiplayer = tolower(multiplayer);
// Checks if input is valid, asks for another input if not
while ( || (multiplayer != 'y' && multiplayer != 'n')) {
std::cout << "Invalid entry ! Enter either y OR n: ";
std::cin.ignore(256, '\n');
std::cin >> multiplayer;
multiplayer = tolower(multiplayer);
if (multiplayer == 'y') isMultiplayer = true;
else if (multiplayer == 'n') isMultiplayer = false;
// Initializing players
std::cout << "Player 1, please type in your name: ";
std::cin >> player1_name;
// Checks if input is valid, asks for another input if not
while ( {
std::cout << "Invalid entry ! Re-enter your name: ";
std::cin.ignore(256, '\n');
std::cin >> player1_name;
std::cout << getPlayer1Name() << " will be X." << std::endl;
// Only initializes player 2 if it's a multiplayer game
if (isMultiplayer){
std::cout << "\nPlayer 2, please type in your name: ";
std::cin >> player2_name;
// Checks if input is valid, asks for another input if not
while ( {
std::cout << "Invalid entry ! Re-enter your name: ";
std::cin.ignore(256, '\n');
std::cin >> player2_name;
std::cout << getPlayer2Name() << " will be O.\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Starting game: \nINSTRUCTIONS: Select the number of the position where you want to play" << std::endl;
// Play loop
while (!hasWon()) {
// Alternate between players after evey move
std::cout << "\ncurrent player is " << currentPlayer << std::endl;
// Player's move
if (currentPlayer == PLAYER1_INDEX || currentPlayer == PLAYER2_INDEX){
while (true) {
std::cin >> position;
// Checks if input is an integer, asks for another input if not
while ( || position < 0 || position > 8) {
std::cout << "Invalid entry ! Enter a number between 0 and 8 inclusive: ";
std::cin.ignore(256, '\n');
std::cin >> position;
// Check if there's an X or O in that position already, if yes - ask for another position to if so. If no - writes X/O
if (checkMarker(getRow(position), getColumn(position))) {
setMarker(position, getCurrentPlayer());
} else {
<< "There's already an X/O in that position. Try place it in an empty spot.\nEnter a new position: ";
// AI's move
else if (currentPlayer == AI_INDEX){
// Checks for a winner or a tie after every move
if (hasWon() || haveTied()) {
if (hasWon()) std::cout << winMessage() << std::endl;
else if(haveTied()) std::cout << "The game is a tie !" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n\nDo you want to play again ? Enter y OR n: ";
std::cin >> playAgain;
playAgain = tolower(playAgain); // converts to lowercase
// If there's a winner ask if user wants to play another game, stops application if not
while (true) {
if (playAgain != 'y' && playAgain != 'n') {
std::cout << playAgain << std::endl;
std::cout << "Invalid expression ! Enter either y OR n: ";
std::cin >> playAgain;
playAgain = tolower(playAgain); // converts to lowercase
} else if (playAgain == 'y' || playAgain == 'n') break;
if (playAgain == 'y') {
std::cout << "Generating a new board " << std::endl;
moveCount = 0;
} else if (playAgain == 'n') {
std::cout << "\nThank you for playing the TicTacToe game !\nExiting the game.";
std::string TicTacToeGame::winMessage() {
if (getCurrentPlayer() == 1) { return "\n\n" + getPlayer1Name() + " has won !"; }
else if (getCurrentPlayer() == 2) return "\n\n" + getPlayer2Name() + "has won !";
else return "\n\nThe AI has won !";
// Checks for winning conditions
bool TicTacToeGame::hasWon() const {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Checking horizontals
if (getMarker(0, i) == getMarker(1, i) && getMarker(1, i) == getMarker(2, i)) {
//cout << "horizontal alignment";
return true;
// Chekcing verticals
if (getMarker(i, 0) == getMarker(i, 1) && getMarker(i, 1) == getMarker(i, 2)) {
//cout << "vertical alignment";
return true;
// Checking diagonals
if (getMarker(0, 0) == getMarker(1, 1) && getMarker(1, 1) == getMarker(2, 2)) return true;
if (getMarker(0, 2) == getMarker(1, 1) && getMarker(1, 1) == getMarker(2, 0)) return true;
// If no alignment
return false;
void TicTacToeGame::setPlayer1Name(std::string name) {
player1_name = name;
void TicTacToeGame::setPlayer2Name(std::string name) {
player2_name = name;
std::string TicTacToeGame::getPlayer1Name() const {
return player1_name;
std::string TicTacToeGame::getPlayer2Name() const {
return player2_name;
int TicTacToeGame::getCurrentPlayer() const {
return currentPlayer;
int TicTacToeGame::getRow(int row) const{
return row / 3;
int TicTacToeGame::getColumn(int column) const {
return column % 3;
bool TicTacToeGame::checkMarker(int row, int column) {
if (getMarker(row, column) == 'X' || getMarker(row, column) == 'O') return false;
return true;
char TicTacToeGame::getMarker(int row, int column) const {
return board[row][column];
void TicTacToeGame::setMarker(int position, int player) {
board[getRow(position)][getColumn(position)] = player == 1 ? 'X' : 'O';
/* Switches the play either from:
* - AI to PLAYER1
* - PLAYER1 to AI
void TicTacToeGame::switchCurrentPlayer() {
if (currentPlayer == PLAYER1_INDEX && !isMultiplayer){
currentPlayer = AI_INDEX;
std::cout << "\n\nIt's the AI's turn now" << std::endl;
} else if (currentPlayer == PLAYER1_INDEX) {
currentPlayer = PLAYER2_INDEX;
std::cout << "\n\nIt's " << getPlayer2Name() << "'s turn, select the position you want to move to:";
} else if (currentPlayer == PLAYER2_INDEX || currentPlayer == AI_INDEX) {
currentPlayer = PLAYER1_INDEX;
std::cout << "\n\nIt's " << getPlayer1Name() << "'s turn, select the position you want to move to:";
bool TicTacToeGame::haveTied() const {
if (moveCount == 9) return true;
return false;
void TicTacToeGame::resetMarker(int position) {
board[getRow(position)][getColumn(position)] = (char) position;
#include "TicTacToeGame.h"
int main() {
TicTacToeGame game;;
return 0;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1467
Reputation: 104524
This line:
std::cout << "best index: " << best.index << " best score: " << best.score << std::endl;
is uninitialized when this line is printed. That is, you never set best.index
to a value.
Further, you are passing an instance of TicTacBoard by value as a parameter to another instance of methods on the same class. Some of your code operates on the board
parameter. Other parts work implicitly on this
. You probably want to eliminate the passing around of board
by value.
Change your code such that it's invoked like this in main.
TicTacToeGame game;;
And remove all the places where you pass board
as a parameter.
Upvotes: 1