Abel Ayalew
Abel Ayalew

Reputation: 1891

Flutter web can't load network image from another domain

I can't load network images in flutter web from other domains with API calls. getting this error

Trying to load an image from another domain? Find answers at: https://flutter.dev/docs/development/platform-integration/web-images ImageCodecException: Failed to load network image.

any help?

Upvotes: 113

Views: 126069

Answers (17)

Jens Becker
Jens Becker

Reputation: 1671

For being able to display your images from any other domain or from Firebase Storage on a Flutter web page, you have to configure your data for CORS:

  1. Open the GCP console, select your project and start a cloud terminal session by clicking the >_ icon button in the top navbar.

  2. Click the open editor button (pencil icon), then create the cors.json file. The cors.json file should look like this:

        "origin": ["*"],
        "method": ["GET"],
        "maxAgeSeconds": 3600

I set the origin to * which means that every website can display your images. But you can also insert the domain of your website there to restrict access.

  1. Go to your firebase console and open firebase storage there you find gs://

  2. Run gsutil cors set cors.json gs://your-bucket

If you need more information: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/configuring-cors

Upvotes: 145


Reputation: 4844

There are a number of answers here about --web-renderer html, but this is not a good technical decision.

As a solution, the Flutter team also suggests (in addition to customizing cors in various ways):

  1. if the app has the bytes of the encoded image in memory
  2. provided as an assets
  3. stored on the same server that serves the application

The last item may be the most successful if you are configured to use Image.network. This is also quite handy if you are hosting your project on services like Github Pages.

All of these ways also mean that:

The image can be displayed using Image.memory, Image.asset, and Image.network in both HTML and CanvasKit modes.

You can read about all the methods here - Displaying images on the web | Flutter

Upvotes: 1

Mahesh Jamdade
Mahesh Jamdade

Reputation: 20379

There are two ways to resolve this either run your app using HTML renderer or set up the CORS configuration.

1. Using HTML renderer

Taken from the docs

CORS is a mechanism that browsers use to control how one site accesses the resources of another site. It is designed such that, by default, one web-site is not allowed to make HTTP requests to another site using XHR or fetch. This prevents scripts on another site from acting on behalf of the user and from gaining access to another site’s resources without permission

When using <img>, <picture>, or <canvas>, the browser automatically blocks access to pixels when it knows that an image is coming from another site and the CORS policy disallows access to data.

Flutter has two renderers for web, canvaskit and html When you run/build app on the flutter web it uses renderers based on the device where its running.

HTML renderer: when the app is running in a mobile browser.

CanvasKit renderer: when the app is running in a desktop browser.

auto (default) - automatically chooses which renderer to use.

The HTML renderer can load cross-origin images without extra configuration. so you could use these commands to run and build the app.

flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html // to run the app

flutter build web --web-renderer html --release // to generate a production build

source: https://docs.flutter.dev/development/tools/web-renderers

2. Setup CORS Configuration

  • Download the Google-cloud-sdk which contains a tool called gsutil
  • In your flutter project create a file called cors.json and add this json content, which will remove all domain restrictions. (It doesn't matter where this file is located)
    "origin": ["*"],
    "method": ["GET"],
    "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
  • Run gcloud init (located in google-cloud-sdk/bin)
  • Authenticate yourself by clicking the link and choose the project in the console.
  • finally execute gsutil cors set cors.json gs://<your-bucket-name>.appspot.com You can find your bucket name in firebase storage.

I have documented this entire process in github gists

Upvotes: 104


Reputation: 8725

This answer includes the two main ones mentioned as well as a vital point that wasn't:


Select and open your launch config:

enter image description here

Note the args value:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Flutter (lib\\main.dart)",
      "type": "dart",
      "request": "launch",
      "program": "lib\\main.dart",
      "flutterMode": "profile",
      "args": ["-d", "chrome", "--web-renderer", "html"]

Make sure you're running the same config:

enter image description here

Now you can run the app as usual.

  1. CORS

Install gsutil and create a file cors.json with content:

    "origin": ["*"],
    "method": ["GET"],
    "maxAgeSeconds": 3600

Run gsutil cors set cors.json gs://[YOUR BUCKET]. If you later want to clear this config from your bucket change the content to [] and run again.

  1. ADD TOKEN TO NetworkImage WIDGET

This is what made it work for my rules that required authentication, as I have removed the token param from the image url. Get the user auth token (FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser.getIdToken()) and add it to the headers arg like so:

NetworkImage(imageUrl, headers: {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer $token',

Not sure what your particular situation is with "another domain" but I hope this is relevant.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 2137

This issue will occur by CROS policy. and There is two case to handle this:

  1. For Debug
  2. For Live Web App

For Debugging I suggest just disable the web Security to Pass through CROS. or use flutter_cors package. This package only work for debugging.

For Publishing, I suggest use Proxy server to handle the CORS issue.It is a best way to Bypass CORS. Or You can try some other methods -Link Here

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 498

If you use Firebase storage just follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Cloud Console at your project.

  2. Click on console icon in top right corner.

  3. Click Open editor.

  4. Click File->New->cors.json.

  5. Place code below:

        "origin": ["*"],
        "method": ["GET"],
        "maxAgeSeconds": 3600
  6. Then Run in console:

    gsutil cors set cors.json gs://bucket-name

    bucket-name is the name of the storage bucket which you can find on your Firebase project above the folders in the storage section.

Upvotes: 31


Reputation: 141

I had an issue while loading content from other domains which I don't have control over to change the CORS settings from the server-side. I have found a work-around for this problem:

  1. Go to C:\src\flutter\packages\flutter_tools\lib\src\web or navigate from your Flutter root directory to flutter\packages\flutter_tools\lib\src\web.

  2. Open chrome.dart in your text editor.

  3. Add '--disable-web-security' under the like '--disable-extensions' and save the file.

  4. Run flutter clean in your project folder and run the app.

Adding this flag might also cause some security issues.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1116

There are two ways to solve this issue:

  1. Just run your flutter web with

    flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html

    But there is one problem when you render your canvas view to HTML view. All your views like images, text, etc. will come out blurry (bad quality). If you can sacrifice the quality, go on with the first solution.

  2. If you don't want to sacrifice quality, you need to add some code to your backend site. I have done with NodeJS, you can use with yours:

    var express = require("express")
    var app = express()
    var subsriberRecord = require("./controller/Subscribe")
    var blogRecord = require("./controller/BlogContent")
    app.use(function(req, res, next) {
        res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
         "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"
    app.use("/record/", subsriberRecord);
    app.use("/record/", blogRecord);
    app.use('/uploads', express.static('./uploads'));
    app.listen(5000, () => {
        console.log("Server running at port 5000");

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 1835


flutter run --web-renderer html

solved my issue.

Upvotes: 3

Michael Uhlenberg
Michael Uhlenberg

Reputation: 448

For me this worked:

flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html

Upvotes: 31

Ehab Reda
Ehab Reda

Reputation: 722

Simply add this in your Flutter (web/index.html):

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.flutterWebRenderer = "html";

Upvotes: 37

Abel Ayalew
Abel Ayalew

Reputation: 1891

I solved this issue by using html renderer:

flutter build web --release --web-renderer html


flutter run --web-renderer html

Upvotes: 58


Reputation: 537

The Ultimate Solution

Use this package instead of flutter's NetworkImage.


Tested on Flutter web with Canvas renderer and it works like a charm!

Upvotes: 10

Ali Ali El-Dabaa
Ali Ali El-Dabaa

Reputation: 127

This official solution worked for me on Chrome only (Source). But I had to run it first every time.

flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html

And disabling web security also worked (Source). But the browsers will show a warning banner.

But In case you are running on a different browser than Chrome (e.g. Edge) and you want to keep 'web security' enabled. You can change the default web renderer in settings in VS Code

File ==> Preferences ==> Settings ==> Enter 'Flutter Web' in the Search Bar ==> Set the default web renderer to html

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 10539

To debug quickly, instead of flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html running from the terminal you can also add the arguments --web-renderer html on your run config. On the menu bar, navigate through Run > Edit Configurations

Run config

Upvotes: 11

NM Naufaldo
NM Naufaldo

Reputation: 1160

For someone who uses Slim Framework, just create a .htaccess file on that folder for storing images and put this line of code

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin *

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 11941

If you can't update CORS settings or add proxy, prefer CanvasKit (has better performance) over HTML renderer - could display image with platform view:

import 'dart:html';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;

class MyImage extends StatelessWidget {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    String imageUrl = "image_url";
    // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/41563
    // ignore: undefined_prefixed_name
      (int _) => ImageElement()..src = imageUrl,
    return HtmlElementView(
      viewType: imageUrl,

Upvotes: 9

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