
Reputation: 213

How to animate an svg in reverse with anime.js?

I've tweaked this example of an SVG animation from the anime.js docs: https://codepen.io/fergusmeiklejohn/pen/gOwdVpq

I'm trying to animate drawing the word from the end of the word to the beginning. Can Anime.js do this? direction: 'reverse' doesn't work as I hoped it would. It animates in reverse but starts with the complete svg and ends with nothing.

I also had the idea that if anime can't do this, is a solution to redraw the SVG in reverse?

Thanks all! :-)

Upvotes: 2

Views: 548

Answers (1)


Reputation: 14545

SVG mask solution

The idea is to first hide the word with the mask, then use the stroke-dashoffset animation for the mask to gradually reveal the word.
The mask will have a wide line to show the bottom word with different line widths in different parts of the word.

To do this, we need to draw a center line in the vector editor, repeating all the bends of the lower word

enter image description here

The red line in the figure is the centerline for the wide line of the mask.

body {
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100%;
  background-color: #35dad2;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  align-content: center;

  svg {
    width: 40em;
  #word {


#msk {
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="subtitle" viewBox="0 0 229.2 69.6">
  <mask id="msk">
  <path  d="M226.7 46.7s-.6-4-2-5.2a9 9 0 00-7.6-1.8c-3.6.8-5.7 4.7-8.7 7-3 2.1-6 4.4-9.3 6.3-3.2 1.7-6.5 3.6-10 4.3-1.9.4-5.3 1.6-5.6-.2-.8-3.7 2.8-8.5 4.3-12.7 1.8-4.9 2.5-10.5 5.8-14.6 2-2.6 4.7-5.5 7.9-5.6 2.2 0 4.8 1.5 5.5 3.6 1 2.7-1 5.9-2.5 8.3-1.4 2.1-3.4 4.1-5.8 5-4 1.4-9.3-3.4-12.9-.2-6.7 6-11 9.6-19 16.6-.8.8-5.6.7-5-.2 8.7-11 14-25.5 22-38.2 1.6-2.4 5.2 2 7.3 1 .8-.5 1.5-1.7 1-2.4-.8-1.7-4.3.6-5.7-.8-1-1 .3-3-.4-4.4-.5-.9-2-3.8-2.5-2-1 3.3-2.8 5.3-5.3 6.6-2.1 1.2-7.3.8-7.3.8v0s-.4-2.4-1.3-2.8c-1.4-.6-2.5-1.3-4.4 1.3 0 0-3.4.9-3.1 2 .1 1 1.7.5 2.5.6 1.5.3 3 .8 4.4.9 3.2.3 8-2.7 9.7 0 3.4 5-3.8 11.8-7.3 16.8-2.3 3.2-6.2 2.9-8.5 8.1-3.9 8.7-10.7 15.8-16.5 12.1-1.5-1 1-5.1 1-5.1 2.8-11.3 18.1-16 12.7-22.8-.4-.5-.9-1.3-2 .5-7.1 12.8-3.6 3.9-6.5 7.2-2 2.3-5.4 2.7-8 4.2-4.3 2.4-8.8 4.8-12.8 7.7-1.4 1-3.6 1.5-3.8 3.2-.2 1.8 1.8 3.3 3.4 4.3 1 .7 2.4 1.3 3.5.8 2.2-1 2.8-4 3.2-6.3.5-3.5-1.5-6.8-1.6-10.3 0-2.8-.4-5.9.8-8.3 1.3-2.5 4-3.9 6.2-5.6 2.2-1.8 7.5-2.2 7-5.1-1.4-10-23.6-18.2-28.6-9.8-7 11.6-12.4 19.5-15.9 30.4-.9 2.8-2 6-1.2 8.9.7 2.8 2.3 6.7 5.2 7 3.3.2 5.2-4.4 7.3-7 3.3-4.3 6-9 7.7-14 .9-2.5 3.5-8.5 1.4-7.6-4.5 1.8-7.7 9.8-12.9 13.3-3.3 2.2-8.4 1.6-11.3 4.5-2.8 3-.2 11.1-4.3 11.5-1.2.1-1.6-1.8-1.8-3-.4-2.2 3.3-8 1.4-6.7-3 1.8-5.6 4.4-8.7 6-2.4 1.1-5 2.8-7.6 2.5-1.3-.1-3-.7-3.5-2-1.7-3.8 1.2-8.4 2.7-12.2 1.8-4.3 4.3-8.3 7.2-12 2-2.4 3.8-6.1 7-6.5 2.2-.2 5.1 1.4 5.9 3.6.7 2.3-1.3 4.7-2.6 6.7-1.7 2.7-3.7 5.8-6.8 7-2.2.8-6.5 1.9-7-.4-2-7 6.3-15.3 9.7-22.5 2.7-5.5 0-16.2-3.4-12.4-4.7 5.2-7.5 11.3-11.3 16.8-3.6 5.2-7.3 10.3-11.1 15.3-2.4 3-5 6-7.6 9-4 4.4-8 9-12.8 12.8C43.3 63 39 68.6 36 66.8c-2.4-1.4-2.4-4.5 0-8.3 4.5-7.2 10.3-10.4 14.4-20.4 3.2-7.7 10.4-13.8 12.5-22 .5-1.8.7-4 0-5.7-.4-1.1-1.8-3.6-2.4-2.6-4.1 7.3-4.2 16.6-10.5 21.6a248 248 0 00-29.7 29.3c-.9 1-3-.4-3.6-1.6-1-2.3 1.7-4.8 2.8-7.1 3-6 6.9-11.5 10.3-17.3 2.6-4.2 5.4-8.2 7.7-12.6 1.6-3 5.5-6 4-9-1.4-2.6-5.9-2-9-1.7-4 .4-7.5 2.9-11.2 4.7a76.8 76.8 0 00-10 5.8C9 21.7 5 22.9 4.3 26c-.6 2 .5 4.6 2 6.2a7.7 7.7 0 005.2 2.2c1.8 0 5-1.7 5-1.7">
            <!-- Animation of the mask opening the word -->
      <animate id="an"
                  <!-- The word is hidden by the mask -->
  <path id="word" mask="url(#msk)" d="M79.7 29.1a344.4 344.4 0 01-20.4 23.4 152 152 0 01-13.8 12.6c-4.6 3.5-7.9 5.3-9.8 5.3h-.4c-2.9 0-4.8-1-5.6-3l-.2-1v-.6c0-2.2 1.8-6.5 5.5-12.8l7.8-14.3c-11.4 10.8-19 18.3-23 22.1-1.8 0-3.4-.6-4.8-1.8-.6-.7-.9-1.7-.9-2.9 0-2.3 1.8-6.5 5.4-12.6a6587 6587 0 0016.3-30.1h-.2A48.2 48.2 0 008.5 28.9v.1a5.5 5.5 0 002.5 2.9c1.5.5 3 .7 4.5.7l.9.1c0 .9-1.6 1.9-4.8 3.1-1.7.5-3.1.7-4.2.7h-.5c-2.5 0-4.2-2.8-4.9-8.4l-.1-1.6v-1.1a7 7 0 012.8-5.9c1.8-1.7 4.1-3.4 7-5.1 4-2.3 9.3-4.5 15.8-6.6A50 50 0 0139 6c1.5.2 2.9.8 4 1.8a7.9 7.9 0 012.6 5.9 1744.2 1744.2 0 01-17.5 32v.1l22.1-20.9C56 14 59.2 7.7 59.5 6.1c1.4.2 2.7.7 4 1.7a7.7 7.7 0 012.7 6.2v.1C49.7 44 41.2 59.4 40.8 60.4c1.8-1.6 4.3-4.2 7.7-7.8 9.4-10.6 18.4-22 27.2-34A79.7 79.7 0 0086.4 1l.1-1.1v-.1l.2-.1c1.5.4 3.1 1.4 4.9 3C93.4 5 94.4 6.8 94.4 8c-2.9 5.2-7.8 12.2-14.7 21.1zM125.8 40l-1.6 3-2 3.8-2.1 3.7c-1.8 3.2-3.2 5.7-4.1 7.6-1.5 2.8-4.1 3.4-7.7 2-1.5-.6-2.8-1.4-4-2.5a10.2 10.2 0 01-2.5-3.4l-3.6 6.6c-4.5-.4-6.3-2.4-5.6-6l-3 2.1a27.3 27.3 0 01-8.7 3.7l-1.8.2h-.4c-1.8 0-3.4-.7-4.7-2a10.6 10.6 0 01-2.1-6.6v-.6c0-3.1 1.1-7 3.2-11.5a36 36 0 0113.8-16.2l3-1.5 1.6-.6c.7 0 1.9.2 3.4.6l2.2.7c2.5 1.2 3.8 3 3.8 5.4v.4c0 1.6-.6 3.5-1.9 5.7a29.4 29.4 0 01-9.5 9.4l-8.3.2-1.6 2.4c-1.5 2.7-2.3 5-2.6 45.5 0 0015.9-7.7l1.2-.9 1.4-2.6 4.5-8.3.7-1.4.8-1.4 1.6-2.9 3.2-5.9c5.4-9.8 8-15.1 7.9-15.9 2 .2 3.6 1 4.8 2.6a7 7 0 011.7 5.2l-11.9 21.5 3.3-3 1.7-1.5 1.7-1.6 6-5.4c4.6.4 6.4 2.6 5.4 6.6-.4 1.5-1.2 3.4-2.4 5.7l-.8 1.5-.9 1.4zm-40.4-1.2l4 .2a9 9 0 003.9-2.5 11.1 11.1 0 002.7-6.3c0-.7-.2-1.1-.6-1.3h-.2c-.8.1-1.8.7-3.1 1.8a93 93 0 00-2.9 2.8 48.8 48.8 0 00-3.8 5.3zm34.5-2.9l-13.6 11.5-.9.6-.4.6c.2 1.7.7 3 1.5 4 .9 1 1.8 1.4 3 1.1l10.4-17.8zm107.9 7.2v.6c0 1.2-.4 2.2-1.1 3h-.1c-.2-.7-.6-1.3-1.2-1.8a5 5 0 00-1.8-.5h-.6c-3.2 0-9.8 2.8-19.8 8.5-9 5.2-14.8 7.8-17.3 7.8h-.3c-3.4 0-5.6-1.9-6.7-5.6-.2-1.1-.4-2.2-.4-3.1v-.5c0-1.4.2-3 .6-4.6l-14.3 13-.9.8c-1.7 0-3.1-.5-4.4-1.5a4 4 0 01-1.1-2.6V56c0-1.7 1.3-5 4-9.8a659 659 0 01-16.1 14.5 9 9 0 01-4-1.1 3.7 3.7 0 01-1.8-3.2V56c0-2.2 1.5-5.8 4.4-10.9l2.2-3.9a93.5 93.5 0 00-7 3.3c.3 1.7.5 3.2.5 4.7v.3c0 3.4-.9 6.4-2.7 8.9a7 7 0 01-5.3 2.4h-.4a7.6 7.6 0 01-7-4.8c-.3-.9-.5-1.8-.5-2.5v-.4c0-.9.2-1.9.6-3l.3-.4c2.5-2 5-3.8 7.5-5.4-2-3.7-3-6-3-6.9v-1.1c0-3 1.6-6.3 4.8-9.8a35.2 35.2 0 0112.2-8.1 9 9 0 014.6 4c.4.6.7 1.3 1 2.1l.2.4c-2.8.9-5 1.8-6.8 2.9-4.9 2.8-7.4 6.2-7.4 10.2 0 .9.1 1.8.4 2.8 4.9-2.9 8.8-4.9 11.6-6l2.7-4.7a21 21 0 002.5-5.9h.1a7.3 7.3 0 015.5 3.5 7.8 7.8 0 011.1 3.7l-.1.3v.4l-4.2 7.5-5.2 9.1 12.1-11.1c.7-.4 1.4-.6 1.8-.6h.4l9-16.4h-.1l-6.4.2a2 2 0 01-.9-.9l-3.4 3.5a31.2 31.2 0 01-7-1.8v-.1l4-9.3 4.2-.3h1.2c2.7 0 5.3.3 7.8.8v.1l-4.9 5.1 7.3-.8c3-5.5 4.5-8.6 4.5-9.3 1.2 0 2.5.6 4.1 1.8a7.4 7.4 0 012.3 5.4c0 .4-.2 1-.6 1.6l2.6-.1h2.8l.1.2-1.9 4.3h-.1l-5.6-.4-16 28.7h.1l12.1-11.2h.1l2.5-4.4c1.1-1.6 2.6-3.4 4.5-5.4a23 23 0 015.4-4.3c1.4-.9 3-1.8 4.9-2.5l.4-.1c1.8 0 3.8.5 5.9 1.4 2.5 1.2 3.7 3 3.7 5.5 0 3.2-2 6.9-6 11.2a27.9 27.9 0 01-5.5 4.3l-.7.1-7.8.1c-2.1 2.8-3.5 6-4.2 9.4 0 .3.6.6 1.7.7l.7.1h.7c3.1 0 7.8-2.7 13.8-8.1 5.1-4.6 8.7-7.5 10.9-8.8 2-1.1 3.7-1.7 5.1-1.7 4.1 0 7 1.7 8.6 5 .4.9.5 1.8.5 2.5zm-35.5-4.6l4.1.1c1.1-.2 2.2-.9 3.4-2 2.1-2.3 3.1-4.6 3.1-6.9-.1-.8-.3-1.2-.7-1.2-2.8.8-6.1 4.2-9.9 10zm-57.5 9.4a34 34 0 00-2.7 2.3c-.6.6-1 1.2-1.4 1.8 1.5-.4 2.6-1 3.4-1.8.4-.5.6-1 .6-1.7v-.6z"/>

With a 2s pause between reps

body {
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100%;
  background-color: #6247D5;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  align-content: center;

  svg {
    width: 40em;
  #word {


#msk {
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="subtitle" viewBox="0 0 229.2 69.6">
  <mask id="msk">
  <path  d="M226.7 46.7s-.6-4-2-5.2a9 9 0 00-7.6-1.8c-3.6.8-5.7 4.7-8.7 7-3 2.1-6 4.4-9.3 6.3-3.2 1.7-6.5 3.6-10 4.3-1.9.4-5.3 1.6-5.6-.2-.8-3.7 2.8-8.5 4.3-12.7 1.8-4.9 2.5-10.5 5.8-14.6 2-2.6 4.7-5.5 7.9-5.6 2.2 0 4.8 1.5 5.5 3.6 1 2.7-1 5.9-2.5 8.3-1.4 2.1-3.4 4.1-5.8 5-4 1.4-9.3-3.4-12.9-.2-6.7 6-11 9.6-19 16.6-.8.8-5.6.7-5-.2 8.7-11 14-25.5 22-38.2 1.6-2.4 5.2 2 7.3 1 .8-.5 1.5-1.7 1-2.4-.8-1.7-4.3.6-5.7-.8-1-1 .3-3-.4-4.4-.5-.9-2-3.8-2.5-2-1 3.3-2.8 5.3-5.3 6.6-2.1 1.2-7.3.8-7.3.8v0s-.4-2.4-1.3-2.8c-1.4-.6-2.5-1.3-4.4 1.3 0 0-3.4.9-3.1 2 .1 1 1.7.5 2.5.6 1.5.3 3 .8 4.4.9 3.2.3 8-2.7 9.7 0 3.4 5-3.8 11.8-7.3 16.8-2.3 3.2-6.2 2.9-8.5 8.1-3.9 8.7-10.7 15.8-16.5 12.1-1.5-1 1-5.1 1-5.1 2.8-11.3 18.1-16 12.7-22.8-.4-.5-.9-1.3-2 .5-7.1 12.8-3.6 3.9-6.5 7.2-2 2.3-5.4 2.7-8 4.2-4.3 2.4-8.8 4.8-12.8 7.7-1.4 1-3.6 1.5-3.8 3.2-.2 1.8 1.8 3.3 3.4 4.3 1 .7 2.4 1.3 3.5.8 2.2-1 2.8-4 3.2-6.3.5-3.5-1.5-6.8-1.6-10.3 0-2.8-.4-5.9.8-8.3 1.3-2.5 4-3.9 6.2-5.6 2.2-1.8 7.5-2.2 7-5.1-1.4-10-23.6-18.2-28.6-9.8-7 11.6-12.4 19.5-15.9 30.4-.9 2.8-2 6-1.2 8.9.7 2.8 2.3 6.7 5.2 7 3.3.2 5.2-4.4 7.3-7 3.3-4.3 6-9 7.7-14 .9-2.5 3.5-8.5 1.4-7.6-4.5 1.8-7.7 9.8-12.9 13.3-3.3 2.2-8.4 1.6-11.3 4.5-2.8 3-.2 11.1-4.3 11.5-1.2.1-1.6-1.8-1.8-3-.4-2.2 3.3-8 1.4-6.7-3 1.8-5.6 4.4-8.7 6-2.4 1.1-5 2.8-7.6 2.5-1.3-.1-3-.7-3.5-2-1.7-3.8 1.2-8.4 2.7-12.2 1.8-4.3 4.3-8.3 7.2-12 2-2.4 3.8-6.1 7-6.5 2.2-.2 5.1 1.4 5.9 3.6.7 2.3-1.3 4.7-2.6 6.7-1.7 2.7-3.7 5.8-6.8 7-2.2.8-6.5 1.9-7-.4-2-7 6.3-15.3 9.7-22.5 2.7-5.5 0-16.2-3.4-12.4-4.7 5.2-7.5 11.3-11.3 16.8-3.6 5.2-7.3 10.3-11.1 15.3-2.4 3-5 6-7.6 9-4 4.4-8 9-12.8 12.8C43.3 63 39 68.6 36 66.8c-2.4-1.4-2.4-4.5 0-8.3 4.5-7.2 10.3-10.4 14.4-20.4 3.2-7.7 10.4-13.8 12.5-22 .5-1.8.7-4 0-5.7-.4-1.1-1.8-3.6-2.4-2.6-4.1 7.3-4.2 16.6-10.5 21.6a248 248 0 00-29.7 29.3c-.9 1-3-.4-3.6-1.6-1-2.3 1.7-4.8 2.8-7.1 3-6 6.9-11.5 10.3-17.3 2.6-4.2 5.4-8.2 7.7-12.6 1.6-3 5.5-6 4-9-1.4-2.6-5.9-2-9-1.7-4 .4-7.5 2.9-11.2 4.7a76.8 76.8 0 00-10 5.8C9 21.7 5 22.9 4.3 26c-.6 2 .5 4.6 2 6.2a7.7 7.7 0 005.2 2.2c1.8 0 5-1.7 5-1.7">
            <!-- Animation of the mask opening the word -->
      <animate id="an"
                  <!-- The word is hidden by the mask -->
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SVG mask + JS solution

Drawing a word, erasing a word by clicking on a button

var draw = true;

function play() {
  var path = document.getElementById('path');
  path.style.strokeDashoffset = (draw) ? '0' : '1109';
  draw = !draw;
body {
  height: 100vh;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
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  align-content: center;

  svg {
    width: 40em;
  #word {


#msk {
<button onclick="play();">Play</button>

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