
Reputation: 11

Ingress - default backend - 404 on TLS

I'm using Rancher 2.4.7 to deploy applications on customer's environments. I successfully created a new cluster for a production environment however whenever I create an Ingress resource with a specific hostname (the certificate is valid) : I get the default backend - 404 message when accessing my applications.

If I create an Ingress resource using the embed xip.io hostname, I can access my applications like it's supposed to.

I tried creating my resource using kubectl and the Rancher UI.

When getting the default backend - 404 error, no logs are registered on my deployment.


apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
  namespace: default
      app: nginx
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 0
    type: RollingUpdate
        workload.user.cattle.io/workloadselector: deployment-default-nginx
      - image: nginx:latest
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: nginx
        - containerPort: 80
          name: nginx
          protocol: TCP
        resources: {}
          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
          capabilities: {}
          privileged: false
          readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
          runAsNonRoot: false
        stdin: true
        terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
        terminationMessagePolicy: File
        tty: true
      dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
      restartPolicy: Always
      schedulerName: default-scheduler
      securityContext: {}
      terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30

Service :

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
  namespace: default
  - name: nginx
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    workload.user.cattle.io/workloadselector: deployment-default-nginx
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: ClusterIP


apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: nginx
  namespace: default
  - host: mydomain.com
      - backend:
          serviceName: nginx
          servicePort: 80
        path: /
  - hosts:
    - mydomain.com
    secretName: mycertificate

Any thoughts what is wrong?


I'm using nginx-ingress shipped with Rancher. I'm not using any Cloud Provider. I installed a RKE Cluster using the Rancher UI.

Ingress controller logs:

I0111 16:13:02.868872       6 flags.go:204] Watching for Ingress class: nginx 
W0111 16:13:02.869187       6 flags.go:249] SSL certificate chain completion is disabled (--enable-ssl-chain-completion=false) 
W0111 16:13:02.869225       6 client_config.go:543] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work. 
I0111 16:13:02.869357       6 main.go:220] Creating API client for 
NGINX Ingress controller 
  Release:       0.32.0 
  Build:         git-29dd9760f 
  Repository:    https://github.com/rancher/ingress-nginx.git 
  nginx version: nginx/1.17.10 
I0111 16:13:02.879836       6 main.go:264] Running in Kubernetes cluster version v1.18 (v1.18.6) - git (clean) commit dff82dc0de47299ab66c83c626e08b245ab19037 - platform linux/amd64 
I0111 16:13:02.884023       6 main.go:94] Validated ingress-nginx/default-http-backend as the default backend. 
I0111 16:13:03.022518       6 main.go:105] SSL fake certificate created /etc/ingress-controller/ssl/default-fake-certificate.pem 
I0111 16:13:03.023350       6 main.go:113] Enabling new Ingress features available since Kubernetes v1.18 
E0111 16:13:03.024271       6 main.go:122] Unexpected error searching IngressClass: ingressclasses.networking.k8s.io "nginx" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:ingress-nginx:nginx-ingress-serviceaccount" cannot get resource "ingressclasses" in API group "networking.k8s.io" at the cluster scope 
W0111 16:13:03.024285       6 main.go:125] No IngressClass resource with name nginx found. Only annotation will be used. 
I0111 16:13:03.060623       6 nginx.go:263] Starting NGINX Ingress controller 
I0111 16:13:03.077607       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ConfigMap", Namespace:"ingress-nginx", Name:"tcp-services", UID:"eb5e7318-e99c-428f-82a0-4321925fdc4e", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"610", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' ConfigMap ingress-nginx/tcp-services 
I0111 16:13:03.077660       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ConfigMap", Namespace:"ingress-nginx", Name:"udp-services", UID:"91590425-b422-4c4b-829d-a0be04973a9d", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"611", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' ConfigMap ingress-nginx/udp-services 
I0111 16:13:03.077677       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"ConfigMap", Namespace:"ingress-nginx", Name:"nginx-configuration", UID:"20b82b4a-e536-4a63-9fd2-20e17489b1ab", APIVersion:"v1", ResourceVersion:"607", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' ConfigMap ingress-nginx/nginx-configuration 
I0111 16:13:04.168739       6 backend_ssl.go:66] Adding Secret "default/mycertificate" to the local store 
I0111 16:13:04.261564       6 nginx.go:307] Starting NGINX process 
I0111 16:13:04.261672       6 leaderelection.go:242] attempting to acquire leader lease  ingress-nginx/ingress-controller-leader-nginx... 
I0111 16:13:04.262436       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0111 16:13:04.363051       6 leaderelection.go:252] successfully acquired lease ingress-nginx/ingress-controller-leader-nginx 
I0111 16:13:04.363157       6 status.go:86] new leader elected: nginx-ingress-controller-5dwhm 
I0111 16:13:04.385580       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0111 16:13:04.385608       6 controller.go:164] Initial sync, sleeping for 1 second. 
E0111 16:14:14.950751       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:161: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0111 16:14:14.950798       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:159: Failed to watch *v1.Service: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0111 16:14:14.950816       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:157: Failed to watch *v1.Secret: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0111 16:14:14.950847       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:182: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0111 16:14:14.951438       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:160: Failed to watch *v1.ConfigMap: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0111 16:14:14.951936       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:158: Failed to watch *v1.Endpoints: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
I0112 09:02:55.888418       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 09:02:55.969141       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 09:22:55.591923       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 09:22:55.591920       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"5121fa4a-a2c1-445a-a65a-da5ad64088f1", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1173601", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' Ingress default/nginx 
I0112 09:22:55.676508       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 09:23:04.372633       6 status.go:275] updating Ingress default/nginx status from [] to [{ }] 
I0112 09:23:04.380700       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"5121fa4a-a2c1-445a-a65a-da5ad64088f1", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1173626", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 
I0112 09:23:04.388779       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"5121fa4a-a2c1-445a-a65a-da5ad64088f1", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1173628", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 
I0112 09:23:04.402679       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"5121fa4a-a2c1-445a-a65a-da5ad64088f1", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1173629", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 
I0112 09:23:07.714377       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 09:23:07.791810       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. - - [12/Jan/2021:09:23:11 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 414 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36" 504 0.006 [default-nginx-80] [] 612 0.004 200 0bb06b53bbc47c83854cf8e19fde2e4a 
I0112 09:24:06.033945       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 09:24:06.114217       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
E0112 09:35:32.853089       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:161: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0112 09:35:32.853089       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:160: Failed to watch *v1.ConfigMap: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0112 09:35:32.853156       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:182: Failed to watch *v1beta1.Ingress: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0112 09:35:32.853566       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:159: Failed to watch *v1.Service: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0112 09:35:32.854106       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:158: Failed to watch *v1.Endpoints: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0112 09:35:32.854378       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:157: Failed to watch *v1.Secret: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 
E0112 09:35:36.334273       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:157: Failed to watch *v1.Secret: unknown (get secrets) 
E0112 09:35:36.334349       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:160: Failed to watch *v1.ConfigMap: unknown (get configmaps) 
E0112 09:35:36.334520       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:159: Failed to watch *v1.Service: unknown (get services) 
E0112 09:35:36.334538       6 reflector.go:382] k8s.io/ingress-nginx/internal/ingress/controller/store/store.go:158: Failed to watch *v1.Endpoints: unknown (get endpoints) 
I0112 10:18:11.687109       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 10:18:11.775731       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 10:48:25.950829       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 10:48:26.033626       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
W0112 10:49:21.912963       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 11:05:53.875160       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 11:05:53.875312       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 11:05:53.942794       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 11:05:53.990374       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"5121fa4a-a2c1-445a-a65a-da5ad64088f1", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1188099", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'DELETE' Ingress default/nginx 
I0112 11:05:57.208715       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 11:05:57.297730       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 11:06:15.724049       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"c230bb3e-7e0c-4ffa-b8a3-24e437a11b7c", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1188154", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'CREATE' Ingress default/nginx 
W0112 11:06:15.725433       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 11:06:15.725612       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 11:06:15.808897       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 11:07:04.375801       6 status.go:275] updating Ingress default/nginx status from [] to [{ }] 
I0112 11:07:04.386737       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"c230bb3e-7e0c-4ffa-b8a3-24e437a11b7c", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1188268", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 
W0112 11:07:04.386900       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 11:07:04.399808       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"c230bb3e-7e0c-4ffa-b8a3-24e437a11b7c", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1188270", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 
W0112 11:07:07.720456       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 12:37:09.436273       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 12:37:09.436524       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"c230bb3e-7e0c-4ffa-b8a3-24e437a11b7c", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1200926", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 
W0112 12:37:32.812935       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 12:37:43.751781       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 12:37:47.085248       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 13:29:48.126896       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 13:29:48.127046       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 13:29:48.194086       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
W0112 13:34:18.155900       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 13:34:18.156070       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 13:34:18.231656       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
W0112 13:50:31.577308       6 main.go:60] Protocol "HTTPS" is not a valid value for the backend-protocol annotation. Using HTTP as protocol 
W0112 13:50:31.578553       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 13:50:50.699484       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 14:34:11.399326       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 14:34:11.399493       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 14:34:11.494728       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
W0112 14:35:04.385107       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 14:35:07.718580       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
I0112 14:35:07.718815       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 14:35:07.819621       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
W0112 14:35:11.052037       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 14:35:33.306202       6 controller.go:909] Service "default/nginx" does not have any active Endpoint. 
W0112 14:37:02.428966       6 controller.go:822] Error obtaining Endpoints for Service "default/nginx": no object matching key "default/nginx" in local store 
I0112 14:37:02.429111       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 14:37:02.493923       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 14:37:05.762583       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 14:37:05.859639       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. - - [12/Jan/2021:14:37:07 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 414 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36" 618 0.002 [default-nginx-80] [] 612 0.000 200 4e6feb07a8d5e16a9d2592272ca338fd 
I0112 15:24:28.246019       6 controller.go:139] Configuration changes detected, backend reload required. 
I0112 15:24:28.316464       6 controller.go:155] Backend successfully reloaded. 
I0112 15:25:31.398134       6 event.go:278] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Ingress", Namespace:"default", Name:"nginx", UID:"c230bb3e-7e0c-4ffa-b8a3-24e437a11b7c", APIVersion:"networking.k8s.io/v1beta1", ResourceVersion:"1224608", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'UPDATE' Ingress default/nginx 

Upvotes: 1

Views: 7825

Answers (3)


Reputation: 515

    serviceName: ingress-nginx-controller
    servicePort: 80

Before rules add this

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 3613

Your service and deployment labels are not matching. That's why any of the requests for this service are not finding the backend and there is nothing to respond to these requests. For service you use:

    name: nginx

When for deployment you use:

    app: nginx

You have to change labels in either of the deployment so they will match.

Upvotes: 0

Karan Kumar
Karan Kumar

Reputation: 3176

I am not sure if I am able to understand since it would require some RnD. Meanwhile, you can checkout the ingress config that I used on my project :

Note: What version of Ingress I used and also the annotations for it

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
  name: ingress-service
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/default-backend: ingress-nginx-controller
    ## tells ingress to check for regex in the config file
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true"
    cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/configuration-snippet: |
      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Methods "POST, GET, OPTIONS";
      add_header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true;
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/enable-cors: "true"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/cors-allow-methods: "PUT, GET, POST, OPTIONS"
    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/from-to-www-redirect: "true"  ## IMPORTANT

  ## TLS config
    - hosts:
        - www.mydomain.com
        - mydomain.com
      secretName: cultor-test-tls
  ## our custom routing rules
    - host: www.mydomain.com
          - path: /api/upload/?(.*)
              serviceName: aws-srv
              servicePort: 3000
          - path: /api/project/?(.*)
              serviceName: project-srv
              servicePort: 3000
          - path: /api/profile/?(.*)
              serviceName: profile-srv
              servicePort: 3000
          - path: /api/users/?(.*)
              serviceName: auth-srv
              servicePort: 3000
          - path: /?(.*)
              serviceName: client-srv
              servicePort: 3000


Make sure you've tried accessing the domain with and without WWW and add this in your config as shown above

    nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/from-to-www-redirect: "true"

Upvotes: 0

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