Reputation: 25
I plan to show the text in a label and then have 4 buttons at the bottom which the user will select
The questions are stored in a notepad file that's quite primitive, and I split each line up by colons to separate the subject, question, correct answer, then finally the 3 incorrect answers
English:What is a proper noun?:A person or a place:An object:A describing word:A doing word
Maths:What is 4 x 9:36:37:28:29
Below is the Python code I need to print the variable question[1] which is the Question Then I need to have 4 buttons which show the following variables, question[2], question[3], question[4], question[5]
I have no idea how to 'tkintify' this, so any help would be really appreciated. My particular struggle is turning variables into 'tkinter variables', especially when creating a button where the "text" parameter is a variable
Thanks in advance
Python code:
f1 = f.readlines()
#Asks the user to pick a subject, in the project this
#will use your subject variable from where the user has
#chosen a subject by clicking a button
Subject = input("Pick a subject")
# Creates a blank list
questions = []
# Splits the list up by colon so we can find the subject, question,
# and correct answers. Subject = question[0], question = question[1],
# correct answer = question[2], incorrect answers = question[3] to question[5]
for question in f1:
sQuestion = question.split(":")
# Goes through the list of questions and only prints the correct subject
for question in questions:
if question[0] == Subject:
answer = input(question[1]+": "+question[2]+", "+question[3]+", "+question[4]+", "+question[5]+"?")
# Checks to see if the user guess is correct
if answer==question[2]:
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Views: 851
Reputation: 385970
Your question is really, really broad and not really suited to Stackoverflow. However, I'm going to try to give you some general guidelines because I understand how difficult it can be when trying to learn GUI programming.
Event-based programming is very different than procedural code. Instead of writing top-down code, you need to initialize the UI and then set up functions to respond to events. Those functions can then be used to alter the display.
One of the most talented programmers I ever met gave me the advice that you should always start by thinking about your data structures. If you have designed your data well, the implementation almost becomes self-evident. If you have bad data structures (eg: just a bunch of random variables), it will make the program really hard to write and understand.
So, let's start by looking at your questions. They are a line of text that has to be parsed. It would be easier to write the GUI if all of the questions were objects that you could then store in a dictionary by subject.
It doesn't have to be fancy, the definition might look something like this if we can assume that all of your data is properly formatted:
class Question():
def __init__(self, question_string):
subject, question,answer1,answer2,answer3,answer4 = question_string.split(":")
self.subject = subject
self.question = question
self.correct_answer = answer1
self.answers = (answer1, answer2, answer3, answer4)
To create a single question you could pass it one line from your file. Once you have the object, it becomes easy to get the subject, the question text, the correct answer, and the possible answers.
>>> q = Question("English:What is a proper noun?:A person or a place:An object:A describing word:A doing word")
>>> print(q.question)
What is a proper noun?
>>> print(q.correct_answer)
A person or a place
>>> print(q.answers)
('A person or a place', 'An object', 'A describing word', 'A doing word')
With this, you can loop over the lines of your file, creating one object for each line. You can store the questions in a list or in a dictionary organized by subject. Since you said you want the user to pick a subject, creating a dictionary with a key for each subject makes the most sense.
That might look something like this:
questions = {"English": [], "Maths": []}
for row in f.readlines():
question = Question(row)
The general idea is to create the widgets beforehand, and then update the widgets when a question is chosen. For this, we'll create a frame to hold a question, and in that frame will be one label for the question and four radio buttons for the answers. Radio buttons are the right UI choice since they represent an exclusive choice. There will also be a label to display whether the answer was correct or not.
This code assumes that you've previously created a Frame
named question_frame
. Putting the widgets in a separate frame will make it easier to add additional widgets to your GUI in the future.
Radiobuttons need to share one of the tkinter variables (StringVar
, IntVar
, etc). This is how tkinter knows that only one can be selected at a time, and it provides a mechanism for getting the selected value. We'll use an IntVar
and name it answer_var
answer_var = tk.StringVar()
question_label = tk.Label(question_frame, width=80, anchor="w")
answer_radiobuttons = (
tk.Radiobutton(question_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=0),
tk.Radiobutton(question_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=1),
tk.Radiobutton(question_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=2),
tk.Radiobutton(question_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=3),
result_label = tk.Label(root)
is used here because of its simplicity. You could use grid
if you prefer.
question_label.pack(side="top", fill="x", anchor="w")
result_label.pack(side="bottom", fill="x")
for button in answer_radiobuttons:
button.pack(side="top", fill="x", expand=True, anchor="w")
Now that there are widgets to display a question and its answers, and now that we have some question objects, we need to write a function that can display a single question and its answers. We can do that by using the configure
method of a widget which allows a widget to be modified after it has been created.
In the following example the answers are randomized so that the user can't get a correct answer just by selecting the first radiobutton on every question. Also, we'll use a global variable to keep track of the current question.
def show_question(question):
global current_question
current_question = question
# configure the question label to display the question
# configure the radiobuttons to hold the answers
answers = list(question.answers)
for i in range(4):
answer_var.set(-1) # causes buttons to show as unselected
With that, you can show any question by passing it to show_question
. You could, for example, have a "next" button that picks a question from a list of question and then shows it on the screen.
Now we have a data structure to hold questions, and a way to display a question. Now we need a way to validate the results. Radiobutton
widgets accept a command
attribute which could be used for this purpose, or you could have a "check answer" button, or perhaps you could call the function when the user tries to click a "next question" button. Regardless, the point is to create a function that does the checking. How it is triggered is up to you.
We know that the radiobuttons are tied to a single variable named answer_var
, and that variable has a get
method which returns the value. We also have the radiobuttons in a list so we can get the text of the selected radiobutton with the cget
method. With that, we can compare it to the correct answer of the current question object.
It would look something like this:
def check_answer():
choice = answer_var.get()
answer = answer_radiobuttons[choice].cget("text")
if answer == current_question.correct_answer:
As an example of how to use this, we could ask that a radiobutton call this function whenever it is configured. We can do that by changing how the radiobuttons are created, by adding a command
answer_radiobuttons = (
tk.Radiobutton(main_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=0, command=check_answer),
tk.Radiobutton(main_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=1, command=check_answer),
tk.Radiobutton(main_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=2, command=check_answer),
tk.Radiobutton(main_frame, anchor="w", variable=answer_var, value=3, command=check_answer),
I've left a lot of details out, but that's because there's no one best way to do this and your question was very broad. However, the general pattern applies to most GUI programs:
Upvotes: 1