Reputation: 2709
With Tensorflow 2.3, I've trained a tf.keras model with EfficientNet and now I want to export an inference-only end-to-end model that will include the preprocessing layers (essentially decoding an image encoded as a base64 string and potentially processing the normalization). My code to define the trained model and the inference model:
imageSize = (224,224,3)
inputs = layers.Input(shape=imageSize)
eff_net_model = EfficientNetB0(input_tensor=inputs)
# training is finished now wrap the model with preprocessing for inference model
model = b64_image_model_wrapper(eff_net_model,imageSize)
My wrapper fct is the following:
def b64_image_model_wrapper(model,imageSize,method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.BILINEAR,
def preprocess_and_decode(img_str, new_shape=imageSize):
img =
img = tf.image.decode_jpeg(img, channels=3)
img = tf.image.resize(img, new_shape, method=method)
return img
input64 = tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(None,), dtype="string", name=input_name)
output_tensor = tf.keras.layers.Lambda(
lambda img: tf.map_fn(lambda im: preprocess_and_decode(im[0]), img, fn_output_signature=tf.float32,swap_memory=True))(input64)
x = (output_tensor - mean) / std
x = model(x)
new_model = tf.keras.Model(input64, x,
new_model.output_names = model.output_names
return new_model
Later if I want to predict with this new model (the one that takes as input a string encoded image) I do:
model.predict(np.array(["hello"])) # just for testing purposes
I get the error:
Exception has occurred: InvalidArgumentError
Expected image (JPEG, PNG, or GIF), got unknown format starting with '\261\330_\201\250\354\205\327\340i\327'
[[{{node EfficientNet/lambda/map/while/body/_1/EfficientNet/lambda/map/while/DecodeJpeg}}]]
Likewise if I save this new model (
) and try to use it with Tensorflow Serving I get the error:
Error while reading resource variable block6c_bn/moving_mean from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Container localhost does not exist. (Could not find resource: localhost/block6c_bn/moving_mean)\n\t [[{{node functional_1/EfficientNet/block6c_bn/FusedBatchNormV3/ReadVariableOp}}]]
I don't know what it means exactly but it seems that some weights are not initialized? Am I doing the model wrapping the right way?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 782
Reputation: 4313
The reason you get error when you call the model.predict(np.array(["hello"]))
is because:
is not .jpg
fileFollowing code show you how to test the model using .jpg
with open("./homersimpson.0.0.jpg", "rb") as imageFile:
base64_bytes = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
base64_strings = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')
img =
prediction = model.predict(np.array([base64_strings]))
Also I using'./test_save_model')
to save the entire model which don't have any problem
Upvotes: 1