I have a server which is written with by boost.asio. This server gets the file from the client and write it to disk. I have just a problem with that. When server get the file, it write it to disk when it recieved the file completely. I wanted server write the buffer to disk in real-time fashion. For example, server write to disk every 100kb size of the file it get from the client. I have written the following code but I don't know how can I edited to get to this goal.
void Session::DoReadFileContent(size_t arg_bytes_transferred)
if (arg_bytes_transferred > 0)
m_outputFile.write(, static_cast<std::streamsize>(arg_bytes_transferred));
if (m_outputFile.tellp() >= static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_fileSize))
std::cout << "Received file: " << m_fileName << std::endl;
auto self = shared_from_this();
m_socket.async_read_some(boost::asio::buffer(, m_buffer.size()),
[this, self](boost::system::error_code arg_error_code, size_t arg_bytes)
Upvotes: 3
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First off, in that case it seems better to read explicit sizes of data instead of read_some
which reads whatever is available.
In this pattern, it becomes easier to track "remaining bytes receivable" than m_fileSize
Here's some minor re-shufflings that made your code into a self-contained example. It expects a server to send a line of text giving the payload size and output filename, followed by the contents of that file. An example server can be run with netcat e.g.:
(stat -c '%soutput.dat' main.cpp; cat main.cpp) | netcat -l -p 6969
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using boost::system::error_code;
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
struct Session : std::enable_shared_from_this<Session> {
Session(boost::asio::io_context& io, uint16_t port)
: m_socket(io)
m_socket.connect({{}, port});
void Start();
void DoReadFileContent(size_t transferred = 0);
std::array<char, 1024> m_buffer;
std::streamsize m_remainingSize = 0;
std::string m_fileName = "noname.dat";
std::ofstream m_outputFile;
tcp::socket m_socket;
void Session::Start() {
// Reading a size (in text for simplicity) and subsequently receive as many bytes
// I'm keeping this sync for simplicity, because you probably already have
// this coded somehwere
boost::asio::streambuf buf;
error_code ec;
auto n = read_until(m_socket, buf, "\n", ec);
std::istream is(&buf);
if (is >> m_remainingSize && getline(is, m_fileName)) {
std::cerr << "Protocol trace: n:" << n << ", fileName:" << m_fileName << " payload_size:" << m_remainingSize << "\n";
m_outputFile.exceptions(std::ios::failbit | std::ios::badbit);, std::ios::binary);
// write excess buffer contents as part of payload
if (buf.size()) {
std::cerr << "Writing " << buf.size() << " bytes\n";
m_remainingSize -= buf.size();
m_outputFile << &buf;
} else {
std::cerr << "Protocol error, payload_size expected\n";
void Session::DoReadFileContent(size_t transferred) {
if (transferred > 0) {
std::cerr << "Writing " << transferred << " bytes\n";
m_remainingSize -= transferred;
m_outputFile.write(, transferred);
if (m_remainingSize <= 0) {
std::cout << "Completed file: " << m_fileName << std::endl;
auto self = shared_from_this();
auto expect = std::min(size_t(m_remainingSize), m_buffer.size());
std::cout << "Trying to receive next " << expect << " bytes" << std::endl;
boost::asio::buffer(, expect),
[this, self](error_code ec, size_t arg_bytes) {
std::cerr << "async_read: " << ec.message() << " - " << arg_bytes << " bytes\n";
if (!ec) {
int main() {
boost::asio::io_context io;
std::make_shared<Session>(io, 6868) // download from port 6868
->Start();; // complete
Testing with
(stat -c '%soutput.dat' main.cpp; cat main.cpp) | netcat -l -p 6868&
md5sum main.cpp output.dat
Prints, e.g.:
Protocol trace: n:15, fileName:output.dat payload_size:2654
Trying to receive next 1024 bytes
async_read: Success - 1024 bytes
Writing 1024 bytes
Trying to receive next 1024 bytes
async_read: Success - 1024 bytes
Writing 1024 bytes
Trying to receive next 606 bytes
async_read: Success - 606 bytes
Writing 606 bytes
Completed file: output.dat
The last two lines
b4eec7203f6a1dcbfbf3d298c7ec0832 main.cpp
b4eec7203f6a1dcbfbf3d298c7ec0832 output.dat
indicate that the received file is identical to the original.
packets are delivered in unspecified sizes, on my system e.g. the same file is received as:
Protocol trace: n:15, fileName:output.dat payload_size:2654
Writing 497 bytes
Trying to receive next 1024 bytes
async_read: Success - 1024 bytes
Writing 1024 bytes
Trying to receive next 1024 bytes
async_read: Success - 1024 bytes
Writing 1024 bytes
Trying to receive next 109 bytes
async_read: Success - 109 bytes
Writing 109 bytes
Completed file: output.dat
b4eec7203f6a1dcbfbf3d298c7ec0832 main.cpp
b4eec7203f6a1dcbfbf3d298c7ec0832 output.dat
Note that it starts out with 497 bytes already in the input buffer from the
you wouldn't just gobble up all RAMm_outputFile.good()
instead at various placesUpvotes: 1