
Reputation: 588

MS Word 2010 mailmerge in Delphi 5

could anyone help?

I've inherited some software written in Delphi 5 which allows member data and fields from a database (.ADT file) to be used merged in to word.

It works fine with all version of Word except 2010 where it won't load any documents and shows the error:

"That Method is not available on that object"

I have been told the solution is to replace the preset components OpWord and OpDataSet with Ole variants. I have done so with OpWord using:

wrdApp := CreateOleObject('Word.Application');

and the documents now load up but without any merge field data. Can anyone let me know how to extract this data from the database, as the OpDataSet seems to simply just point at the table?

Or can anyone suggest a better solution than the one I'm trying. I'm very new to Delphi so I'm in abit over my head

Edit: (Requested Info)

Sorry I have more details and code if required.

The components appear to belong to a library called OfficePartner along with TOpExcel,TOpOutlook and others.

The .doc is selected from a popup ListPane on Form30, opened and populated with merge field data from Table 4. Table 1 is the members database:

  {Use Table4 as we can Set a range on it}
  Table4.SetRange([Table1.FieldByName('Member Id').AsString],[Table1.FieldByName('Member Id').AsString]);

  {Open Word}
  OpWord1.Connected := True;

  {Open the Test Document}
  OpWord1.OpenDocument(DocumentDirectory + '\' + Form30.ListBox1.Items[Form30.ListBox1.ItemIndex]);

  {Populate the Test Document}
  OpWord1.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.OfficeModel := OpDataSetModel1;

I hope this helps...

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Views: 3061

Answers (1)

Antonio Bakula
Antonio Bakula

Reputation: 20693

Here is a little procedure for word mail merge that I used way back for D6, it's a just snippet and you have to include in some class, I don't have Delphi anymore so can't compile to make sure that it works, anyway here it is, hope it helps:

procedure MailMergeWord;
  WordApp: TWordApplication;
  WordDoc: TWordDocument;
  doc : WordDocument;
  FileName: OleVariant;
  xx: integer;
  WordApp := TWordApplication.Create(nil);
  WordApp.ConnectKind := ckNewInstance;
  WordDoc := TWordDocument.Create(WordApp);
  FileName := 'TemplateDoc.doc';

  doc := WordApp.Documents.Open(FileName,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam,EmptyParam

  for xx := 1 to WordDoc.Fields.Count do
    WordDoc.Fields.Item(xx).Result.Text := OnWordVariable(WordDoc.Fields.Item(xx).Code.Text);

function OnWordVariable(varName: string): string;
  Result := 'Value based on variable name';

Upvotes: 1

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