Reputation: 49
1 vikram jha 1999 local
2 ravi kr 1998 outsider
3 anil 2000 outsider
4 john 1999 local
here is a 2d array of size [4][4], I want to store these information in a 2d array. How to do it ? Is it possible in a single array? I am a binger . other ideas are also welcomed.
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Views: 377
Reputation: 3859
It uses std::vector as container(dynamic size) with std::tuple as elements or struct as elements.
It also can be C-style array[n] as container(fixed size) with std::tuple as elements or struct as elements.
It also can be std::array as container(fixed size) with std::tuple as elements or struct as elements.
With tuples you donΒ΄t need to create complex types, simply add the dessired types for tuple elements, but the syntax in my opinion I see it uglier, the programmer can fall into errors when he makes a mistake when writing an index of an element of the tuple.
With structs you can create a complex type with functions, fields, constructor. The syntax is simpler, clearer. If you want to use a field, you refer to it by name rather than by an index, thereby reducing typing errors.
I prefer to use the classes provided by the standard c ++ library, you can do more with data types, they come with vitamins(std::array, std::vector). On the other hand, using the arrays in c-style has to do a little more work and reinvent the wheel that already exists with the standard c ++ library. For productivity as a developer and for simplicity in the code I prefer the C ++ classes.
#include <iostream> //to reference std::cout.
#include <string> //to reference std::string
#include <tuple> //to reference std::tuple
#include <vector> //to reference std::vector
//Function. Get total of UTF8 chars in string. u8"β"s contains 1 char but it needs 4 bytes to store in std::string. u8"@" contains 1 char but it needs 1 bytes to store in std::string
//UTF8 char size in bytes can be from 1 to 4 bytes.
size_t TotalUTF8Chars(const std::string &data)
size_t ret = 0;
for (char value : data)
if ((value & 0xc0) != 0x80)
return ret;
//Function for add padding chars at right of string, if string total utf8 chars is greater than total width, it returns same string.
//Example data = u8"β", totalwidth = 5, paddingchar= u8"", the result is u8"β...."
//Example data = u8"", totalwidth = 10, paddingchar= u8"πΆ", the result is u8"πΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆπΆ"
// πΆ needs 4 bytes
//Padding char can be only 1 utf8 char length.
std::string PadRight(const std::string &data, const size_t &totalWidth, const std::string &paddingchar)
if (TotalUTF8Chars(paddingchar) > 1)
throw std::invalid_argument(u8"Invalid padding char length.");
std::string ret = data;
if (TotalUTF8Chars(data) >= totalWidth)
return ret;
size_t charsToAdd = totalWidth - TotalUTF8Chars(ret);
for (int i = 0; i < charsToAdd; i++)
return ret;
Struct for store the 4 values.
struct Person
int id;//field
std::string name;//field
int year;//field
std::string locality; //field
Person(int id, std::string name, int year, std::string locality) //Constructor / function that allow create new Person with the values of parameters.
this->id = id; //Initialize the struct field with the value of parameter. The keyword "this" is needed for differentiate field(id) from struct vs parameter(id).
this->name = name;
this->year = year;
this->locality = locality;
Person() //Constructor //Create new empty/default Person //this constructor is needed for example array of structs
//Initialize the struct field with default values.
this->id = 0;
this->name = "N/A";
this->year = 0;
this->locality = "local";
int main()
//With std::vector of tuples //Dynamic size array // Can be insert any number of elements. //
std::cout << "β With std::vector of tuples" << std::endl;
std::vector<std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>> persons;//Declaring and create new std::vector<tuple<>>
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{1, u8"vikram jha", 1999, u8"local"}); //Insert new tuple element at end of vector
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{2, u8" ravi kr", 1998, u8"outsider"});
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider"});
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{4, u8"Anna", 1999, u8"local"});
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{5, u8"Mary", 1999, u8"local"});
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{6, u8"Joseph", 1999, u8"local"});
persons.push_back(std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>{7, u8"Tony Stark", 1999, u8"Stark Industries"});
for (std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string> person : persons) //Range-based for loop, iterate over range of elements.
//std::get<N>(tupleVariable) where N is the index of field. In this case have 4 fields 0 - 3. 0 = id, 1 = name, 2 = year, 3 = locality
std::cout << "Id: " << std::get<0>(person) << "| Name: " << std::get<1>(person) << "| Year: " << std::get<2>(person) << "| Locality: " << std::get<3>(person) << std::endl; //Printing values
//With std::vector of structs ////Dynamic size array //
std::cout << "β With std::vector of structs" << std::endl;
std::vector<Person> persons2; //Declaring and create new std::vector<Person>
persons2.push_back(Person{1, u8"vikram jha", 1999, u8"local"});//Initialize new Persona / Using the parameterized constructor in the struct and insert at end of vector.
persons2.push_back(Person{2, u8" ravi kr", 1998, u8"outsider"});
persons2.push_back(Person{3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider"});
persons2.push_back(Person{4, u8"john", 1999, u8"local"});
persons2.push_back(Person{3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider"});
persons2.push_back(Person{7, u8"Tony Stark", 1999, u8"Stark Industries"});
for (Person person : persons2)
std::cout << "Id: " << << "| Name: " << << "| Year: " << person.year << "| Locality: " << person.locality << std::endl;
//With C-style array of tuples // Fixed size array. //
int n = 4;
std::cout << "β With C-style array of tuples" << std::endl;
std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string> persons3[n];
persons3[0] = {1, u8"vikram jha", 1999, u8"local"};
persons3[1] = {2, u8" ravi kr", 1998, u8"outsider"};
persons3[2] = {3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider"};
persons3[3] = {4, u8"john", 1999, u8"local"};
for (std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string> person : persons3)
std::cout << "Id: " << std::get<0>(person) << "| Name: " << std::get<1>(person) << "| Year: " << std::get<2>(person) << "| Locality: " << std::get<3>(person) << std::endl;
//With C-style array of struct // Fixed size array. //
n = 4;
std::cout << "β With C-style array of struct" << std::endl;
Person persons4[n];
persons4[0] = Person{1, u8"vikram jha", 1999, u8"local"};
persons4[1] = Person{2, u8" ravi kr", 1998, u8"outsider"};
persons4[2] = Person{3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider"};
persons4[3] = Person{4, u8"john", 1999, u8"local"};
//using for instead of foreach
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
std::cout << "Id: " << persons4[i].id << "| Name: " << persons4[i].name << "| Year: " << persons4[i].year << "| Locality: " << persons4[i].locality << std::endl;
//With std::array of struct // Fixed size array //
const size_t n2 = 4; //std::array needs constant value for size.
std::cout << "β With std::array of struct" << std::endl;
std::array<Person, n2> persons5; //Need fixed length, constant value.
persons5[0] = Person(1, u8"vikram jha", 1999, u8"local");
persons5[1] = Person(2, u8" ravi kr", 1998, u8"outsider");
persons5[2] = Person(3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider");
persons5[3] = Person(4, u8"john", 1999, u8"local");
for (Person person : persons5)
std::cout << "Id: " << << "| Name: " << << "| Year: " << person.year << "| Locality: " << person.locality << std::endl;
//Complex example with text formatting
//With std::array of tuple // Fixed size array. //
std::cout << "β With std::array of tuple" << std::endl<<std::endl;
typedef std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string> MyPersonTuple; //reducing the name of the data type and avoid writing std::tuple<int, std::string, int, std::string>
std::array<MyPersonTuple, 4> persons6{MyPersonTuple{1, u8"vikram jha", 1999, u8"local"},
MyPersonTuple{2, u8" ravi kr", 1998, u8"outsider"},
MyPersonTuple{3, u8"anil", 2000, u8"outsider"},
MyPersonTuple{4, u8"john", 1999, u8"local"}}; //Another form of initialization of std::array using initialization list of MyPersonTuple type. Check typedef
//Print headers
std::string headers = PadRight(u8"β Id: ", 15, u8" ") + PadRight(u8"β Name : ", 15, u8" ") + PadRight(u8"β Year: ", 15, u8" ") + PadRight(u8"β Locality: ", 15, u8" ") + "β";
std::cout << PadRight(u8"", TotalUTF8Chars(headers) , u8"β") << std::endl;
std::cout << headers << std::endl;
std::cout << PadRight(u8"", TotalUTF8Chars(headers) , u8"β") << std::endl;
for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++)
//Print elements
size_t max_size = 13;
std::string id = PadRight(std::to_string(std::get<0>(persons6[i])), 13, u8" "); //Converting element 0 from tuple element to string -> Padding with spaces
std::string name = PadRight(std::get<1>(persons6[i]), 13, u8" "); //Padding with spaces second element of tuple.
std::string year = PadRight(std::to_string(std::get<2>(, 13, u8" ");
std::string locality = PadRight(std::get<3>(persons6[i]), 13, u8" ");
std::cout << "β " << id << "β " << name << "β " << year << "β " << locality << u8"β" << std::endl; //Print padded values.
//Print footer
std::cout << PadRight(u8"", TotalUTF8Chars(headers) , u8"β") << std::endl;
Console's output
clang++-7 -pthread -std=c++17 -o main main.cpp
β With std::vector of tuples
Id: 1| Name: vikram jha| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 2| Name: ravi kr| Year: 1998| Locality: outsider
Id: 3| Name: anil| Year: 2000| Locality: outsider
Id: 4| Name: Anna| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 5| Name: Mary| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 6| Name: Joseph| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 7| Name: Tony Stark| Year: 1999| Locality: Stark Industries
β With std::vector of structs
Id: 1| Name: vikram jha| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 2| Name: ravi kr| Year: 1998| Locality: outsider
Id: 3| Name: anil| Year: 2000| Locality: outsider
Id: 4| Name: john| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 3| Name: anil| Year: 2000| Locality: outsider
Id: 7| Name: Tony Stark| Year: 1999| Locality: Stark Industries
β With C-style array of tuples
Id: 1| Name: vikram jha| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 2| Name: ravi kr| Year: 1998| Locality: outsider
Id: 3| Name: anil| Year: 2000| Locality: outsider
Id: 4| Name: john| Year: 1999| Locality: local
β With C-style array of struct
Id: 1| Name: vikram jha| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 2| Name: ravi kr| Year: 1998| Locality: outsider
Id: 3| Name: anil| Year: 2000| Locality: outsider
Id: 4| Name: john| Year: 1999| Locality: local
β With std::array of struct
Id: 1| Name: vikram jha| Year: 1999| Locality: local
Id: 2| Name: ravi kr| Year: 1998| Locality: outsider
Id: 3| Name: anil| Year: 2000| Locality: outsider
Id: 4| Name: john| Year: 1999| Locality: local
β With std::array of tuple
β Id: β Name: β Year: β Locality: β
β 1 β vikram jha β 1999 β local β
β 2 β ravi kr β 1998 β outsider β
β 3 β anil β 2000 β outsider β
β 4 β john β 1999 β local β
You can check/run this code on
C-style array
Range based for loop
Upvotes: 3