Reputation: 400
I am looking a way to Serialize object using System.Text.Json
but some property is ignored based on other property value.
for example:
public class Data
public string Type { get; set; }
public string A { get; set; }
public string B { get; set; }
public string BC { get; set; }
and i fill the class with this data
var data = new Data
Type = "A",
A = "data A",
B = "data B",
BC = "data BC"
when the Type
value is A
, i want to serialize property Type
and A
when the Type
value is B
, i want to serialize property Type
, B
, and BC
and so on.
Is there a way to do this?
I ever made the Xml version with Custom Attribute, but when searching for System.Text.Json
solution, didn't find any.
Here's my Xml version:
public static bool HasAttribute<TAttribute>(
this PropertyInfo prop)
where TAttribute : Attribute
return prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), false).Any();
public static TValue GetAttributeValue<TAttribute, TValue>(
this PropertyInfo prop,
Func<TAttribute, TValue> valueSelector)
where TAttribute : Attribute
var att = prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as TAttribute;
if (att != null)
return valueSelector(att);
return default(TValue);
private void GenerateAttributeOverrides<T>(string type, XmlAttributeOverrides attributeOverrides, PropertyInfo[] properties)
foreach (var prop in properties)
var attributes = new XmlAttributes();
if (prop.HasAttribute<ShouldSerializeAttribute>())
var acceptedTypes = prop.GetAttributeValue<ShouldSerializeAttribute, string[]>(x => x.AcceptedTypes);
if (acceptedTypes.Contains(type))
attributes.XmlElements.Add(new XmlElementAttribute(prop.Name, prop.PropertyType);
attributes.XmlIgnore = true;
thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1470
Reputation: 400
After looking in Custom Converters, already found my answer.
here's my converter
public class DataConverter : JsonConverter<Data>
public override Data Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Data value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
var properties = value.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var prop in properties)
if (prop.HasAttribute<ShouldSerializeAttribute>())
var acceptedTypes = prop.GetAttributeValue<ShouldSerializeAttribute, string[]>(x => x.AcceptedTypes);
if (acceptedTypes != null && acceptedTypes.Contains(value.Type))
var propValue = prop.GetValue(value);
JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, propValue, prop.PropertyType, options);
Upvotes: 3