Reputation: 157
Currently, I'm facing with below dataset. My aim is to get the latest sum of Column4 group by the first two-column.
// Column5 = version
new Foo(1, "bbb", "cccc", 111, 0)
new Foo(1, "bbb", "cccc", 234, 1) // latest
new Foo(1, "bbb", "dddd", 111, 0)
new Foo(1, "bbb", "dddd", 112, 1)
new Foo(1, "bbb", "dddd", 113, 2)
new Foo(1, "bbb", "dddd", 114, 3) // latest
new Foo(1, "xxx", "cccc", 111, 0) // latest
new Foo(2, "xxx", "yyyy", 0, 0)
new Foo(2, "xxx", "yyyy", 1, 1) // latest
What I have tried is
// key: Column1, key: Column2, value: latest sum of Column4
Map<Long, Map<String, Integer>> fooMap =
Collectors.groupingBy(Foo::getColumn1, Collectors.groupingBy(Foo::getColumn2,
whether the ????
part I've tried Collectors.groupingBy
, Collectors.maxBy
, Collectors.summingInt
but it is always wrong. ðŸ˜
My ideal Map should be something like below:
, 2->xxx->1
Please help 😵 Let me know if any supplement wants to have. Thanks.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1450
Reputation: 2948
You can get it with:
Map<Long, Map<String, Integer>> fooMap =
m -> m.values().stream().mapToInt(Foo::getColumn4).sum()
First group by column1 and column2, then we use a collectingAndThen
for the grouping by column3, because we want to post process it.
Grouping by column3 we want to get the max by version, we use another collectingAndThen
, because maxBy creates and Optional
, so we apply an Optional::Get
to get a Map<String, Foo>
instead of a Map<String, Optional<Foo>>
The post process is to sum all column4 of the Foo in the map, that are the ones with the max version.
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Reputation: 31868
Representing models for simplification as:
record Foo(Long one, String two, String three, int value, int version) {
record Result(Long one, String two, int totalValue) {
You can start with grouping by the first three attributes and mapping the value to an identity choosing the maximum version.
Map<List<Object>, Foo> groupedMaxVersion =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(foo -> Arrays.asList(, foo.two(), foo.three()),
foo -> foo, BinaryOperator.maxBy(Comparator.comparing(Foo::version))));
This could be followed by the summing downstream that you were looking for based on the value in column 4:
Map<List<Object>, Integer> resultMapping = groupedMaxVersion.entrySet().stream()
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> Arrays.asList(e.getKey().get(0), e.getKey().get(1)),
Collectors.summingInt(e -> e.getValue().value())));
Further, you just need to frame it onto the result data structure as desired
.map(e -> new Result((Long) e.getKey().get(0), (String) e.getKey().get(1), e.getValue()))
Upvotes: 2