Reputation: 6400
Given a record consisting of multiple maps, how can I write a traversal (or prism, or Lens' TestLens (Maybe Interim)
) that allows me to group together lookups?
First off, my current attempts.
data TestLens = TL
{ _foo1 :: Map.Map Text Int
, _foo2 :: Map.Map Text Bool
, _foo3 :: Map.Map Text Text
} deriving Show
tl = TL (Map.fromList [("a", 5), ("b", 6), ("c", 1), ("d", 3)])
(Map.fromList [("b", True), ("c", False), ("d", True)])
(Map.fromList [("c", "foo"), ("d", "bar")])
makeLenses ''TestLens
data Interim = Interim Int Bool Text deriving Show
data Interim2 = Interim2 Int Bool deriving Show
getOnePart s l k = s ^. l . at k
interim s k = Interim <$> getOnePart s foo1 k <*> getOnePart s foo2 k <*> getOnePart s foo3 k
interim2 s k = Interim2 <$> getOnePart s foo1 k <*> getOnePart s foo2 k
doTestStuff = tl ^.. folding (\s -> mapMaybe (interim s) (Map.keys $ s ^. foo1))
The intended behaviour is that interim
(as it stands, it's a mishmash of lens and..not lens) combines at
over multiple Map
interim tl "a" = Nothing
interim tl "c" = Just (Interim 1 False "foo")
and then I can fold over all possible keys to get the complete list of Interim
What I'd like to be able to do is build an indexed traversal (rather than an unindexed fold) over all possible Interim
s, but so far I've had no luck in the combo of itraversed
I need here..I suspect because I flip between map
and lens
itraverseInterim2s = ...
> tl ^@.. itraverseInterim2s
[("b", Interim2 6 True), ("c", Interim2 1 False), ("d", Interim2 3 True)]
-- and if we assume there exists _1 :: Lens' Interim2 Int
> tl & itraverseInterim2s . _1 %~ (+5)
TL (Map.fromList [("a", 5), ("b", 11), ("c", 6), ("d", 8)])
(Map.fromList [("b", True), ("c", False), ("d", True)])
(Map.fromList [("c", "foo"), ("d", "bar")])
I can't equally work out if last behaviour is better solved by making a Lens' TestLens (Maybe Interim2)
, a k -> Prism' TestLens Interim2
(I think only one of these satisfies lens laws), or by having individual elements traversed with itraverseInterim2s . index k
Obviously for every InterimX
ADT I want to be able to extract from the combination of fooX
maps I'll have to write minor boilerplate but that bit's fine.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 136
Reputation: 3924
Have you considered writing something like:
fanoutTraversal :: Traversal' s a -> Traversal' s b -> Traversal' s (a,b)
fanoutTraversal t1 t2 fab s =
maybe (pure s) (fmap update . fab) mv
mv = liftA2 (,) (s ^? t1) (s ^? t2)
update (c,d) = s & t1 .~ c & t2 .~ d
With this function, you can write interim
interim :: Text -> Traversal' TestLens Interim
interim k = (((foo1 . ix k) `fanoutTraversal` (foo2 . ix k)) `fanoutTraversal` (foo3 . ix k)) . interimIso
interimIso = iso (\((a,b),c) -> Interim a b c) (\(Interim a b c) -> ((a,b),c))
Things would need to change a little if you want to use at
instead of ix
or to use IndexedTraversal
instead of Traversal
, but the idea is hopefully sound.
If your goal is to traverse through all the Interim
s in the TestLens
, it may be easier to first convert TestLens
to Map.Map Text Interim
and then traverse that map:
import Control.Lens hiding ((<.>))
import Data.Functor.Apply (Apply(..)) -- could just as well use Map.intersectionWith
manyInterim :: Traversal' TestLens Interim
manyInterim = manyInterim' . traverse
-- Let's use this version of Interim so that we have record access
data Interim = Interim
{ i1 :: Int
, i2 :: Bool
, i3 :: Text
} deriving Show
manyInterim' :: Lens' TestLens (Map.Map Text Interim)
manyInterim' = lens sa sbt
sa TL{..} = Interim <$> _foo1 <.> _foo2 <.> _foo3
sbt TL{..} interimMap = TL
{ _foo1 = Map.union (i1 <$> interimMap) _foo1
, _foo2 = Map.union (i2 <$> interimMap) _foo2
, _foo3 = Map.union (i3 <$> interimMap) _foo3
Upvotes: 2