Reputation: 705
Let A
be an array of shape (n_0, n_1, …, n_p-2, n_p-1)
with arbitrary p
Let ind
be and array of shape (m_0, m_1, …, m_p-2, m_p-1)
, with, for all k
m_k == n_k
m_k == 1
.The values of ind
are indices corresponding to the p-th axis of A
, namely integers in {0, 1, …, p-1}
I want to get an array B
of shape (n_0, n_1, …, n_p-1)
such that
B[i_0, i_1, …, i_p-2, i_p-1]
A[i_0, i_1, …, i_p-2, ind[j_0, j_1, …, j_p-2, j_p-1]
with, for all k
j_k == i_k
if m_k == n_k
,j_k == 0
if m_k == 1
.Upvotes: 2
Views: 118
Reputation: 2497
This is the fastest solution I could come up with after some testing. The idea is: broadcast ind
matrix so that it has the same shape as A
, then use the fact that the ind
matrix has the same values accros axes which were expanded by broadcasting (i. e. there's no need to iterate over these axes).
If the shape of ind
matrix is the same as the shape of A
my function works actually slower, but with one or more dimensions of ind
set to 1, this function works substantially faster.
Note that this is "logical" optimalization. I believe it's possible to make it faster by maybe using some other numpy
functions, different handling of list and tuples etc.
The function:
import numpy as np
import time
from itertools import product
def time_shift_opt(signal, index_shifted):
index_broadcasted = np.broadcast_to(index_shifted, signal.shape)
out = np.empty(np.shape(signal))
indices = product(*[range(d) for d in index_shifted.shape])
dims_to_expand = [i for i, val in enumerate(index_shifted.shape) if val == 1]
for index in indices:
index_to_change = list(index)
for d in dims_to_expand:
index_to_change[d] = slice(None)
index_to_change = tuple(index_to_change)
val_index = list(index_to_change)
val_index[-1] = index_broadcasted[index]
value = signal[tuple(val_index)]
if index_shifted.shape[-1] == 1:
value = value[..., np.newaxis]
out[index_to_change] = value
return out
Comparing times: (See that with the growing number of ind
dimensions set to 1 the function I proposed runs much faster)
def test_time_optimality(signal_shape, ind_shape, n_iterations = 10):
p = signal_shape[-1]
A = np.random.randint(1000, size = size)
ind = np.random.randint(p, size = ind_size)
averages = []
temp_average = 0
for i in range(n_iterations):
start = time.time()
res = time_shift(A, ind)
temp_average += time.time() - start
temp_average = 0
for i in range(n_iterations):
start = time.time()
res = time_shift_opt(A, ind)
temp_average += time.time() - start
print('time_shift average duration: {:.4f}'.format(averages[0]))
print('time_shift_opt average duration: {:.4f}'.format(averages[1]))
p = 3
size = (10, 20, 12, 50, p)
ind_size = (10, 20, 12, 50, p)
test_time_optimality(size, ind_size)
# time_shift average duration: 0.3734
# time_shift_opt average duration: 0.5365
size = (10, 20, 12, 50, p)
ind_size = (10, 1, 12, 50, p)
test_time_optimality(size, ind_size)
# time_shift average duration: 0.3697
# time_shift_opt average duration: 0.0414
size = (10, 20, 12, 50, p)
ind_size = (1, 1, 12, 50, p)
test_time_optimality(size, ind_size)
# time_shift average duration: 0.3840
# time_shift_opt average duration: 0.0080
size = (10, 20, 12, 50, p)
ind_size = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
test_time_optimality(size, ind_size)
# time_shift average duration: 0.3775
# time_shift_opt average duration: 0.0018
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 705
I ended writing the following (not thoroughly tested) function. I suppose (hope) better performances are achievable
def time_shift(signal, index_shifted):
"""Time shift an array of signal with shifted (time) indices.
Time is indexed by the last dimension.
signal (array): original signals.
index_shifted (array): shifted indices, with same shape as signal, or
possibly 1 along dimension to be broadcasted.
Array with shifted values.
out = np.empty(np.shape(signal))
it = np.nditer([index_shifted, out], flags=['multi_index'],
op_flags = [['readonly'],
['writeonly', 'allocate', 'no_broadcast']])
with it:
for ind, zz in it:
selection = (*it.multi_index[:-1], ind)
zz[...] = signal[selection]
return out
Upvotes: 1