Reputation: 874
I using "Core Data" to save the app data and present it in a list using "ForEach", I give the "Entity" "index" attribute so I can sort the data with order, I can delete the data using ".onDelete(perform: deleteList)" as shown in the code bellow, but I have no idea how to implement ".onMove", any one can help or give me an example code or anything.
struct ListsView: View {
@FetchRequest(entity: ListOfTasks.entity(), sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \ListOfTasks.index, ascending: true)]) private var lists: FetchedResults<ListOfTasks>
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var viewContext
var body: some View {
Section {
ForEach(self.lists, id: \.self) { list in
.onDelete(perform: deleteList)
func deleteList(at offsets: IndexSet) {
for offset in offsets {
let list = lists[offset]
Upvotes: 0
Views: 448
Reputation: 222
Here's what worked for me, trying to use your names is is something like this:
.onMove {
// make an array from the core data entity, clever part
var revisedItems: [ ListOfTasks ] = {$0}
// Do normal move action on array
revisedItems.move(fromOffsets: $0, toOffset: $1)
// Update index elements to correct order
for i in 0..<revisedItems.count { revisedItems[i].index = i }
Upvotes: 1