Reputation: 4184
I'm using Quasar for SPA only. But I don't need all the things that come with Quasar CLI.
Is there a way to eject Quasar CLI and start using Vue + Quasar UMD?
Basically, stop using quasar dev
and start using vue serve
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1707
Reputation: 1196
If you want to use Quasar and Vue without CLI at all, you can check this starter project.
It's just Quasar UMD (ver.2) and vanilla Vue (ver.3).
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14269
Yes, you can. The following changes should be made:
// vue.config.js
const QuasarLoader = require('./quasar-loader/index');
module.exports =
prependData: `@import "~quasar/src/css/variables.sass";`
transpileDependencies: ['quasar'],
configureWebpack: (config) =>
if (!config.plugins) config.plugins = [];
config.plugins.push(new QuasarLoader());
// quasar-loader/auto-import.js
* Quasar runtime for auto-importing
* components or directives.
* Warning! This file does NOT get transpiled by Babel
* but is included into the UI code.
* @param component {Vue} Component object
* @param type {String} One of 'components' or 'directives'
* @param items {Object} Object containing components or directives
module.exports = function quasarLoader(component, type, items)
/* we use a workaround in functional templates
<component :is="$options.components.QBtn" ... />
var target, i;
var opt = component.options;
if (!opt[type])
opt[type] = items
target = opt[type];
for (i in items)
if (!target[i])
target[i] = items[i]
// quasar-loader/index.js
const RuleSet = require('webpack/lib/RuleSet');
let vueLoaderPath;
vueLoaderPath = require.resolve('vue-loader');
catch (err)
function isVueLoader(use)
return use.ident === 'vue-loader-options' ||
use.loader === 'vue-loader' ||
(vueLoaderPath && use.loader === vueLoaderPath)
class QuasarLoaderPlugin
this.options = options || {}
// use webpack's RuleSet utility to normalize user rules
const rawRules = compiler.options.module.rules;
const { rules } = new RuleSet(rawRules);
// find the rule that applies to vue files
const vueRuleIndex = rules.findIndex(rule => rule.use && rule.use.find(isVueLoader));
const vueRule = rules[vueRuleIndex];
if (!vueRule)
throw new Error(
`[QuasarLoaderPlugin Error] No matching rule for vue-loader found.\n` +
`Make sure there is at least one root-level rule that uses vue-loader.`
loader: require.resolve('./loader'),
options: this.options || { nameCase: 'kebab' }
compiler.options.module.rules = rules;
module.exports = QuasarLoaderPlugin;
// quasar-loader/loader.js
const path = require('path');
const compiler = require('vue-template-compiler');
// const loaderOptions = require('loader-utils/lib/getOptions');
const stringifyRequest = require('loader-utils/lib/stringifyRequest');
const importData = require('quasar/dist/babel-transforms/auto-import.json');
const importTransform = require('quasar/dist/babel-transforms/imports.js');
const runtimePath = require.resolve('./auto-import.js');
// regex to match functional components
const funcCompRegex = new RegExp(
function transform(itemArray)
return itemArray
.map(name => `import ${name} from '${importTransform(name)}'`)
module.exports = async function (content, sourceMap)
if (!this.resourceQuery)
const readFile = path => new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
this.fs.readFile(path, function (err, data)
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data)
const tags = new Set();
const directives = new Set();
const file = (await readFile(this.resourcePath)).toString('utf8');
const component = compiler.parseComponent(file);
if (component.template)
if (component.template.src)
const externalFile = (await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
this.resolve(path.dirname(this.resourcePath), component.template.src, (err, result) =>
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(result)
component.template.content = (await readFile(externalFile)).toString('utf8'); // external content
const compRegexKebab = new RegExp('^' + importData.regex.kebabComponents + '$');
const compRegexPascal = new RegExp('^' + importData.regex.pascalComponents + '$');
const dirRegex = new RegExp('^' + importData.regex.directives + '$');
compiler.compile(component.template.content, {
modules: [{
postTransformNode: node =>
if ("directives" in node)
node.directives.forEach(({ name }) =>
if (dirRegex.test('v-' + name))
directives.add(importData.importName['v-' + name]);
if (compRegexKebab.test(node.tag))
else if (compRegexPascal.test(node.tag))
const arrTags = [...tags];
const arrDirs = [...directives];
if (arrTags.length > 0 || arrDirs.length > 0)
const functional = funcCompRegex.test(content);
let newContent = '/* quasar-loader */\n';
newContent += `import qInstall from ${stringifyRequest(this, runtimePath)}\n`;
if (arrTags.length > 0)
if (functional) console.error('Using workaround for local Vue components (' + arrTags.join(',') + ') in a functional template.');
newContent += transform(arrTags) + '\n';
newContent += `qInstall(component, "components", {${arrTags.join(",")}})\n`;
if (arrDirs.length > 0)
if (functional) console.error('Using local Vue directive (' + arrDirs.join(',') + ') in a functional component is not supported.');
newContent += transform(arrDirs) + '\n';
newContent += `qInstall(component, "directives", {${arrDirs.join(",")}})\n`;
// Insert our modification before the HMR code
const hotReload = content.indexOf('/* hot reload */');
if (hotReload > -1)
content = content.slice(0, hotReload) + newContent + '\n\n' + content.slice(hotReload)
content += '\n\n' + newContent
this.callback(null, content, sourceMap);
// src/main.js
import QuasarInstall from 'quasar/src/vue-plugin'
import iconSet from 'quasar/icon-set/svg-mdi-v5'
// import QuasarDialog from 'quasar/src/plugins/Dialog'
import '@/assets/scss/quasar.scss'
QuasarInstall.install(Vue, {
// Dialog: QuasarDialog,
// src/assets/scss/quasar.scss
$primary : #409EFF;
$secondary : #26A69A;
$accent : #9C27B0;
$dark : #1D1D1D;
$positive : #20A835;
$negative : #F04025;
$info : #1975D0;
$warning : #F2C037;
@import '~quasar/src/css/index.sass';
Upvotes: 1