Reputation: 63
I've recently installed stackify on my dev API server and I have this error coming in on the stackify error dashboard but I cannot reproduce the error. I believe there is an error logged for almost every request made to the API, eventhough all the requests are OK(200) and none have responded with ServerError(5XX).
This is the error message:
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Error occurred during a cryptographic operation. at System.Web.Security.Cryptography.HomogenizingCryptoServiceWrapper.HomogenizeErrors(Func`2 func, Byte[] input)
Error Document:
"id": "1266b838-a261-4bde-9220-ff7993d72c0e",
"env": "dev",
"host": "raidsrv3",
"appname": "",
"version": null,
"apploc": "D:\\StageApplications\\",
"message": "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\r\nSystem.NullReferenceException: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\r\n at lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )\r\n",
"json": null,
"jsonPreview": null,
"thread": "40",
"threadOs": null,
"transid": "7af3de61-9bf1-43d8-b60c-ff9850a35490",
"timestamp": "2021-01-20T14:21:41.247Z",
"inserted": "2021-01-20T14:22:11.8261135Z",
"level": "ERROR",
"logType": "app-dotnet",
"logger": null,
"urlRoute": "Home.Login",
"urlFull": null,
"sourcemethod": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )",
"sourceline": null,
"stackify": {
"CdWebAppId": null,
"CdId": 1,
"CdAppId": 215,
"Error": 1,
"WebLogUrlId": null,
"Queued": "2021-01-20T14:21:47.0806791Z",
"Tooksecs": 24.745,
"QueuedPartition": "Jan201400p1",
"Trace": null,
"FromApm": null,
"Order": 1,
"InvalidEpochStr": null,
"IsWebLog": false,
"AppNameId": "23f72352-2d5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"AppEnvId": "43f72352-2d5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"EnvId": 2,
"Timestamp1M": "2021-01-20T14:21:00Z",
"Timestamp5M": "2021-01-20T14:20:00Z",
"Timestamp1H": "2021-01-20T14:00:00Z",
"Timestamp1D": "2021-01-20T00:00:00Z",
"IsProd": true,
"Expiration1D": "2021-02-05T00:00:00Z",
"DeploymentId": null
"error": {
"StackifyErrorID": "1266b838-a261-4bde-9220-ff7993d72c0e",
"OccurredEpochMillis": 1611152501247,
"Error": {
"InnerError": null,
"StackTrace": [
"LineNum": null,
"Method": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )",
"CodeFileName": null
"Message": "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
"ErrorType": "System.NullReferenceException",
"ErrorTypeCode": "-2147467261",
"Data": null,
"SourceMethod": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )"
"data": {},
"EnvironmentDetail": {
"DeviceName": "RAIDSRV3",
"AppLocation": "D:\\StageApplications\\",
"AppName": "",
"WebAppID": null,
"ConfiguredAppName": null,
"ConfiguredEnvironmentName": null,
"ConfiguredLocationName": null,
"IsAzureWorkerRole": false
"WebRequestDetail": {
"UserIPAddress": null,
"HttpMethod": "GET",
"RequestProtocol": null,
"WebLogUrl": "Home.Login",
"RequestDomain": "",
"ReportingUrl": "Home.Login",
"UrlKey": "get-home.login",
"RequestUrl": "",
"RequestUrlRoot": null,
"RequestRoute": null,
"ReferralUrl": null,
"UserAgent": null,
"Headers": {},
"Cookies": {},
"QueryString": {},
"PostData": {},
"SessionData": {},
"PostDataRaw": null,
"MvcAction": null,
"MvcController": null,
"MvcArea": null
"ApiClient": {
"Name": null,
"Platform": ".net"
"ServerVariables": {},
"CustomerName": null,
"UserName": null,
"errorGroupId": "b772fbd6-db5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"errorGroupInstanceId": "bf72fbd6-db5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"displayMethodId": "d65c87ef-ca5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"errorSourceMethodId": "d65c87ef-ca5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"errorTypeMessageId": "2-df28da1c-715a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b-0e8ec107143a2e3d04bfee99e49c20a5",
"errorUniqueId": "d75c87ef-ca5a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"errorPlatformTypeId": 2,
"errorStateId": 0,
"errorTypeId": "df28da1c-715a-eb11-a607-0003ffcfb91b",
"message": "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",
"errorType": "System.NullReferenceException",
"errorTypeClass": "NullReferenceException",
"errorTypeCode": "-2147467261",
"sourceMethodName": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )",
"sourceMethodShort": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )",
"errorGroupCreatedUtc": "2021-01-20T04:55:18.767",
"displayMethodName": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )",
"displayMethodShort": "lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )",
"stackTraceHash": "858F2DB7DA4C81444B39BA60C9CC5B65",
"stackTrace": "System.NullReferenceException: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.\n\tat lambda_method(Closure , LoginViewModel )\n",
"appended": "2021-01-20T14:22:22.5880117Z"
"winevent": null,
"weblog": null,
"tag": [
"container": null,
"kubernetes": null
I have searched all over but I can't find an explanation for this error.
Here's some background info about my dev environment:
<machineKey validationKey="***" decryptionKey="***" />
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 462
Reputation: 63
Turns out this exception that was being caught by stackify was a First Chance exception that is handled inside the .net framework.
More on first chance exceptions at this answer here
And if you're like me and your organization is concerned about all the exceptions being captured by Stackify, you can go to the environment settings > Editing Environment > Automatic collection & viewing of app errors via APM and change the setting from Upload all errors to error module to Upload unhandled errors to error module.
That will make sure that only unhandled exceptions bubble up into stackify.
Upvotes: 1