Reputation: 10176
with help of the community in this thread: Minor grid with solid lines & grey-color
I got it to work to set minor grid lines as solid and coloured style. But when adding a second y-axes it just messes up the y-ticks on the right axis! heres the example code:
x = linspace(0, 10, 11);
y1 = x.^3+1;
y2 = x+1;
y3 = y1./y2+5;
% plotte:
myfig = figure('Position', [500 500 445 356]); %[left, bottom, width, height]:
ax1 = axes('Position',[0.13 0.18 0.75 0.75]);
hold on
p1 = plot(x,y1,'x--r');
p2 = plot(x,y2,'*-b');
xlim([0 max(x)]);
ylim([0 max([max(y1) max(y2)])]);
col=.85*[1 1 1];
%# create a second transparent axis, same position/extents, same ticks and labels
ax2 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'), ...
'Color','none', 'Box','on', ...
'XTickLabel',get(ax1,'XTickLabel'), 'YTickLabel',get(ax1,'YTickLabel'), ...
'XTick',get(ax1,'XTick'), 'YTick',get(ax1,'YTick'), ...
'XLim',get(ax1,'XLim'), 'YLim',get(ax1,'YLim'));
%# show grid-lines of first axis, give them desired color, but hide text labels
set(ax1, 'XColor',col, 'YColor',col, ...
'XMinorGrid','on', 'YMinorGrid','on', ...
'MinorGridLineStyle','-', ...
'XTickLabel',[], 'YTickLabel',[]);
%# link the two axes to share the same limits on pan/zoom
linkaxes([ax1 ax2],'xy');
ax3 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),...
'XTickLabel', [],...
%# link the two axes to share the same limits on pan/zoom
linkaxes([ax1 ax2 ax3], 'x');
ylabel(ax3, 'Speedup []');
ylim(ax3, [0 max(y3)]);
hold on
p3 = plot(x,y3,'s-.m','Parent',ax3);
hleg = legend([p1 p2 p3], {'CPU', 'GPU', 'Speedup'}, 'Location', 'NorthWest');
xlabel(ax2, 'N_{Funcs}');
ylabel(ax2, 't [s]');
set(hleg, 'FontAngle', 'italic')
and how it looks like:
Upvotes: 0
Views: 3687
Reputation: 124563
Its simpler than you think: when you create the second axis ax2
, set the 'Box'
property to 'off'
instead of 'on'
Even more, you can simplify that part and create it as:
ax2 = copyobj(ax1,myfig);
delete( get(ax2,'Children') )
set(ax2, 'Color','none', 'Box','off')
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1802
The 2nd y-axis is "messed up" because the automatically generated YTick
from y3
does not agree with the YTick
from y1
and y2
If this view is final (meaning you don't have to zoom in/zoom out or move the plot), you can manually define the YTick
of ax3
to match those of ax1
ax3 = axes('Position',get(ax1,'Position'),...
'XTickLabel', [],...
'YTick', [0:max(y3)/5:max(y3)], ... %% Define 6 YTick (including 0) like ax1
Upvotes: 1