
Reputation: 381

Cargo logs get stuck after update to Cargo version 1.8.4

after I updated Cargo from version 1.6.2 to the newest version (1.8.4) , Cargo logs seem stuck even if my server works perfectly fine.


  ______      ___      .______        _______   ______       _______       ___       _______ .___  ___.   ______   .__   __.             
 /      |    /   \     |   _  \      /  _____| /  __  \     |       \     /   \     |   ____||   \/   |  /  __  \  |  \ |  |             
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|  |       /  /_\  \   |      /     |  | |_ | |  |  |  |    |  |  |  |  /  /_\  \   |   __|  |  |\/|  | |  |  |  | |  . `  |             
|  `----. /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.|  |__| | |  `--'  |    |  '--'  | /  _____  \  |  |____ |  |  |  | |  `--'  | |  |\   |             
 \______|/__/     \__\ | _| `._____| \______|  \______/     |_______/ /__/     \__\ |_______||__|  |__|  \______/  |__| \__|             
 __       __  ____    ____  _______     __        ______     _______ ____    ____  __   _______ ____    __    ____  _______ .______      
|  |     |  | \   \  /   / |   ____|   |  |      /  __  \   /  _____|\   \  /   / |  | |   ____|\   \  /  \  /   / |   ____||   _  \     
|  |     |  |  \   \/   /  |  |__      |  |     |  |  |  | |  |  __   \   \/   /  |  | |  |__    \   \/    \/   /  |  |__   |  |_)  |    
|  |     |  |   \      /   |   __|     |  |     |  |  |  | |  | |_ |   \      /   |  | |   __|    \            /   |   __|  |      /     
|  `----.|  |    \    /    |  |____    |  `----.|  `--'  | |  |__| |    \    /    |  | |  |____    \    /\    /    |  |____ |  |\  \----.
|_______||__|     \__/     |_______|   |_______| \______/   \______|     \__/     |__| |_______|    \__/  \__/     |_______|| _| `._____|
DATE Fri Jan 22 12:09:45 CET 2021

[10:35:54.123][info][talledLocalContainer] Tomcat 8.x starting...
[10:35:54.209][warn][stalledLocalDeployer] The WAR contains a context.xml file which sets the path to [webapp], which means path set it the Cargo configuration will be ignored by Tomcat
[10:35:54.209][info][stalledLocalDeployer] Deploying [/home/myapp/.cargo/workspace/myapp/myapp-deployable-2.1.7-SNAPSHOT.war] to [/home/cactus/.cargo/configurations/myapp/webapps]...
[10:36:15.367][info][talledLocalContainer] Tomcat 8.x started on port [8080]
[10:35:44.120][info][talledLocalContainer] Tomcat 8.x is stopping...
[10:35:49.123][info][talledLocalContainer] Tomcat 8.x is stopped

In this example , my application is actually running even if it looks like it has been stopped. And there is a loading icon in the lowest part of the log.

Has anybody had experienced the same problem in the past?

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