Reputation: 99
I have recently approached vue and vuetify, i follow some tutorials here and there and by reading some pdfs i have created a todo-list with firebase integration, but i have a problem that i can't manage and it's the following:
When you add an element to the db via the frontend it is regularly shown, but if i go to delete it, it is deleted from the back-end but not in the front-end, until the page is updated at least.
import Popup from '../components/Popup.vue'
import db from '@/fb'
// @ is an alias to /src
export default {
components:{ Popup },
projects: [],
snackbar: false
methods: {
this.projects.sort((d,s) => d[prop] < s[prop] ? -1 : 1)
this.projects.sort((d,s) => d[prop] > s[prop] ? -1 : 1)
cancella(id){ //delete
db.collection('projects').onSnapshot(res => {
const changes = res.docChanges();
changes.forEach(change => {
if(change.type === 'added'){
if(change.type === 'removed') {
this.projects.splice(, 1);
Basically I can not update the method onSnapshot() when i go to delete a specific id, or rather, i managed to do it using the pop() or slice() function but in reality they delete the last elements added to the array or the first ones , therefore not those really selected.. can anyone help me?
<div class="dashboard">
<v-snackbar v-model="snackbar" :timeout="4000" top color="success">
<span class="white--text">Aggiunto con successo!</span>
<template v-slot:action="{ attrs }">
<v-btn color="white" v-bind="attrs" text @click="snackbar = false">Chiudi</v-btn>
<h1 class="subtitle-1 grey--text">Dashboard</h1>
<v-container class="my-5">
<v-row class="mb-3">
<v-tooltip top>
<template v-slot:activator="{on}">
<v-btn small depressed class="grey--text" @click="sortBydaniele('persona')" v-on="on">
<v-icon left small>mdi-account</v-icon>
<span class="caption text-lowercase">Daniele</span>
<span> Ordina le schede di Daniele</span>
<v-tooltip top>
<template v-slot:activator="{on}">
<v-btn small depressed class="grey--text" @click="sortBysara('persona')" v-on="on">
<v-icon left small>mdi-account</v-icon>
<span class="caption text-lowercase">Sara</span>
<span> Ordina le schede di Sara</span>
<div align="right">
<Popup @projectAdded="snackbar = true"/>
<v-card flat tile class="pa-3" v-for="project in projects" :key="project.titolo">
<v-row row wrap :class="`pa-3 project ${project.stato}`">
<v-col cols="12" md="7">
<div class="caption grey--text">Ricordati di:</div>
<div>{{ project.titolo }}</div>
<v-col xs="2">
<div class="caption grey--text">Entro il</div>
<div>{{ project.entro }}</div>
<v-col xs="2">
<div align="right">
<v-chip small :color="`${project.stato}`" :class="`v-chip--active white--text caption my-2`">{{ project.stato }}</v-chip>
<v-col xs="2">
<div align="right">
<v-btn small icon @click="cancella(">
<v-icon color="red darken-1">mdi-delete</v-icon>
<v-row cols="12">
Upvotes: 1
Views: 130
Reputation: 3264
You can filter
the projects array by skipping the project having the same id
as deleted
project's id. You can try something like this:
if(change.type === 'removed') {
/* keeping all the projects except the one whose's id matches with the deleted projects id */
const projectsWithoutTheDeletedOne = this.projects.filter(project => !==;
/* replace the old projects array with this new one */
this.projects = projectsWithoutTheDeletedOne;
Upvotes: 1