Reputation: 3
I'm trying to export my firewall rules that are specified in multiple group policy objects and would like to include the Name of the GPO in the exported file. So I tried to take my string variable $Policy
and jam it into the csv file each time a new gpo is parsed but all I'm getting is the gpo name and not the fields from Get-NetFirewallRule
. Of course if I remove the $policy | Out-File $env:temp\gpos.csv -Append -Force
line then I get all of the fields from Get-NetFirewallRule
- but they're all on a large csv file and I can't determine their source GPO.
foreach ($policy in $PolicyObjects) {
$GPO = Open-NetGPO -PolicyStore "\$policy"
$policy | Out-File $env:temp\gpos.csv -Append -Force
Get-NetFirewallRule -GPOSession $GPO |
Select Name,
@{Name='Protocol';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter).Protocol}},
@{Name='LocalPort';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter).LocalPort}},
@{Name='RemotePort';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter).RemotePort}},
@{Name='RemoteAddress';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter).RemoteAddress}},
Action | Export-CSV $env:temp\gpos.csv -Append -Force
Start-Process notepad $env:temp\gpos.csv
Upvotes: 0
Views: 378
Reputation: 874
It's not possible to append data with Export-Csv when the target file does not match the structure.
In your case, Export-Csv
tried to append values from column $policy, which doesn't exist. Therefore it added $null.
For a valid CSV file you have to combine everything into one object before using Export-Csv.
Try the below approach, which should work much faster, since it does not use Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter
several times for the same item, but only once for per GPO-Session.
Unfortunately I can't test it with a GPO-Session, but since the Parameter
exists forGet-NetFirewallPortFilter
as well, it may work. If you want to test it just locally, you just need to remove the outer foreach-loop and all GPOSession related commands and parameters.Open-NetGPO
Comparison between my approach and retrieving the Port- and Address-Filter for each rule separately (even when only once per rule) when building a report for local firewall rules:
My approach: < 2 seconds
Other : > 3 minutes (using Get-NetFirwall*Filter for each rule once)
The code requires an elevated console!
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
$ruleReport = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
foreach ($policy in $PolicyObjects) {
if you want to append to file after each policy, place the list here instead of above
$ruleReport = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
$GPO = Open-NetGPO -PolicyStore "\$policy"
$rules = Get-NetFirewallRule -GPOSession $GPO
# retrieving filters once in advance speeds up the execution extremely! (Requires elevated session to get all filters)
# local execution time with that approach reduces the execution time from >3 minutes TO <2 seconds
$portFilters = Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -All -GPOSession $GPO
$addressFilters = Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter -All -GPOSession $GPO
# build dictionary for port filters for rule lookups
$portFilterDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($portFilter in $portFilters) {
$portFilterDict.Add($portFilter.InstanceID, $portFilter)
# build dictionary for addresss filters for rule lookups
$addressFilterDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($addressFilter in $addressFilters) {
$addressFilterDict.Add($addressFilter.InstanceID, $addressFilter)
foreach ($rule in $rules) {
$ruleInstanceId = $rule.InstanceID
$rulePortFilter = $portFilterDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$ruleAddressFilter = $addressFilterDict[$ruleInstanceId]
# build combined object
$ruleReportItem = [pscustomobject][ordered]@{
Policy = $policy
Name = $rule.Name
DisplayName = $rule.DisplayName
DisplayGroup = $rule.DisplayGroup
Protocol = $rulePortFilter.Protocol
LocalPort = $rulePortFilter.LocalPort
RemotePort = $rulePortFilter.RemotePort
RemoteAddress = $ruleAddressFilter.RemoteAddress
Enabled = $rule.Enabled
Profile = $rule.Profiles
Direction = $rule.Direction
Action = $rule.Action
# append to list
if you want to append to file after each policy, place the export here instead of below
$ruleReport | Export-Csv $env:temp\gpos.csv -Append
$ruleReport | Export-Csv $env:temp\gpos.csv
To test the approach just for local Firewall Rules, use this script.
This script adds all available information of each rule and requires an elevated console.
#requires -RunAsAdministrator
$ruleReport = [System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]]::new()
$rules = Get-NetFirewallRule
$portFilters = Get-NetFirewallPortFilter -All
$addressFilters = Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter -All
$applicationFilters = Get-NetFirewallApplicationFilter -All
$interfaceFilters = Get-NetFirewallInterfaceFilter -All
$interfaceTypeFilters = Get-NetFirewallInterfaceTypeFilter -All
$securityFilters = Get-NetFirewallSecurityFilter -All
$serviceFilters = Get-NetFirewallServiceFilter -All
$portFilterDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $portFilters) {
$portFilterDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$addressFilterDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $addressFilters) {
$addressFilterDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$applicationFiltersDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $applicationFilters) {
$applicationFiltersDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$interfaceFiltersDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $interfaceFilters) {
$interfaceFiltersDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$interfaceTypeFiltersDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $interfaceTypeFilters) {
$interfaceTypeFiltersDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$securityFiltersDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $securityFilters) {
$securityFiltersDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$serviceFiltersDict = [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[string], [ciminstance]]]::new()
foreach ($filter in $serviceFilters) {
$serviceFiltersDict.Add($filter.InstanceID, $filter)
$cimClassProperties = 'CimClass', 'CimInstanceProperties', 'CimSystemProperties'
$cimClassPropertiesLookup = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[string]]::new([System.StringComparer]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)
foreach ($cimClassProperty in $cimClassProperties) {
[void] $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Add($cimClassProperty)
foreach ($rule in $rules) {
$ruleInstanceId = $rule.InstanceID
$portFilter = $portFilterDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$addressFilter = $addressFilterDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$applicationFilter = $applicationFiltersDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$interfaceFilter = $interfaceFiltersDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$interfaceTypeFilter = $interfaceTypeFiltersDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$securityFilter = $securityFiltersDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$serviceFilter = $serviceFiltersDict[$ruleInstanceId]
$ruleReportItemProps = [ordered]@{
RuleDisplayName = $rule.DisplayName
RuleDescription = $rule.Description
RuleEnabled = $rule.Enabled
RuleProfile = $rule.Profile
RuleAction = $rule.Action
RuleDirection = $rule.Direction
PortFilterProtocol = $rulePortFilter.Protocol
PortFilterLocalPort = $rulePortFilter.LocalPort
PortFilterRemotePort = $rulePortFilter.RemotePort
AddressFilterRemoteAddress = $ruleAddressFilter.RemoteAddress
ApplicationFilterProgram = $applicationFilter.Program
foreach ($prop in $rule.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'Rule' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName ) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName , $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $portFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'PortFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $addressFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'AddressFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $applicationFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'ApplicationFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $interfaceFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'InterfaceFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $interfaceTypeFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'InterfaceTypeFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $securityFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'SecurityFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
foreach ($prop in $serviceFilter.psobject.Properties) {
$propName = 'ServiceFilter' + $prop.Name
if (-not $ruleReportItemProps.Contains($propName) -and -not $cimClassPropertiesLookup.Contains($prop.Name)) {
$ruleReportItemProps.Add($propName, $prop.Value)
$ruleReport | Sort-Object RuleEnabled, RuleDisplayName, RuleProfile | ogv
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8878
Seems your $PolicyObjects
is a list of your group policy displaynames. I'd tighten up your code in one of the following manners.
$PolicyObjects | ForEach-Object {
$GPO = Open-NetGPO -PolicyStore "\$_"
foreach($rule in Get-NetFirewallRule -GPOSession $GPO)
$portfilter = $rule | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter
$addressfilter = $rule | Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter
GPOName = $_
RuleName = $
DisplayName = $rule.displayname
DisplayGroup = $rule.displaygroup
Protocol = $portfilter.Protocol
LocalPort = $portfilter.LocalPort
RemotePort = $portfilter.RemotePort
RemoteAddress = $addressfilter.RemoteAddress
Enabled = $rule.enabled
Profile = $rule.profile
Direction = $rule.direction
Action = $rule.action
} | Export-CSV $env:temp\gpos.csv -Force
Start-Process notepad $env:temp\gpos.csv
$csvdata = foreach($policy in $PolicyObjects)
$GPO = Open-NetGPO -PolicyStore "\$policy"
foreach($rule in Get-NetFirewallRule -GPOSession $GPO)
$portfilter = $rule | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter
$addressfilter = $rule | Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter
GPOName = $policy
RuleName = $
DisplayName = $rule.displayname
DisplayGroup = $rule.displaygroup
Protocol = $portfilter.Protocol
LocalPort = $portfilter.LocalPort
RemotePort = $portfilter.RemotePort
RemoteAddress = $addressfilter.RemoteAddress
Enabled = $rule.enabled
Profile = $rule.profile
Direction = $rule.direction
Action = $rule.action
$csvdata | Export-CSV $env:temp\gpos.csv -Force
Start-Process notepad $env:temp\gpos.csv
In the first one we change the outer loop to a Foreach-Object
to take advantage of the pipeline and piping straight to Export-Csv
In the second we capture all the output then export.
In both we limit the execution time by limiting the opening/writing to file to one time, limit the portfilter calls to one per rule instead of 3, and we use the [PSCustomObject]
type accelerator to construct our final object instead of piping to Select-Object
with calculated expressions. Both should achieve your desired result if I understood correctly.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4694
Does this make a difference?
$csv=foreach ($policy in $PolicyObjects) {
$GPO = Open-NetGPO -PolicyStore "\$policy"
$policy | Out-File $env:temp\gpos.csv -Append -Force
Get-NetFirewallRule -GPOSession $GPO |
Select Name,
@{Name='Protocol';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter).Protocol}},
@{Name='LocalPort';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter).LocalPort}},
@{Name='RemotePort';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter).RemotePort}},
@{Name='RemoteAddress';Expression={($PSItem | Get-NetFirewallAddressFilter).RemoteAddress}},
$csv | Export-CSV $env:temp\gpos.csv -Append -Force
Start-Process notepad $env:temp\gpos.csv
Upvotes: 0