Reputation: 341
I try example in this topic
But It only works for single primary key tables. So i searched more Found this:
Buts there's big different and I think its not satisfy because it speaking about composite key( one Key which have many columns) So all I need please an example of creating XPO dynamically from SQL -Server Table: My Table Schema as following
The XPOCollectionSource then binding to grid in server-mode… Thats all I need.
Code I Use
XPServerCollectionSource GetServerModeSourceForTable(IDbConnection connection, string tableName) {
XPDictionary dict = new ReflectionDictionary();
XPClassInfo classInfo = dict.CreateClass(dict.QueryClassInfo(typeof(LiteDataObject)),
DBTable[] tables = ((ConnectionProviderSql)XpoDefault.GetConnectionProvider(connection,
foreach (DBColumn col in tables[0].Columns) {
XPMemberInfo member = classInfo.CreateMember(col.Name, DBColumn.GetType(
if (tables[0].PrimaryKey.Columns.Contains(col.Name))
member.AddAttribute(new KeyAttribute());
return new XPServerCollectionSource(new Session(XpoDefault.GetDataLayer(
connection, dict, AutoCreateOption.None)), classInfo);
At a glance. How to use XPServerCollectionSource
with Dynamically created XPO object. with two primary keys.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 3046
Reputation: 363
I don't know if this is what you want, but I'll share my code using XPInstantFeedbackSource
You can get more information at How To Implement The Instant Feedback Mode Xpo
public class LogXPOModel : XPLiteObject
[Key, DevExpress.Xpo.DisplayName("id")]
public long id { get; set; }
[Key, DevExpress.Xpo.DisplayName("recv_time")]
public long recv_time
MainWindowpublic class MainWindow : Window
public XPInstantFeedbackSource SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource
public MainWindow() {
SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource = new XPInstantFeedbackSource();
SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource.ObjectType = typeof(LogXPOModel);
SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource.ResolveSession += SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource_ResolveSession;
SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource.DismissSession += SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource_DismissSession;
View.Grid.ItemsSource = SqliteXPInstantFeedbackSource;
Like that — my table has two keys; and, it does not incur any problems.
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 341
This is a class must used. who need more details about that. I can help him for free.
Implementation can be like:
public class XPDynamicObject : XPLiteObject
public XPDynamicObject(Session session) : base(session) {}
public XPDynamicObject(Session session, XPClassInfo classInfo) : base(session, classInfo) { }
Button_Click or any event :
XPDynamicObject.AutoSaveOnEndEdit = false;
ReflectionDictionary dic = new ReflectionDictionary();
var classInfo = dic.CreateClass(dic.GetClassInfo(typeof(XPDynamicObject)), "general.users");
// WE MUST get schema from database .... via ConnectionProviderSql this is only way
var provider = XpoDefault.GetConnectionProvider(MSSqlConnectionProvider.GetConnectionString("(local)", "testdb"), AutoCreateOption.None) as ConnectionProviderSql;
// Composite Key - this is only way to add composite key dynamically
XPComplexCustomMemberInfo user_key = new
XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(classInfo, "user_key", typeof(object), new KeyAttribute(), new PersistentAttribute(), new BrowsableAttribute(false));
user_key.AddSubMember("user_brn", typeof(int), new PersistentAttribute("user_brn"));
user_key.AddSubMember("user_num", typeof(int), new PersistentAttribute("user_num"));
var user_name = classInfo.CreateMember("user_name", typeof(string));
user_name.AddAttribute(new PersistentAttribute("user_name"));
dal = new SimpleDataLayer(dic, provider);
XPServerCollectionSource xpServerCollectionSource = new XPServerCollectionSource(session, classInfo); // XPServerCollectionSource Only Editable server-mode datasource via ALlowNew, AllowEdit, AllowRemove properties
GridControl.DataSource = xpServerCollectionSource ;
Full Cheat Sheet (Design-Time and Run-Time XPOs)
For Searching for Object by Key or Condition use following:
Edit: 2021-05-24
For those who asks about Associations with composite keys. Its really nightmare. By default Xpo doesn't provide that. instead you can use a Session.GetObjectByKey() in child-class and a new XPCollection in parent class. But actually its something little slowly that native way with an artificial key.
At a glance: Use Artifcial / Single Key Column for Better any ORM compatibility. Otherwise It will be nightmare in database later. If you for example support another or replace current ORM.
Here's a code for associations with composite keys. (Note that you need to convert it dynamically like above pictures. You maybe need to create custom XPMemberInfo and override GetValue() to return Session.GetObjectByKey() and create new XPCollection. (really bad stuff to do and worst ever and non-supported ever by Xpo. So Composite-Keys technically are bad way except if you need create Single Table bind it to grid. EX:- SalesOrderDetail table which doesn't have more child tables)
public class user : XPLiteObject
public user(Session session) : base(session) { }
public user(Session session, XPClassInfo classInfo) : base(session, classInfo) { }
[Key, Persistent]
public user_key user_key { get; set; }
public string user_name { get; set; }
private XPCollection<Trans> _trans;
public XPCollection<Trans> trans
if (_trans == null)
_trans = new XPCollection<Trans>(Session, CriteriaOperator.Parse($"user_brn = {user_key.user_brn} AND user_num = {user_key.user_num}"));
return _trans;
public class Trans : XPLiteObject
public Trans(Session session) : base(session) { }
public Trans(Session session, XPClassInfo classInfo) : base(session, classInfo) { }
public int TransID { get; set; }
public int user_brn { get; set; }
public int user_num { get; set; }
public user user
var key = new user_key();
key.user_brn = 1;
key.user_num = 3;
var obj = Session.GetObjectByKey<user>(key, true);
return obj;
// Composite-Key
public struct user_key
public int user_brn { get; set; }
public int user_num { get; set; }
A Dynamic run-time version from above model:
class XPCompositeAssociationMemberInfo : XPCustomMemberInfo
public XPCompositeAssociationMemberInfo(XPClassInfo owner, string propertyName, Type propertyType, XPClassInfo referenceType, bool nonPersistent, bool nonPublic) : base(owner, propertyName, propertyType, referenceType, nonPersistent, nonPublic)
public override object GetValue(object theObject)
XPDynamicObject val = theObject as XPDynamicObject;
if(val != null)
var user_num = val.GetMemberValue("user_num");
IdList vals = new IdList();
return val.Session.GetObjectByKey(ReferenceType, vals);
return val;
XPDynamicObject.AutoSaveOnEndEdit = false;
ReflectionDictionary dic = new ReflectionDictionary();
var userClassInfo = dic.CreateClass(dic.GetClassInfo(typeof(XPDynamicObject)), "users");
// WE MUST get schema from database .... via ConnectionProviderSql this is only way
var provider = XpoDefault.GetConnectionProvider(MSSqlConnectionProvider.GetConnectionString("(local)", "testdb"), AutoCreateOption.None) as ConnectionProviderSql;
//DBTable Table = provider.GetStorageTables("users")[0];
// Composite Key - this is only way to add composite key dynamically
XPComplexCustomMemberInfo user_key = new XPComplexCustomMemberInfo(userClassInfo, "user_key", typeof(object), new KeyAttribute(), new PersistentAttribute(), new BrowsableAttribute(false));
user_key.AddSubMember("user_brn", typeof(int), new PersistentAttribute("user_brn"));
user_key.AddSubMember("user_num", typeof(int), new PersistentAttribute("user_num"));
var user_name = userClassInfo.CreateMember("user_name", typeof(string));
user_name.AddAttribute(new PersistentAttribute("user_name"));
var transClassInfo = dic.CreateClass(dic.GetClassInfo(typeof(XPDynamicObject)), "Trans");
var TransID = transClassInfo.CreateMember("TransID", typeof(int), new KeyAttribute());
var user_brn = transClassInfo.CreateMember("user_brn", typeof(int));
var user_num = transClassInfo.CreateMember("user_num", typeof(int));
XPCompositeAssociationMemberInfo userMI = new XPCompositeAssociationMemberInfo(transClassInfo, "user", typeof(object), userClassInfo, true, false);
dal = new SimpleDataLayer(dic, provider);
Session session = new Session(dal);
XPServerCollectionSource xpServerCollectionSource = new XPServerCollectionSource(session, transClassInfo); // XPServerCollectionSource Only Editable server-mode datasource via ALlowNew, AllowEdit, AllowRemove properties
xpServerCollectionSource.DisplayableProperties = "TransID;user.user_key.user_num;user.user_name";
Finally, IMPORTANT !
Its really very very hard to achieve Composite-Keys cases at runtime in any Xpo. Instead replace with Single Column Key(Identity or Artificial one. GUID one etc.)
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