Zoha Malik
Zoha Malik

Reputation: 509

IdentityService's delete function returning {“code”:56,“message”:“Identity removal is disabled”} in Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK

I'm making a block chain application using Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK, and in it I have to implement the functionality of deleting a user's account. Below is my code for this:

// Revoke the user, then delete the user from wallet.
await ca.revoke({ enrollmentID: email }, adminUser);
const identityService = ca.newIdentityService();
identityService.delete(email, adminUser, true).then( async function(response) {
    await wallet.remove(email);
    logger.debug("Successfully removed user from wallet!");

}).catch((error) => {
    logger.error(`Getting error: ${error}`);
    return error.message;

I've tried debugging and separately running each line in the code and I've got to know that this whole code works but only the identityService.delete function does not work. This function gives the error that Identity removal is disabled. Looking more into this issue, I've got to know that I have to add:

        passwordattempts: 10
        allowremove: true 

in the standard configuration file.

Here is the Fabric CA Server's Configuration File. In this file the cfg is at the end just above the Operations Section. As I have multiple configuration files in my project, I looked into them and found the same Operations Section in one file. I added the cfg lines above it. But then again the same Identity removal is disabled error shows.

What I want to know is that after adding these lines to the configuration file, why is the error still showing. I again created the channel after adding the lines. How do I know that my block chain network is using the updated configuration file. Or is there a way to update a configuration file and I have not done it properly.

Below is the screenshot of the error that I'm getting:

Error Screenshot

Upvotes: 1

Views: 752

Answers (2)


Reputation: 445

I think something missing in Fabric CA Server's Configuration File so you can try below file which is running fine for me. you can check I have added

        passwordattempts: 10
        allowremove: true 


#   This is a configuration file for the fabric-ca-server command.
#   ------------------------------------------------
#   Each configuration element can be overridden via command line
#   arguments or environment variables.  The precedence for determining
#   the value of each element is as follows:
#   1) command line argument
#      Examples:
#      a) --port 443
#         To set the listening port
#      b) --ca.keyfile ../mykey.pem
#         To set the "keyfile" element in the "ca" section below;
#         note the '.' separator character.
#   2) environment variable
#      Examples:
#         To set the listening port
#      b) FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_KEYFILE="../mykey.pem"
#         To set the "keyfile" element in the "ca" section below;
#         note the '_' separator character.
#   3) configuration file
#   4) default value (if there is one)
#      All default values are shown beside each element below.
#   ------------------
#   The value of all fields whose name ends with "file" or "files" are
#   name or names of other files.
#   For example, see "tls.certfile" and "tls.clientauth.certfiles".
#   The value of each of these fields can be a simple filename, a
#   relative path, or an absolute path.  If the value is not an
#   absolute path, it is interpreted as being relative to the location
#   of this configuration file.

# Version of config file
version: 1.2.0

# Server's listening port (default: 7054)
port: 7054

# Enables debug logging (default: false)
debug: false

# Size limit of an acceptable CRL in bytes (default: 512000)
crlsizelimit: 512000

#  TLS section for the server's listening port
#  The following types are supported for client authentication: NoClientCert,
#  RequestClientCert, RequireAnyClientCert, VerifyClientCertIfGiven,
#  and RequireAndVerifyClientCert.
#  Certfiles is a list of root certificate authorities that the server uses
#  when verifying client certificates.
  # Enable TLS (default: false)
  enabled: true
  # TLS for the server's listening port
    type: noclientcert

#  The CA section contains information related to the Certificate Authority
#  including the name of the CA, which should be unique for all members
#  of a blockchain network.  It also includes the key and certificate files
#  used when issuing enrollment certificates (ECerts) and transaction
#  certificates (TCerts).
#  The chainfile (if it exists) contains the certificate chain which
#  should be trusted for this CA, where the 1st in the chain is always the
#  root CA certificate.
  # Name of this CA
  name: Org1CA
  # Key file (is only used to import a private key into BCCSP)
  # Certificate file (default: ca-cert.pem)
  # Chain file

#  The gencrl REST endpoint is used to generate a CRL that contains revoked
#  certificates. This section contains configuration options that are used
#  during gencrl request processing.
  # Specifies expiration for the generated CRL. The number of hours
  # specified by this property is added to the UTC time, the resulting time
  # is used to set the 'Next Update' date of the CRL.
  expiry: 24h

#  The registry section controls how the fabric-ca-server does two things:
#  1) authenticates enrollment requests which contain a username and password
#     (also known as an enrollment ID and secret).
#  2) once authenticated, retrieves the identity's attribute names and
#     values which the fabric-ca-server optionally puts into TCerts
#     which it issues for transacting on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain.
#     These attributes are useful for making access control decisions in
#     chaincode.
#  There are two main configuration options:
#  1) The fabric-ca-server is the registry.
#     This is true if "ldap.enabled" in the ldap section below is false.
#  2) An LDAP server is the registry, in which case the fabric-ca-server
#     calls the LDAP server to perform these tasks.
#     This is true if "ldap.enabled" in the ldap section below is true,
#     which means this "registry" section is ignored.
  # Maximum number of times a password/secret can be reused for enrollment
  # (default: -1, which means there is no limit)
  maxenrollments: -1

  # Contains identity information which is used when LDAP is disabled
     - name: admin
       pass: adminpw
       type: client
       affiliation: ""
          hf.Registrar.Roles: "*"
          hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "*"
          hf.Revoker: true
          hf.IntermediateCA: true
          hf.GenCRL: true
          hf.Registrar.Attributes: "*"
          hf.AffiliationMgr: true

#  Database section
#  Supported types are: "sqlite3", "postgres", and "mysql".
#  The datasource value depends on the type.
#  If the type is "sqlite3", the datasource value is a file name to use
#  as the database store.  Since "sqlite3" is an embedded database, it
#  may not be used if you want to run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster.
#  To run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster, you must choose "postgres"
#  or "mysql".
  type: sqlite3
  datasource: fabric-ca-server.db
      enabled: false

#  LDAP section
#  If LDAP is enabled, the fabric-ca-server calls LDAP to:
#  1) authenticate enrollment ID and secret (i.e. username and password)
#     for enrollment requests;
#  2) To retrieve identity attributes
   # Enables or disables the LDAP client (default: false)
   # If this is set to true, the "registry" section is ignored.
   enabled: false
   # The URL of the LDAP server
   url: ldap://<adminDN>:<adminPassword>@<host>:<port>/<base>
   # TLS configuration for the client connection to the LDAP server
   # Attribute related configuration for mapping from LDAP entries to Fabric CA attributes
      # 'names' is an array of strings containing the LDAP attribute names which are
      # requested from the LDAP server for an LDAP identity's entry
      names: ['uid','member']
      # The 'converters' section is used to convert an LDAP entry to the value of
      # a fabric CA attribute.
      # For example, the following converts an LDAP 'uid' attribute
      # whose value begins with 'revoker' to a fabric CA attribute
      # named "hf.Revoker" with a value of "true" (because the boolean expression
      # evaluates to true).
      #    converters:
      #       - name: hf.Revoker
      #         value: attr("uid") =~ "revoker*"
         - name:
      # The 'maps' section contains named maps which may be referenced by the 'map'
      # function in the 'converters' section to map LDAP responses to arbitrary values.
      # For example, assume a user has an LDAP attribute named 'member' which has multiple
      # values which are each a distinguished name (i.e. a DN). For simplicity, assume the
      # values of the 'member' attribute are 'dn1', 'dn2', and 'dn3'.
      # Further assume the following configuration.
      #    converters:
      #       - name: hf.Registrar.Roles
      #         value: map(attr("member"),"groups")
      #    maps:
      #       groups:
      #          - name: dn1
      #            value: peer
      #          - name: dn2
      #            value: client
      # The value of the user's 'hf.Registrar.Roles' attribute is then computed to be
      # "peer,client,dn3".  This is because the value of 'attr("member")' is
      # "dn1,dn2,dn3", and the call to 'map' with a 2nd argument of
      # "group" replaces "dn1" with "peer" and "dn2" with "client".
            - name:

# Affiliations section. Fabric CA server can be bootstrapped with the
# affiliations specified in this section. Affiliations are specified as maps.
# For example:
#   businessunit1:
#     department1:
#       - team1
#   businessunit2:
#     - department2
#     - department3
# Affiliations are hierarchical in nature. In the above example,
# department1 (used as businessunit1.department1) is the child of businessunit1.
# team1 (used as businessunit1.department1.team1) is the child of department1.
# department2 (used as businessunit2.department2) and department3 (businessunit2.department3)
# are children of businessunit2.
# Note: Affiliations are case sensitive except for the non-leaf affiliations
# (like businessunit1, department1, businessunit2) that are specified in the configuration file,
# which are always stored in lower case.
      - department1
      - department2
      - department1

#  Signing section
#  The "default" subsection is used to sign enrollment certificates;
#  the default expiration ("expiry" field) is "8760h", which is 1 year in hours.
#  The "ca" profile subsection is used to sign intermediate CA certificates;
#  the default expiration ("expiry" field) is "43800h" which is 5 years in hours.
#  Note that "isca" is true, meaning that it issues a CA certificate.
#  A maxpathlen of 0 means that the intermediate CA cannot issue other
#  intermediate CA certificates, though it can still issue end entity certificates.
#  (See RFC 5280, section
#  The "tls" profile subsection is used to sign TLS certificate requests;
#  the default expiration ("expiry" field) is "8760h", which is 1 year in hours.
        - digital signature
      expiry: 8760h
           - cert sign
           - crl sign
         expiry: 43800h
           isca: true
           maxpathlen: 0
            - signing
            - key encipherment
            - server auth
            - client auth
            - key agreement
         expiry: 8760h

#  Certificate Signing Request (CSR) section.
#  This controls the creation of the root CA certificate.
#  The expiration for the root CA certificate is configured with the
#  "ca.expiry" field below, whose default value is "131400h" which is
#  15 years in hours.
#  The pathlength field is used to limit CA certificate hierarchy as described
#  in section of RFC 5280.
#  Examples:
#  1) No pathlength value means no limit is requested.
#  2) pathlength == 1 means a limit of 1 is requested which is the default for
#     a root CA.  This means the root CA can issue intermediate CA certificates,
#     but these intermediate CAs may not in turn issue other CA certificates
#     though they can still issue end entity certificates.
#  3) pathlength == 0 means a limit of 0 is requested;
#     this is the default for an intermediate CA, which means it can not issue
#     CA certificates though it can still issue end entity certificates.
   cn: ca.org1.example.com
      - C: US
        ST: "North Carolina"
        L: "Durham"
        O: org1.example.com
     - localhost
     - org1.example.com
      expiry: 131400h
      pathlength: 1

# BCCSP (BlockChain Crypto Service Provider) section is used to select which
# crypto library implementation to use
    default: SW
        hash: SHA2
        security: 256
            # The directory used for the software file-based keystore
            keystore: msp/keystore

# Multi CA section
# Each Fabric CA server contains one CA by default.  This section is used
# to configure multiple CAs in a single server.
# 1) --cacount <number-of-CAs>
# Automatically generate <number-of-CAs> non-default CAs.  The names of these
# additional CAs are "ca1", "ca2", ... "caN", where "N" is <number-of-CAs>
# This is particularly useful in a development environment to quickly set up
# multiple CAs. Note that, this config option is not applicable to intermediate CA server
# i.e., Fabric CA server that is started with intermediate.parentserver.url config
# option (-u command line option)
# 2) --cafiles <CA-config-files>
# For each CA config file in the list, generate a separate signing CA.  Each CA
# config file in this list MAY contain all of the same elements as are found in
# the server config file except port, debug, and tls sections.
# Examples:
# fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw --cacount 2
# fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw --cafiles ca/ca1/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml
# --cafiles ca/ca2/fabric-ca-server-config.yaml



# Intermediate CA section
# The relationship between servers and CAs is as follows:
#   1) A single server process may contain or function as one or more CAs.
#      This is configured by the "Multi CA section" above.
#   2) Each CA is either a root CA or an intermediate CA.
#   3) Each intermediate CA has a parent CA which is either a root CA or another intermediate CA.
# This section pertains to configuration of #2 and #3.
# If the "intermediate.parentserver.url" property is set,
# then this is an intermediate CA with the specified parent
# CA.
# parentserver section
#    url - The URL of the parent server
#    caname - Name of the CA to enroll within the server
# enrollment section used to enroll intermediate CA with parent CA
#    profile - Name of the signing profile to use in issuing the certificate
#    label - Label to use in HSM operations
# tls section for secure socket connection
#   certfiles - PEM-encoded list of trusted root certificate files
#   client:
#     certfile - PEM-encoded certificate file for when client authentication
#     is enabled on server
#     keyfile - PEM-encoded key file for when client authentication
#     is enabled on server


# CA configuration section
# Configure the number of incorrect password attempts are allowed for
# identities. By default, the value of 'passwordattempts' is 10, which
# means that 10 incorrect password attempts can be made before an identity get
# locked out.
    passwordattempts: 10
    allowremove: true 


Upvotes: 1

Zoha Malik
Zoha Malik

Reputation: 509

This has solved the issue. I had to add the 2 flags of --cfg.identities.allowremove and --cfg.affiliations.allowremove and then restart docker and it worked.

Upvotes: 2

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