Reputation: 23
I have a table in SQL Server like this:
| DateFrom | Completed | EmployeeID |
DateFrom: date not null -- unique for each EmployeeID
Completed: bit not null
EmployeeID: bigint not null
I want to create a view that will return the start date of the last period for every EmployeeID like this:
| DateFrom | Completed | EmployeeID |
|2021-01-01| false | 1 |
|2021-01-05| false | 1 |
|2021-01-09| false | 1 |
|2021-01-10| false | 1 |
|2021-01-07| false | 2 |
|2021-01-15| false | 2 |
Expected Result:
2021-01-01 for EmployeeID = 1
2021-01-07 for EmployeeID = 2
| DateFrom | Completed | EmployeeID |
|2021-01-01| false | 1 |
|2021-01-05| true | 1 |
|2021-01-09| false | 1 |
|2021-01-10| false | 1 |
|2021-01-07| true | 2 |
|2021-01-15| false | 2 |
Expected Result:
2021-01-09 for EmployeeID = 1
2021-01-15 for EmployeeID = 2
| DateFrom | Completed | EmployeeID |
|2021-01-01| false | 1 |
|2021-01-05| true | 1 |
|2021-01-09| false | 1 |
|2021-01-10| true | 1 |
|2021-01-07| false | 2 |
|2021-01-15| true | 2 |
Expected Result:
2021-01-09 for EmployeeID = 1
2021-01-07 for EmployeeID = 2
| DateFrom | Completed | EmployeeID |
|2021-01-01| false | 1 |
|2021-01-05| false | 1 |
|2021-01-09| true | 1 |
|2021-01-10| true | 1 |
|2021-01-07| true | 2 |
Expected Result:
2021-01-10 for EmployeeID = 1
2021-01-07 for EmployeeID = 2
I am looking for the most optimized solution.
I tried this, but I get a NULL value in the third example:
, MAX(CASE WHEN Completed = 0 THEN NULL ELSE DateFrom END) MaxDateFrom
FROM TableDates
SELECT TableDates.EmployeeID, MIN(TableDates.DateFrom) DateFrom
LEFT JOIN TableDates ON T.EmployeeID = TableDates.EmployeeID
AND (T.MaxDateFrom IS NULL OR TableDates.DateFrom > T.MaxDateFrom)
GROUP BY TableDates.EmployeeID
Upvotes: 2
Views: 285
Reputation: 27226
Here is a working query. Its probably over complicated, but I leave the simplification to you.
It handles the 3 cases, all partitioned by EmployeeId as requested, as follows:
When no Completed=1
exists, detected using the sum(Completed) over()
, then first_value(DateFrom)
is used.
When the last row value is completed=1
and the preceding row is completed=0
, detected using last_value(Completed)
and lag(Completed)
then max(case when Completed = 0 then DateFrom else null end)
is used.
The tricky case, when a Completed=1
exists and its not last. In this case the DateFrom of the most recent row where Completed=1
is found and then the min(DateFrom)
is found for all rows more recent than the row previously detected, until the preceding Completed=1
If the last row has completed=1
and the second to last row has completed=1
then use the DateFrom
from the last row. Coalesce ensures this if all other options are null.
insert into @Test (EmployeeId, DateFrom, Completed)
-- Scenario 1
(1, '2021-01-01', 0),
(1, '2021-01-02', 0),
(1, '2021-01-03', 0),
-- Scenario 2
(2, '2021-01-01', 0),
(2, '2021-01-02', 1),
(2, '2021-01-03', 0),
(2, '2021-01-04', 0),
-- Scenario 3
(3, '2021-01-01', 0),
(3, '2021-01-02', 1),
(3, '2021-01-03', 0),
(3, '2021-01-04', 1),
-- Special case, single row
(4, '2021-01-01', 1),
-- Scenario 4
(5, '2021-01-01', 0),
(5, '2021-01-02', 0),
(5, '2021-01-03', 1);
with cte as (
select *
-- First value of DateFrom over all rows (not the default)
, first_value (DateFrom) over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) FirstDateFrom
-- Last value of Completed over all rows (not the default)
, last_value (Completed) over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) LastCompleted
-- Find the Date of the last row with Completed = 1
, max (case when Completed = 1 then DateFrom else null end) over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) LastCompletedNew
-- Regular row number
, row_number() over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom desc) RowNumber
-- Total number of rows with Completed = 1
, sum(convert(int,Completed)) over (partition by EmployeeId) SumOfCompleted
-- Max value of DateFrom where Completed = 0
, max(case when Completed = 0 then DateFrom else null end) over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) MaxDateFrom
-- Check the lagged complete to see if the last 2 rows are completed = 1
, lag(Completed) over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom asc) LaggedComplete
-- Borrowed from Gordon to check which rows are prior to the last Completed = 1 and before the preceding Completed = 1
, sum(case when completed = 1 then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by employeeid order by datefrom desc) as completed_seqnum
from @Test
-- Use the only DateFrom if there is only one
, coalesce(case
-- Scenario 1
when SumOfCompleted = 0 then FirstDateFrom
when LastCompleted = 1 then
-- Scenario 4
when coalesce(LaggedComplete,0) = 1 then DateFrom
-- Scenario 3
else Scenario3
-- Scenario 2
else ActualResult
end, DateFrom) FinalResult
--, * -- Uncomment for working
from (
select *
-- Find the lowest DateFrom which is greater then the DateFrom of the last row where Completed = 1
, min(case when DateFrom > LastCompletedNew then DateFrom else null end) over (partition by EmployeeId) ActualResult
-- Find the min DateFrom over the rows between the last Completed=1 and the Completed=1 before it (if it exists)
, min(case when completed_seqnum = 1 then DateFrom else null end) over (partition by EmployeeId order by DateFrom asc rows between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) Scenario3
from cte
) x
-- Because we have calculated the same result for every row we just take the first
where RowNumber = 1
order by x.EmployeeId asc, x.DateFrom asc;
Note: This assumes that there is only a single row per date.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1269773
I think you just want conditional aggregation -- with a bunch of logic. Assuming that you have rows for every day, I think this does what you want:
select employeeid,
(case when -- case 4
min(completed) = max(completed) and
min(completed) = 'true'
then max(datefrom)
when -- case 1
min(completed) = max(completed) and
min(completed) = 'false'
then min(datefrom)
when -- case 3
max(datefrom) = max(case when completed = 'true' then datefrom end)
then min(case when completed_seqnum = 1 then datefrom end)
else dateadd(day, 1, max(case when completed = 'true' then datefrom end))
from (select t.*,
sum(case when completed = 'true' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by employeeid order by datefrom desc) as completed_seqnum
from t
) t
group by employeeid;
The need for a row every day is really just a convenience -- allowing the code to add one day to get the date after a particular "true" false, for instance. This could also be accomplished using lead()
in the subquery.
Note: This does not handle all conditions (at least with a non-NULL date. For instance, it returns NULL
when there is a sequence of "true"s at the end of the data.
If this is an issue -- this version of your question has been asked. Ask a new question with appropriate sample data and desired results. I also think that you might be able to explain the problem you are trying to solve and simplify the explanation.
If dates are missing, you can use:
select employeeid,
(case when -- case 4
min(completed) = max(completed) and
min(completed) = 'true'
then max(datefrom)
when -- case 1
min(completed) = max(completed) and
min(completed) = 'false'
then min(datefrom)
when -- case 3
max(datefrom) = max(case when completed = 'true' then datefrom end)
then min(case when completed_seqnum = 1 then datefrom end)
else max(case when completed = 'true' then next_datefrom end)
from (select t.*,
lead(datefrom) over (partition by employeeid order by datefrom) as next_datefrom,
sum(case when completed = 'true' then 1 else 0 end) over (partition by employeeid order by datefrom desc) as completed_seqnum
from t
) t
group by employeeid;
Upvotes: 1