Reputation: 16730
Here is my code.
Run the MainView struct, and click on the button which should update the word first
to the word hello
It does not update at all even though the logs show that the data is correctly updated. Therefore is there no way to get the view to update when a value changes inside an enum?
The only way I got it to work was a nasty hack. To try the hack just uncomment the 3 lines of commented code and try it. Is there a better way?
I looked at this similar question, but the same problem is there -> SwiftUI two-way binding to value inside ObservableObject inside enum case
struct MainView: View {
@State var selectedEnum = AnEnum.anOption(AnObservedObject(string: "first"))
// @State var update = false
var body: some View {
switch selectedEnum {
case .anOption(var value):
VStack {
switch selectedEnum {
case .anOption(let val):
TestView(object: Binding(get: { value }, set: { value = $0 }),
callbackToVerifyChange: callback)
// .id(update)
func callback() {
switch selectedEnum {
case .anOption(let value):
print("Callback function shows --> \(value.string)")
// update.toggle()
class AnObservedObject: ObservableObject {
@Published var string: String
init(string: String) {
self.string = string
enum AnEnum {
case anOption(AnObservedObject)
struct TestView: View {
@Binding var object: AnObservedObject
let callbackToVerifyChange: ()->Void
var body: some View {
Text("Tap here to change the word 'first' to 'hello'")
.onTapGesture {
print("String before tapping --> \(object.string)")
object.string = "hello"
print("String after tapping --> \(object.string)")
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1516