const { MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js')
module.exports = {
name: "addrole",
aliases: ["role", "P!role"],
category: "moderation",
description: "Add role to any user",
run: async (client, message, args) => {
if (!message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_ROLES")) {
return"sorry you need permission to mute someone");
if (!"MANAGE_ROLES")) {
return"I do not have the permissions");
const targets = message.mentions.members;
if(!targets.first()) return message.reply(`<:no:677902165859237894>please mention user!`)
let arole = message.mentions.roles.first();
if(!arole) return message.reply(`<:no:677902165859237894>please mention role for add!`)
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
.setDescription(`<a:ok_:731369076315652167>role added ${arole}`)
targets.forEach(target => target.roles.add(arole));
This adds role to the mentioned users. Instead is there a way to alter
const targets = message.mentions.members
Such that the targets are all server members? And then by foreach, I can give the role to all the targets.
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You could access all guild members from message.guild.members.cache
and use .forEach()
Upvotes: 1