Reputation: 1217
I have searched a lot and included a thousand separator in tooltips. But I would like to make it work everywhere there is text. Where I live we use "." to separate thousands and "," for decimal.
I didn't find a simple way to put the title in the middle of the doughnut.
This is what I have: = '#7792b1';
var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
var dataset = [{
label: 'Volume de Operações',
data: [254000.87, 355000.57],
backgroundColor: ['#4bb8df', '#6290df']
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: ['CALL', 'PUT'],
datasets: dataset
options: {
rotation: 1 * Math.PI,
circumference: 1 * Math.PI,
legend: {
display: false
cutoutPercentage: 60,
plugins: {
labels: [{
render: 'label',
arc: true,
fontStyle: 'bold',
position: 'outside'
}, {
render: 'percentage',
fontColor: '#ffffff',
precision: 1
title: {
display: true,
fontSize: 15,
text: [
dataset.reduce((t, d) => t +, b) => a + b), 0),
'Volume Total'
position: 'bottom'
tooltips: {
callbacks: {
label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
var dataLabel = data.labels[tooltipItem.index];
var value = ': ' + data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItem.index].toLocaleString();
if (Chart.helpers.isArray(dataLabel)) {
dataLabel = dataLabel.slice();
dataLabel[0] += value;
} else {
dataLabel += value;
return dataLabel;
<canvas id="myChart" style="max-width: 450px"></canvas>
<script src="[email protected]"></script>
<script src=""></script>
In short:
Upvotes: 0
Views: 306
Reputation: 31421
To not show a title in your tooltip you will have to only return the value in your custom label calback. So your callback will become this:
label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItem.index].toLocaleString();
There is no build in way to get the title in the middle of the circle, you will have to write a custom plugin for that.
To replace the thousand serperator in the percentage label, you will have to write a custom render. So instead render: 'percentage'
. You will get something like this:
// custom render
render: function (args) {
// args will be something like:
// { label: 'Label', value: 123, percentage: 50, index: 0, dataset: {...} }
return '$' + args.value;
You will have to make the logic so the value gets transformed to a percentage still
EDIT custom tooltip so you dont see the color in front. = '#7792b1';
var ctx = document.getElementById('myChart').getContext('2d');
var dataset = [{
label: 'Volume de Operações',
data: [254000.87, 355000.57],
backgroundColor: ['#4bb8df', '#6290df']
var chart = new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'doughnut',
data: {
labels: ['CALL', 'PUT'],
datasets: dataset
options: {
rotation: 1 * Math.PI,
circumference: 1 * Math.PI,
legend: {
display: false
cutoutPercentage: 60,
plugins: {
labels: [{
render: 'label',
arc: true,
fontStyle: 'bold',
position: 'outside'
}, {
render: 'percentage',
fontColor: '#ffffff',
precision: 1
title: {
display: true,
fontSize: 15,
text: [
dataset.reduce((t, d) => t +, b) => a + b), 0),
'Volume Total'
position: 'bottom'
tooltips: {
enabled: false,
custom: function(tooltipModel) {
// Tooltip Element
var tooltipEl = document.getElementById('chartjs-tooltip');
// Create element on first render
if (!tooltipEl) {
tooltipEl = document.createElement('div'); = 'chartjs-tooltip';
tooltipEl.innerHTML = '<table></table>';
// Hide if no tooltip
if (tooltipModel.opacity === 0) { = 0;
// Set caret Position
tooltipEl.classList.remove('above', 'below', 'no-transform');
if (tooltipModel.yAlign) {
} else {
function getBody(bodyItem) {
return bodyItem.lines[0].split(': ')[1].replace('.', ',');
// Set Text
if (tooltipModel.body) {
var titleLines = tooltipModel.title || [];
var bodyLines =;
var innerHtml = '<thead>';
innerHtml += '</thead><tbody>';
bodyLines.forEach(function(body, i) {
var colors = tooltipModel.labelColors[i];
var style = 'background:' + colors.backgroundColor;
style += '; border-color:' + colors.borderColor;
style += '; border-width: 2px';
var span = '<span style="' + style + '"></span>';
innerHtml += '<tr><td>' + span + body + '</td></tr>';
innerHtml += '</tbody>';
var tableRoot = tooltipEl.querySelector('table');
tableRoot.innerHTML = innerHtml;
// `this` will be the overall tooltip
var position = this._chart.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
// Display, position, and set styles for font = 1; = 'absolute'; = position.left + window.pageXOffset + tooltipModel.caretX + 'px'; = + window.pageYOffset + tooltipModel.caretY + 'px'; = tooltipModel._bodyFontFamily; = tooltipModel.bodyFontSize + 'px'; = tooltipModel._bodyFontStyle; = tooltipModel.yPadding + 'px ' + tooltipModel.xPadding + 'px'; = 'none';
callbacks: {
label: function(tooltipItem, data) {
return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItem.index].toLocaleString();
#chartjs-tooltip {
opacity: 1;
position: absolute;
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);
color: white;
border-radius: 3px;
-webkit-transition: all .1s ease;
transition: all .1s ease;
pointer-events: none;
-webkit-transform: translate(-50%, 0);
transform: translate(-50%, 0);
<canvas id="myChart" style="max-width: 450px"></canvas>
<script src="[email protected]"></script>
<script src=""></script>
You might want to add some dots as thousand seperators in the tooltip but thats up to you. Best place to do it is in the getBody
Upvotes: 1