Reputation: 1452
In the following code, my predicate constraint_connected_areas_rows
breaks the search. What am I doing wrong ?
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
% ----------------- %
% -- C.P. SOLVER -- %
% ----------------- %
domforentries([OneRow | OtherRows]):-
OneRow ins 0..1,
constraint_total_rows([], []).
[OneRowInfos | OtherRowsInfos],
[OneRowSol | OtherRowsSol] ):-
sum(OneRowInfos, #=, NbOfOnes),
sum(OneRowSol, #=, NbOfOnes),
constraint_total_rows(OtherRowsInfos, OtherRowsSol).
constraint_connected_areas_rows([], []).
[OneRowInfos | OtherRowsInfos],
[OneRowSol | OtherRowsSol] ):-
length(OneRowInfos, NbConnectedAreas_Wanted),
nbconnectedareas(OneRowSol, NbConnectedAreas_Found, 0),
NbConnectedAreas_Found #= NbConnectedAreas_Wanted,
constraint_connected_areas_rows(OtherRowsInfos, OtherRowsSol).
% nbconnectedareas([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], N, 0).
% N = 2
% nbconnectedareas([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], N, 0).
% N = 2
% nbconnectedareas([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], N, 0).
% N = 3
% nbconnectedareas([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], N, 0).
% N = 1
nbconnectedareas([], 0, _):-
nbconnectedareas([FirstElt | OtherElts], NbConnectedAreas, LastCol):-
FirstElt = LastCol,
nbconnectedareas(OtherElts, NbConnectedAreas, LastCol).
nbconnectedareas([1 | OtherElts], NbConnectedAreas, 0):-
nbconnectedareas(OtherElts, SubNbConnectedAreas, 1),
NbConnectedAreas #= SubNbConnectedAreas + 1.
nbconnectedareas([0 | OtherElts], NbConnectedAreas, 1):-
nbconnectedareas(OtherElts, NbConnectedAreas, 0).
% --------------- %
% -- MAIN PART -- %
% --------------- %
% Source:
% Grid = [[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
% [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1],
% [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
% [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
% [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
% [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]]
ColsInfos = [[1], [5], [2], [5], [2, 1], [2]],
RowsInfos = [[2, 1], [1, 3], [1, 2], [3], [4], [1]],
% Shape of the solution.
length(ColsInfos, NbCols),
length(RowsInfos, NbRows),
% Internal version of the solution.
same_length(RowsInfos, Grid),
maplist(same_length(ColsInfos), Grid),
% Constraint on entries.
% Constraint on rows.
constraint_total_rows(RowsInfos, Grid),
constraint_connected_areas_rows(RowsInfos, Grid),
% Constraint on cols.
transpose(Grid, Dirg),
constraint_total_rows(ColsInfos, Dirg),
constraint_connected_areas_rows(ColsInfos, Dirg),
% Let's the magic plays...
flatten(Grid, Sol),
labeling([], Sol),
print_sol(Sol, NbCols).
% ---------------------------- %
% ---------------------------- %
print_sol(Sol, NbCols):-
print_sol(Sol, NbCols, 1).
print_sol([], _, _).
print_sol([OnePixel | OtherPixels], NbCols, NbPrinted):-
Rem is NbPrinted mod NbCols,
((Rem = 1)
-> writeln("")
NextNbPrinted is NbPrinted + 1,
print_sol(OtherPixels, NbCols, NextNbPrinted).
Upvotes: 1
Views: 264
Reputation: 1452
Thanks to the post of false
above, here is the good way to obtain the solutions using a brute force approach which is neither tricky, nor efficient.
has been removed because it was not complete.connectedareas
has been added to solve the problem.clpfd
is just used for its transpose
predicate.% Just us the transpose from clpfd.
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
% --------------- %
% -- MAIN PART -- %
% --------------- %
% Source:
% 110001
% 010111
% 010110
% 011100
% 011110
% 000100
% ColsInfos = [[1], [5], [2], [5], [2, 1], [2]],
% RowsInfos = [[2, 1], [1, 3], [1, 2], [3], [4], [1]],
% 0110001
% 0010111
% 0010110
% 0011100
% 0011110
% 0000100
ColsInfos = [[0], [1], [5], [2], [5], [2, 1], [2]],
RowsInfos = [[2, 1], [1, 3], [1, 2], [3], [4], [1]],
% Internal version of the solution.
same_length(RowsInfos, Grid),
maplist(same_length(ColsInfos), Grid),
% Constraint on rows.
constraint_areas_rows(RowsInfos, Grid),
% Constraint on cols.
transpose(Grid, Dirg),
constraint_areas_rows(ColsInfos, Dirg),
% Let's the magic plays...
flatten(Grid, Sol),
% Just print the solution.
length(ColsInfos, NbCols),
print_sol(Sol, NbCols).
% ------------ %
% -- SOLVER -- %
% ------------ %
constraint_areas_rows([], []).
[OneRowInfos | OtherRowsInfos],
[OneRowSol | OtherRowsSol]
connectedareas(OneRowSol, AreasSizesFound),
OneRowInfos = AreasSizesFound,
constraint_areas_rows(OtherRowsInfos, OtherRowsSol).
% connectedareas([1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1], A).
% A = [2, 1]
% connectedareas([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], A).
% A = [2, 1]
% connectedareas([1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1], A).
% A = [1, 1, 1]
% connectedareas([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], A).
% A = [6]
% connectedareas([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], A).
% A = [0]
connectedareas(Elts, AreasSizes):-
connectedareas(Elts, AreasSizes, 0).
connectedareas([], [NbOfOnes], NbOfOnes).
connectedareas([], [], NbOfOnes):-
NbOfOnes = 0.
connectedareas([OneElt | OtherElts], AreasSizes, NbOfOnes):-
OneElt = 0,
NbOfOnes = 0,
connectedareas(OtherElts, AreasSizes, NbOfOnes).
connectedareas([OneElt | OtherElts], [NbOfOnes | SubAreasSizes], NbOfOnes):-
OneElt = 0,
NbOfOnes > 0,
connectedareas(OtherElts, SubAreasSizes, 0).
connectedareas([OneElt | OtherElts], AreasSizes, NbOfOnes):-
OneElt = 1,
NextNbOfOnes is NbOfOnes + 1,
connectedareas(OtherElts, AreasSizes, NextNbOfOnes).
% ---------------------------- %
% ---------------------------- %
print_sol(Sol, NbCols):-
print_sol(Sol, NbCols, 1).
print_sol([], _, _).
print_sol([OnePixel | OtherPixels], NbCols, NbPrinted):-
Rem is NbPrinted mod NbCols,
((Rem = 1)
-> writeln("")
NextNbPrinted is NbPrinted + 1,
print_sol(OtherPixels, NbCols, NextNbPrinted).
Upvotes: 2