Reputation: 35
this is my first time using tensor flow i want to try captcha solver i found in the internet but i got an error the link the tutorial
TypeError: ParseFromString() missing 1 required positional argument: 'serialized'
here is my code
# Load a (frozen) Tensorflow model into memory.
label_map = label_map_util.load_labelmap(PATH_TO_LABELS)
categories = label_map_util.convert_label_map_to_categories(label_map, max_num_classes=NUM_CLASSES, use_display_name=True)
category_index = label_map_util.create_category_index(categories)
detection_graph = tf.Graph()
with detection_graph.as_default():
od_graph_def = tf.GraphDef
with tf.gfile.GFile(PATH_TO_FROZEN_GRAPH, 'rb') as fid:
serialized_graph =
tf.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='')
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1357
Reputation: 68
If you are using tensorflow version >= 2.0 then above code won't work. Below is the updated code which will work on tensorflow version > 2.0
with detection_graph.as_default():
od_graph_def = tf.compat.v1.GraphDef()
with tf.compat.v1.gfile.GFile(PATH_TO_FROZEN_GRAPH, 'rb') as fid:
serialized_graph =
tf.compat.v1.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='')
Upvotes: 2