Reputation: 155
I developed code to create VPC and subnets by TypeScript language of CDK.
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';
export class VpcTestStack extends cdk.Stack {
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const project = 'service';
const environment = 'dev';
const cidr = '10.1';
// VPC
const vpc = new ec2.CfnVPC(this, 'vpc', {
cidrBlock: cidr + '.0.0/16',
enableDnsHostnames: true,
enableDnsSupport: true,
instanceTenancy: 'default',
tags: [ { key: 'Name', value: project + '-' + environment } ]
// Subnet-Public-01-A
const subnet_public_01_a = new ec2.CfnSubnet(this, 'subnet_public_01_a', {
availabilityZone: this.availabilityZones[0],
cidrBlock: cidr + '.0.0/20',
vpcId: vpc.ref,
tags: [ { key: 'Name', value: project + '-' + environment + '-public-01-a' } ]
// Subnet-Public-01-C
const subnet_public_01_c = new ec2.CfnSubnet(this, 'subnet_public_01_c', {
availabilityZone: this.availabilityZones[2],
cidrBlock: cidr + '.16.0/20',
vpcId: vpc.ref,
tags: [ { key: 'Name', value: project + '-' + environment + '-public-01-c' } ]
To make the code simple, I try to use function at the subnet section.
// Subnet Creation Function
function subnet_creation(availability_zone: string, subnet_name: string, subnet_cidr: string)
new ec2.CfnSubnet(this, 'subnet_' + subnet_name, {
availabilityZone: availability_zone,
cidrBlock: cidr + subnet_cidr,
vpcId: vpc.ref,
tags: [ { key: 'Name', value: project + '-' + environment + '-' + subnet_name } ]
// Subnet Creation
subnet_creation(this.availabilityZones[0], 'public-01-a', '.0.0/20')
subnet_creation(this.availabilityZones[2], 'public-01-c', '.16.0/20')
I encounter an error as below when I execute 'cdk synth'.
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes)
TSError: ⨯ Unable to compile TypeScript:
lib/vpc-test.ts:36:25 - error TS2683: 'this' implicitly has type 'any' because it does not have a type annotation.
36 new ec2.CfnSubnet(this, 'subnet_' + subnet_name, {
34 function subnet_creation(availability_zone: string, subnet_name: string, subnet_cidr: string)
An outer value of 'this' is shadowed by this container.
Could you please give me a guidance to use function?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 817
Reputation: 10393
Keep the function outside constructor within the class.
import * as cdk from "@aws-cdk/core";
import * as ec2 from "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2";
export class VpcTestStack extends cdk.Stack {
project = "service";
shortEnv = "dev";
cidr = "10.1";
vpc: ec2.CfnVPC;
constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
this.vpc = new ec2.CfnVPC(this, "vpc", {
cidrBlock: this.cidr + ".0.0/16",
enableDnsHostnames: true,
enableDnsSupport: true,
instanceTenancy: "default",
tags: [{ key: "Name", value: this.project + "-" + this.shortEnv }],
this.subnet_creation(this.availabilityZones[0], "public-01-a", ".0.0/20");
this.subnet_creation(this.availabilityZones[2], "public-01-c", ".16.0/20");
availability_zone: string,
subnet_name: string,
subnet_cidr: string
) {
new ec2.CfnSubnet(this, "subnet_" + subnet_name, {
availabilityZone: availability_zone,
cidrBlock: this.cidr + subnet_cidr,
vpcId: this.vpc.ref,
tags: [
key: "Name",
value: this.project + "-" + this.environment + "-" + subnet_name,
Upvotes: 1