Reputation: 12331
I'm testing an web application with selenium, what I want to check is if there are calls done in the background (post,get). e.g. I load and in the developer options I can see that it does some requests.
I looked into the documentation for the selenium library in Robot Framework but cant find an option. Is it possible to get the requests done? I also found selenium wire that does exactly what I want, but in all the examples they use a driver object, Is it possible to get the driver object used by Robot Framework/selenium?
*** Settings ***
Documentation Simple example using SeleniumLibrary.
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Variables ***
${LOGIN URL} http://localhost:7272
${BROWSER} Chrome
*** Test Cases ***
Valid Login
Open Browser To Login Page
Input Username demo
Input Password mode
Submit Credentials
Welcome Page Should Be Open
Get call to some-site should be done <---- what i want.
[Teardown] Close Browser
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser To Login Page
Open Browser ${LOGIN URL} ${BROWSER}
Title Should Be Login Page
Input Username
[Arguments] ${username}
Input Text username_field ${username}
Input Password
[Arguments] ${password}
Input Text password_field ${password}
Submit Credentials
Click Button login_button
Welcome Page Should Be Open
Title Should Be Welcome Page
I tried the following based on Bence Kaulics's answwer
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
def get_logs2(driver):
# enable browser logging
#d = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
#d['goog:loggingPrefs'] = { 'browser':'ALL' }
#driver = webdriver.Chrome(desired_capabilities=d)
# load the desired webpage
a = driver.get_log('browser')
# print messages
for entry in driver.get_log('browser'):
return a
the robot part I do is:
*** Keywords ***
Get Logs2
[Arguments] ${arg1}
${seleniumlib}= Get Library Instance SeleniumLibrary
Log ${seleniumlib._drivers.active_drivers}[0]
Get Logs2 ${seleniumlib._drivers.active_drivers}[0]
But to no avail
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1647
Reputation: 7291
In the SeleniumLibrary/ line 487, you can see that SeleniumLibrary has a member called _drivers
which is an instance of class WebDriverCache
. If you browse further you can see that this WebDriverCache
has an active_drivers
property. This is what you need.
To retrieve it you can use the Get Library Instance
keyword that will return you the object of your SeleniumLibrary instance. The rest is accessible by the extended variable syntax.
You also have to set the appropriate browser capabilities to enable logging in the web driver.
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities
def get_chrome_browser_logging_capability():
d = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
d['goog:loggingPrefs'] = { 'browser':'ALL' }
return d
def get_logs2(driver):
return driver.get_log('browser')
Here is a quick example:
*** Settings ***
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
Browser Log Cases
${capability}= Get Chrome Browser Logging Capability
Open Browser Chrome desired_capabilities=${capability}
Go To
${seleniumlib}= Get Library Instance SeleniumLibrary
${message} = Get Logs2 ${seleniumlib._drivers.active_drivers}[0]
[Teardown] Close All Browsers
With these I can see log entries returned.
Upvotes: 1