Reputation: 370

How can I show COMMAND mode in statusline when entering command-line mode ( " : " ) on VIM?

I'm starting on VIM (yes, just VIM, not NeoVIM or any other) and I have a StatusLine configured in my .vimrc and which shows the current mode I'm in and all modes are shown correctly except... when I enter Command-line mode (" : ") I want the statusline to show "COMMAND" and it shows "NORMAL" (I added a screenshot at the bottom showing the StatusLine).

I'm looking for a solution where I don't have to install any plugin. I searched a lot for this problem and I didn't find anything related with this specific problem... Thanks!

Here is the .vimrc (StatusLine stuff begins where it says " >>>>> Status line") :

Note: I know that I have "set noshowmode", but I already did "set showmode" and it didn't work. I only did "set noshowmode" because I don't need the mode to be shown twice...

" ------------------   VIM Configuration   -------------------------

set nocompatible " VI compatible mode is disabled so that VIm things work
syntax on " enable syntax processing
syntax enable
set encoding=utf-8

filetype indent on " load filetype-specific indent files
filetype on
filetype plugin on " load filetype specific plugin files

" >>>>> Spaces & Tabs
set tabstop=4
set shiftwidth=4
set softtabstop=4
set expandtab
set smartindent
" ----------------------------------------------------------

" >>>>> Buffers
set hidden " Allows having hidden buffers without saving them
" ----------------------------------------------------------

" >>>>> UI Config 

set number  " show line numbers 
set colorcolumn=80  "Know where I am
highlight ColorColumn ctermbg=white
set nowrap
set scrolloff=8

set wildmenu  " visual autocomplete for command menu 

set nobackup " backup file is immediately deleted upon successfully writing the original file.
set noswapfile

let python_highlight_all=1
set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
" ----------------------------------------------------------

" >>>>> Searching

set path+=**
set incsearch         " search as characters are entered
set ignorecase        " Ignore case in searches by default
set smartcase         " But make it case sensitive if an uppercase is entered
" ----------------------------------------------------------

" >>>>> Status line

" status bar colors
au InsertEnter * hi statusline guifg=black guibg=#d7afff ctermfg=black ctermbg=magenta
au InsertLeave * hi statusline guifg=black guibg=#8fbfdc ctermfg=black ctermbg=cyan
hi statusline guifg=black guibg=#8fbfdc ctermfg=black ctermbg=cyan

" default: set statusline=%f\ %h%w%m%r\ %=%(%l,%c%V\ %=\ %P%)

" Status Line Custom
let g:currentmode={
    \ 'n'  : 'Normal',
    \ 'no' : 'Normal·Operator Pending',
    \ 'v'  : 'Visual',
    \ 'V'  : 'V·Line',
    \ '^V' : 'V·Block',
    \ 's'  : 'Select',
    \ 'S'  : 'S·Line',
    \ '^S' : 'S·Block',
    \ 'i'  : 'Insert',
    \ 'R'  : 'Replace',
    \ 'Rv' : 'V·Replace',
    \ 'c'  : 'Command',
    \ 'cv' : 'Vim Ex',
    \ 'ce' : 'Ex',
    \ 'r'  : 'Prompt',
    \ 'rm' : 'More',
    \ 'r?' : 'Confirm',
    \ '!'  : 'Shell',
    \ 't'  : 'Terminal'

set laststatus=2
set noshowmode
set statusline=
set statusline+=%0*\ %n\                                 " Buffer number
set statusline+=%1*\ %<%F%m%r%h%w\                       " File path, modified, readonly, helpfile, preview
set statusline+=%3*│                                     " Separator
set statusline+=%2*\ %Y\                                 " FileType
set statusline+=%3*│                                     " Separator
set statusline+=%2*\ %{''.(&fenc!=''?&fenc:&enc).''}     " Encoding
set statusline+=\ (%{&ff})                               " FileFormat (dos/unix..)
set statusline+=%=                                       " Right Side
set statusline+=%2*\ col:\ %02v\                         " Column number
set statusline+=%3*│                                     " Separator
set statusline+=%1*\ ln:\ %02l/%L\ (%3p%%)\              " Line number / total lines, percentage of document
set statusline+=%0*\ %{toupper(g:currentmode[mode()])}\  " The current mode

hi User1 ctermfg=007 ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e guifg=#adadad 
hi User2 ctermfg=007 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guifg=#adadad
hi User3 ctermfg=236 ctermbg=236 guibg=#303030 guifg=#303030
hi User4 ctermfg=239 ctermbg=239 guibg=#4e4e4e guifg=#4e4e4e
" ----------------------------------------------------------

" >>>>> Netrw (File Tree)

let g:netrw_banner=0        " disable annoying banner
let g:netrw_browse_split=4 " open in prior window
let g:netrw_altv=1          " open splits to the right                    
let g:netrw_liststyle=3     " tree view
let g:netrw_list_hide=netrw_gitignore#Hide()
let g:netrw_list_hide.=',\(^\|\s\s\)\zs\.\S\+'
let g:netrw_winsize = 75
" ----------------------------------------------------------

enter image description here

Upvotes: 0

Views: 2805

Answers (1)


Reputation: 695

The closest I can get:

autocmd CmdlineEnter * redrawstatus

As always, autocommands belong in augroups. If you don't know what that means, it means that you want to copy and paste all of the following into your vimrc, not just that first line I gave:

augroup statusline
    autocmd CmdlineEnter * redrawstatus
augroup END

Notice that this will not affect all statuslines, just the window which you were in before entering the command line. This answer is not fully tested, or even tested for more than 45 seconds, and I'm sure there's some edge case I have overlooked or some ways this answer can be improved. I will edit this if I think of those. Whether CmdlineLeave is worth adding, I'm not sure. I am sure that CmdlineChanged is a bad idea to add.

Now for the rest of your vimrc. There are some things you probably want to change in it. For instance:

  • take out set nocompatible
  • use syntax on or syntax enable, but not both. It's redundant
  • filetype plugin indent on can be one line, not three, but I guess it doesn't matter
  • settings tabstop to something other than 8 can screw with things, and any behavior that you want can almost certainly be achieved with other settings
  • smartindent is outdated and no longer recommended by certain members of the community whom I trust
  • adding ** to path is commonly done, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea
  • no hlsearch?
  • autocommands should be in augroups
  • in g:currentmode, are ^V and ^S each one character or two? They won't match if they're two

And that's as far as I looked. I'm sure there's more others can recommend. If you don't want to directly runtime it, defaults.vim isn't a bad place to look for vimrc ideas.

Upvotes: 4

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