Reputation: 119
I have a simple script in Azure DevOps pipeline YAML executing postman collection tests using newman.
- script: $(Agent.WorkFolder)/node_modules/newman/bin/newman.js run "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/postman/a.postman_collection.json" -e "$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/postman/b.postman_environment.json" -x -r junit --reporter-junit-export $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/PostmanResults/JunitResults.xml
displayName: Run Postman tests
Basically, it works. But this step is always green regardless of tests are passing or not.
How could I force this task/stage fail if there are some unsuccessful tests? Or somehow identify if there are test failures? Does anyone know any clever workaround?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2059
Reputation: 19949
you have to capture the exit code and throw it as write-error:
Try something like:
if ($exitCode -ne 0)
Write-Output ("[Error] Failing task since return code was {0} while expected 0." -f $exitCode)
Write-Error "##vso[task.complete result=Failed;]Failed"
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1336
I use the "Newman the cli Companion for Postman" extension instead of a script and it has worked reasonably well for me:
By default, the task will fail your pipeline if there are any test failures.
Here's an example of the task I have configured in my YAML pipelines using it:
- task: carlowaklstedt.NewmanPostman.NewmanPostman.NewmanPostman@4
displayname: "Run Newman Tests"
collectionFileSource: "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)"
contents: "**/path-to-postman-collection.json"
environment: "**/path-to-environment.json"
pathToNewman: "(Optional) C:\path\to\newman\installation"
ignoreRedirect: false
bail: false
sslInsecure: false
reporters: "htmlextra,junit"
htmlExtraDarkTheme: false
htmlExtraLogs: false
htmlExtraTestPaging: false
Upvotes: 1