Reputation: 890
I need to verify if a string is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address in a Batch script, but apparently Batch doesn't have an easy way to parse an IP address.
How can I do this in Batch without using external tools? By "external tools" I mean things that aren't already present on a normal Windows installation.
By "valid IPv4 or IPv6 address" I mean a string that is in the format of an IP address, false positives with strings like 999.999.999.999
are OK (even if some basic filtering is welcome). As a rule of thumb, a solution should at least be able to distinguish an error message from an address.
I know that a similar question already exists, but that question doesn't take IPv6 into consideration and it's more strict in its definition of "valid IPv4 address" (something like 999.999.999.999
isn't acceptable).
Upvotes: 35
Views: 3450
Reputation: 57252
Check for valid IPv4:
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* JScript comment
@echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*
exit /b %errorlevel%
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end JScript comment */
function ValidateIPaddress(ipaddress) {
return !(/^(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)$/.test(ipaddress))
For valid IPv6 address:
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end /* JScript comment
@echo off
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*
exit /b %errorlevel%
@if (@X)==(@Y) @end JScript comment */
function ValidateIPaddress(ipaddress) {
return !(/(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))/gm.test(ipaddress))
Both are relying on the exit code, so here's how they can be used:
call validIPV4.bat && (
echo valid ipv4
) || (
echo invalid ipv4
call validIPV4.bat && (
echo valid ipv4
) || (
echo invalid ipv4
The first will print valid ipv4
the second invalid ipv4
Or you can check the errorlevel:
call validIPV6.bat "1200:0000:AB00:1234:0000:2552:7777:1313"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 (
echo valid ipv6
) else (
echo invalid ipv6
Upvotes: 15
Reputation: 150
How can I do this in Batch without using external tools? By "external tools" I mean things that aren't already present on a normal Windows installation.
You can use powershell, which is bundled with all windows computers, i.e.:
@echo off
powershell -Command "[ipaddress]::TryParse('',[ref][ipaddress]::Loopback)"
powershell -Command "[ipaddress]::TryParse('',[ref][ipaddress]::Loopback)"
powershell -Command "[ipaddress]::TryParse('2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334',[ref][ipaddress]::Loopback)"
powershell -Command "[ipaddress]::TryParse('20ddd01:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334',[ref][ipaddress]::Loopback)"
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 890
After some experimenting (and googling) I managed to write a function that checks the validity of an address with the help of Powershell.
The function asks for a variable name and a string (enclosed in quotes). If the string is a valid IP, the value of the variable is set to True
, else it's set to False
set "_ip="
call :checkip _result "%_ip%"
echo %_result%
set "_ip=::1/128"
call :checkip _result "%_ip%"
echo %_result%
set "_ip=Not an ip address"
call :checkip _result "%_ip%"
echo %_result%
goto :eof
set _var=%1
set _ip=%~2
set _prefixlenght=%_ip:*/=%
call set _ip=%%_ip:/%_prefixlenght%=%%
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%g in (`powershell -c "$ipaddrobj = [ipaddress]::Any ; if (!([ipaddress]::TryParse('%_ip%', [ref]$ipaddrobj))){if (!([ipaddress]::TryParse('%_ip%'.split(':')[0], [ref]$ipaddrobj))){return $false}} ; return $true"`) do (set _ipvalid=%%g)
endlocal & set %_var%=%_ipvalid%
goto :eof
The Powershell line is a readaptation of a Powershell function that I found here in a comment.
Upvotes: 12
Reputation: 18827
Here is an attempt with Vbscript using RegEx
to check both IPv4 or IPv6
Option Explicit
Dim Title,IP,Array_IP
Title = "Test the validity of an IP address IPv4 Or IPv6"
Array_IP = Array(_
For Each IP in Array_IP
If Is_Valid(IP) = True Then
Wscript.echo IP & " is a Valid IP Address"
Wscript.echo IP & " is Not a Valid IP Address"
End if
Wscript.sleep 20000
Function Is_Valid(ip)
Dim RegularExpressionObject
Set RegularExpressionObject = New RegExp
With RegularExpressionObject
.Pattern = "(^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$)|(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))"
.IgnoreCase = False
If .Test(ip)= True then
Is_Valid = True
end if
End With
End Function
Sub ForceCScriptExecution(Title)
Dim Arg, Str, cmd
cmd = "CMD /C Title " & Title &" & color 0A & Mode 80,30 & "
If Not LCase( Right( WScript.FullName, 12 ) ) = "\cscript.exe" Then
For Each Arg In WScript.Arguments
If InStr( Arg, " " ) Then Arg = """" & Arg & """"
Str = Str & " " & Arg
CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ).Run _
cmd & "cscript //nologo """ & _
WScript.ScriptFullName & _
""" " & Str
End If
End Sub
Batch File :
@echo off
Title Test the validity of an IP address IPv4 Or IPv6
set "_IP=1200:0000:AB00:1234:0000:2552:7777:1313"
Call :CheckIp "%_IP%" Validity
if [%Validity%] equ [0] (
color 0A
echo "%_IP%" is a valid ip
) else (
Color 0C
echo "%_IP%" is not a valid ip
set "_IP=192.168.500.300"
Call :CheckIp "%_IP%" Validity
if [%Validity%] equ [0] (
color 0A
echo "%_IP%" is a valid ip
) else (
Color 0C
echo "%_IP%" is not a valid ip
:CheckIP <IP> <Validity>
Set "VbsFile=%Temp%\%~n0.vbs"
echo WScript.Echo(Is_Valid("%~1"^)^)
echo Function Is_Valid(ip^)
echo Dim RegularExpressionObject
echo Set RegularExpressionObject = New RegExp
echo With RegularExpressionObject
echo .Pattern = "(^((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1?\d?\d)$)|(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))"
echo .IgnoreCase = False
echo If .Test(ip^)= True then
echo Is_Valid = 0
echo Else
echo Is_Valid = 1
echo End if
echo End With
echo End Function
@for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cscript //nologo "%VbsFile%"') do set "%2=%%a"
Exit /B
Upvotes: 6