Reputation: 1492
I am trying to get the secrets from google secret manager. As per documentation to access the secret, the entrypoint should be bash, but I've different entrypoint. Trying to figure out how I can get the secret in my step 'Create dataflow template'. Seems environment variable value is not accessible outside step.
- id: 'Pull dataflow-python3 docker image & load secrets'
name: '$PROJECT_ID/dataflow-python3:latest'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- '-c'
- |
git rev-parse --short HEAD > COMMIT_ID
commitId=$(cat COMMIT_ID)
echo "Project Id is $PROJECT_ID"
echo "Commit SHA is $COMMIT_SHA"
echo "Commit Id is ${commitId}"
echo "Secret key 'TEST' has value '$$TEST'"
secretEnv: ['TEST']
- id: "Activate virtual environment venv"
name: '$PROJECT_ID/dataflow-python3:latest'
entrypoint: '/bin/bash'
args: [ '-c', 'source /venv/bin/activate' ]
waitFor: ['-']
- id: "Create dataflow template"
name: '$PROJECT_ID/dataflow-python3:latest'
entrypoint: 'python'
- -m
- main
- --job_name=test-df
- --project=$PROJECT_ID
- --region=us-east1
- --template_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/templates/send-alert-template
- --staging_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/staging/
- --temp_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/temp/
- --runner=DataflowRunner
- --setup_file='./'
- --autoscaling_algorithm=NONE
secretEnv: ['TEST']
waitFor: [
'Pull dataflow-python3 docker image & load secrets',
'Activate virtual environment venv'
- versionName: projects/my-project/secrets/TEST/versions/latest
env: 'TEST'
Value passed in Dataflow Pipeline
Secret value:
Upvotes: 0
Views: 2207
Reputation: 1524
The code offered by @guillaume blaquiere will work, but the root cause of the issue is the entrypoint
, as mentioned in Configuring builds to access the secret from Secret Manager:
In the build step where you want to specify the secret:
- Add an entrypoint field pointing to bash to use the bash tool in the build step. This is required to refer to the environment variable for the secret.
- Add a secretEnv field specifying the environment variable.
- In the args field, add a -c flag as the first argument. Any string you pass after -c is treated as a command. For more information on running bash commands with -c, see the bash documentation.
- When specifying the secret in the args field, specify it using the environment variable prefixed with $$.
In your example you use:
entrypoint: 'python'
- -m
The entrypoint
is not bash
and the first arg is not set the flag -c
This also happens with the example of Guillaume:
- name: ''
entrypoint: "echo"
- $$TEST
secretEnv: ['TEST']
The entrypoint is not bash
, but in his first example it is.
On the other hand, in the solution offered, the entry point is bash
and the first arg is the flag -c
, so this will work:
- id: "Create dataflow template"
name: '$PROJECT_ID/dataflow-python3:latest'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- -c
- python main \
--job_name=test-df \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--region=us-east1 \
--template_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/templates/send-alert-template \
--staging_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/staging/ \
--temp_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/temp/ \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--setup_file='./' \
--autoscaling_algorithm=NONE \
secretEnv: ['TEST']
waitFor: [
'Pull dataflow-python3 docker image & load secrets',
'Activate virtual environment venv'
The solution is accurate but the reason is the entrypoint
and the first flag -c
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 75810
I tested in different configuration and the behavior is "consistent" with the env parameter in Cloud Build. In fact you can't use env
or secretEnv
like a substitution variables.
The env
and secretEnv
are only available in the execution context of the command, not in the configuration of the command.
That means:
and secretEnv
or secretEnv
in the args of a step, it doens't work.But it's subtil
Here is the context of the the execution of BASH command -> Work
- name: ''
entrypoint: "bash"
- -c
- echo $$TEST
secretEnv: ['TEST']
Here in argument of the step echo -> Don't work
- name: ''
entrypoint: "echo"
- $$TEST
secretEnv: ['TEST']
So to fix your problem, do this
- id: "Create dataflow template"
name: '$PROJECT_ID/dataflow-python3:latest'
entrypoint: 'bash'
- -c
- python main \
--job_name=test-df \
--project=$PROJECT_ID \
--region=us-east1 \
--template_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/templates/send-alert-template \
--staging_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/staging/ \
--temp_location=gs://my-project-dataflow-templates/test-alerts-template/temp/ \
--runner=DataflowRunner \
--setup_file='./' \
--autoscaling_algorithm=NONE \
secretEnv: ['TEST']
waitFor: [
'Pull dataflow-python3 docker image & load secrets',
'Activate virtual environment venv'
Upvotes: 1